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Sunday, August 20, 2023

August 20, 2023

One year ago today: August 20, 2022, a single marigold.
Five years ago today: August 20, 2018, for the 150th time.
Nine years ago today: August 20, 2014, buckwheat.
Random years ago today: August 20, 2004, Churchill’s speech.

           Here come more mask mandates. Pegged for mid-September. Why would the D-party do this when they know there will be massive resistance this time? Easy, because Trump has already won the 2024 and the cheaters can’t come up with new voting scams. We already talked about this, the Democrat party is no good at innovation. They have no choice but to fall back on their kindergarten level schemes—but this time they are exposed. Their cheating only works when the races are close and they can tip the balance with a few hundred thousand votes. But Trump is too far ahead (something like 40% ahead of the nearest competition) that they can’t win.
           So do they wise up? Nope, they go back to masks. Why? Because with masks they can demand mail-in voting. But this time, they have to use mail-ins on such a massive scale it is not going to work. But, being unable to come up with anything new, they are going to try it all over again. Hold my beer and pass the popcorn. I calculate (offhandedly) that the bad guys will have to cheat by 20 million mail-in votes this time and they can’t afford it.

           Trouble from the Luna-25 lander, but Russia hasn’t said what. It’s our reminder that something like 85% of Russian probes fail. And that even 60 years into the Space Race, the systems are far from perfected. The targeted Moon area is the South Pole, which is at the top when you look up in the sky at it. The reason is this part of the body is always in partial shade, while the rest of the surface is baking hot or freezing cold. India also has a lander due to touch down on Wednesday. But being India, it is likely just a copy of some European mission.
           Today is the 46th anniversary of the Voyager 2 launch (1977). Weighing over 1,500 pounds, the craft completed outer planetary flybys and discovered moons around Neptune. In 2018, it passed into interstellar space, still functioning but running out of fuel needed to “puff” the structure to keep the antenna pointed at Earth. It carried lots of instruments but only has the power left to run one at a time. Nobody knew at launch time it was the peak of NASA’s true mission of exploration. It’s all downhill and featherbedding after that.

           I can’t get underway today, it’s a lazy Florida atmosphere. Let’s see what got past my news filters. Okay, CNN is panicked over the Trump debate issue. I remember a while back when their top execs and FOX as well begged Trump to attend. Trump may send Kari Lake in his place—she can set any known libtard in his place and she don’t put up with gender shit. Both my red cardinal birdies are back. Mrs. Downey continues to feed on her own. The other regular visitors are the titmouse. Still no squirrels seen, but there are signs.
           Hinges and hardware give me a rough time, The latest box went okay, but I seem to have run out of brass pull latches. Those are the ones you see on trunks that have a wire loop that fits over a knurl and pulls the lid shut as shown in this photo. They come in all manner of designs, but I like this plain model, or an even simpler one without a lock hole. The snag is these should cost $3 a pair. Finding a supply is not so easy and if you need one right this instant, Grainger has them for $13 each.

           The weather was so unsettled I could not start any outdoor projects. Instead it was in the shed. I think that router table I have is not a good design. Somehow it always gets slightly out of alignment and other issues. For the heck of it, always check the highest price items first and that means a visit to Rockler. My wish list says to get something that is easy to set up and then stays set up.
           Another thing about a private workshed is, and you don’t need to know this, I can and do work small projects in my undershorts. Say if I need something painted or sanded, I regularly lounge in my ginch on hot days. Well, I can stroll out to the shed without being seen and on days like today, I was out there four hours in that garb. With power tools, I suit up, but for fitting hinges and oiling tools, stay comfortable.

           Curiosity had me watch a video on what I now know is the rotary A/C compressor. It works on an impellor, which I call a Wankel sometimes. Here’s another video that goes through how the parts work, like most electronic stuff, it makes sense after you’ve made mistakes or know what everything is already. Speaking of learning, there is a school that teaches dovetail jointing. Ever heard of Azle, Texas? It’s 992 miles from here.

Picture of the day.
Baghdad airport armored bus service.
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           The rusted firepit thingee is getting a coat of white paint. Because I’m out of black. The plan is to make it into a planter for the species that need most attention. That involves moving them if need be. I took a break at 2:00PM, it looks to me like Trump is waltzing all over the field, there isn’t even any competition to speak of. Sure enough, the Democrats are saying the true reason Trump may not attend the debate is because he is afraid to face the horridly fat Christie person. Yeah, afraid maybe that Christie will eat him. Most Americans know the debates are prepared questions and prepared answers.
           I last watched the debates in the 2000 season, paying only half attention. Not one candidate was asked anything about the already serious illegal immigrant problem. Both parteies in the end ran their entire campaigns as if it was not an issue. But the most inane issue is the number of trolls that have appeared, all harping in the same issue. That you should not vote for Trump because he “didn’t keep his promise to drain the swamp”. Like all he had to do was snap his fingers. Them bozos get nowhere, I’m mentioning only their number and how they appear in swarms.

           The best ones to read are the half-tards who take it personal. You just know they are getting paid or something, the way they go on that their vote was “stolen” because Trump let them down personally. That’s how it comes across, that one day Trump decided being rich and famous was not enough. To fulfill his goal in life, he had to piss off some small fry. So he connived to get elected by lying, only so he could let these people down. He could have cured cancer, drained the swamp, and stopped inflation, but no. His purpose was to get their goat.
           America’s airlines now have a new class of passenger that’s below economy. It’s called 3D seating (I think) and rumor is they will pack 900 people onto each jumbo jet. I propose they call it “steerage” and pack the bottom row with fat chicks for ballast.

           Want another idea that will go nowhere? Y’day at the mall store, I balked at many of the book and magazine prices. Myself and many magazine readers, including on-line, notice the cycle of repetition. Many topics seem to have a service interval. I’d only be guessing, but PopSci does their zeppelin article every three years and the flying car every four. My point is that if you don’t get the absolute current issue of the magazine, you are not missing much in the long run. We know they print enough magazines to cover their circulation plus some extras. What happens to those extras?
           That’s the idea. Not “People” magazine that sells for $4.99. More like Time magazine which is $10 a copy these days. Set up an on-line shop that sells month-old or last previous issue magazines for $2 a copy. They probably would not let you, but the idea is just a kernel.

           The slack day allowed me time to go over the new music material, most of which I do not like. However, that does not stop me from doing the best job I can. I have a process to tackle guitar music with light-weight bass lines (which is most of them). Give it time and eventually the best way to “grab” the song will emerge. I’ve already discovered Merle’s music lends itself to what I call “pushing” (but I don’t really have a name for it). This is where I play the two-note bass lines with super-strict timing, but a fraction of a second ahead of the beat.
           It is barely perceptible even if you know to listen and its purpose is to draw attention not to the bass line, but to the importance of the bass line. The Hippie used to hate it because it is mechanically exact, or “piano” exact, to an ear-grabbing perfection that even the most show-off guitarists struggle with. The trick is to find one who appreciates it.
           Thus, just a few days into the process, the bass parts are coming together—remember, I am mostly playing exactly what you hear on the original. I have several ways of making the bass sound like it is double-timing during refrains in the songs, also hard to describe. This may sound aggressive to some, but that’s like saying only the guitar player has the right to do as best he can. If the Prez keeps up the good work, our parts will be complementary. He was somewhat knocked for six when he saw the bass line could keep going with or without his guitar. At the same time he realized that opens many possibilities. In about a week, this new music will have bass lines sharing an equal voice with what a week ago was almost purely guitar music.

Last Laugh