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Monday, August 28, 2023

August 28, 2023

One year ago today: August 28, 2022, quiet repairs.
Five years ago today: August 28, 2018, rambling & generic.
Nine years ago today: August 28, 2014, pretty red wing.
Random years ago today: August 28, 2004, there’s still a few.

           Hmmm, we got us a short in the bedroom outlets. Right after the long slow rain, and I’m not in a mood to go hunting for the issue. Nor does my gasoline bill give any cheer, it is now $70 to tank up. Biden is again pushing for taxes on unrealized capital gains. America is wholesale declaring they will not obey any Democrat mask mandates as the masks are a clear political move. Here’s a shaky shot of a lucky bird. The cardinal feed contains cracked pieces but every so often, a big treat gets through. Here’s a sparrow (or sparrow-like birdie) scoring what looks like an entire peanut. He got the whole thing in his beak, then hauls ass out of there fast.
           Sometimes you just have to give credit where there is extraordinary effort, even when it is over something you don’t appreciate. Enter Island Hopper TV, no link. A twenty minute travel clip which I watched because it stated prices, which is rare, about Iceland. The real exertion was creating video of that length in Europe’s last remaining “blonde” country with out ever showing a young, together babe.

           Not one shot of a sexy, single girl, and that includes a trip to a spa, a museum, walking through the capital city, and a tour of their “Golden Circle”. That required supreme exertion and eagle-eyed attention at the editing table to not even show a gal in the background. Every shot and angle was carefully checked to ensure the woman had children or was holding hands with a male of similar age, always well over 24. There is the odd glimpse of a women alone, but only from a distance, from the back, and in a bulky parka.
           Having extra time due to a successful music rehearsal, I purposely tried to find any photos or videos of young, slim Icelandic women. This led directly to porn and lesbian sites that could not be filtered out. I concluded that in Iceland, women are born at least 24 years old, gender neutral, and except for the obvious sleazes, at least forty pounds overweight. A filter on their Olympic team featured female weightlifters and the category “cheerleaders” produced lpictures of bruiser-looking women like this as “high school students”. I even tried to view the site for “Miss Iceland” and got an article that she quit after being told to lose weight. It’s like a page from America—why improve when it’s easier to shame others for everything?

           Thanks to Boost, I was on the library computer and things are not looking great for my trip this fall. The gasoline will eat up $1060 of the $1400 slated for the entire journey. I’m examining alternatives such as staying away an extra two weeks so the next month’s income becomes available. Or dipping in to reserves which I’m loathe to do in these inflationary times. I used library time to send off e-mails including clips of the recent music progress. Let me calculated something. Okay I’m back. Alright, 71% of the people on my regular mailing list are musicians or entertainers. For that matter, those who are not in the music trade are rare enough that you’ve heard me mention them by name. JZ, Alaine, Agt. M, and such.
           I reviewed the song lists and progress like a good band manager, and we are already over the preliminaries. The work is still fun, those are the details you have to watch for. There’s plenty of unrealistic concepts of band work out there. That’s one of the reasons I push for momentum. The doldrums are a deal-breaker if you slacken, but the tightrope is not to shove forward either. The Prez was eagerly pleased with the sound of Merle, now arranged for acoustic and bass. I took the time to show him that I was playing strictly what Haggard recorded—except for several “anchor riffs”. Think of those as short patterns of two to four notes that act as reset points to remind where we are. It wards off getting “lost in the groove” because you can rely on them wo get back on queue. They’ve been very popular lately.
           This last picture is a still from the video that appears below. It shows the master switch inside the red shed that must be thrown before the lights and outlets outside in the scooter lean to can be powered up. I should have been taking a break but decided to complete the wiring in the lean-to so I can quit using it for storage, maybe move a couple power tools into the area. It now has eight available plugs and is a more pleasant area to work than the saw shed.

Picture of the day.
Odd numbers to 100.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           We are sitting at 96°F and I’m feeling lazy enough to crawl back in the sack and call it a day. That’s not really an option since I’ve already put on the laundry, watered the plants, refilled the birdfeeders, and moved some electrical gear into place. Why can’t I have complete days off like everybody else in my category? In fact, I swear some of them take months off. The budget also got some attention but sit-down activity does not count later in life. It’s movement that keeps you young and going and a bit of a legend on the music stage, where wise-cracks like that infuriate the hell out of one’s jealous detractors.
           What about that budget? Gasoline hurts, and I don’t drive that much. Not even enough lately to get the scooter running, and most of my trips double up all my chores so there is no loss overall. Miami and back is $120, or about twice the price these days. Utilities have soared, averagine $208 up from $161, most of it electricity. Groceries are stable because I cook and bake, but no foolin’ sooner or later it will get me, since I hear from all angles others complaining about the cost. Then again, when I shop, I notice the bread aisle is eight times the size of the flour and yeast section.

           Three hours of the grunge part of electrical. That’s what I did, crawling in the dirt and pulling wire between the sheds. A “propitious” cloud cover incentivized me to get the red shed wiring finished, and this entails more than throwing in a new breaker. In fact, that’s the one part that did not get done because I had no 20-amp spares. The outlets and shed up to its distribution point are wired for 20 amps, after that it is 15 amp. I’ve more than once used this method to ensure things are upgradeable. I looked up the calorie count on this work, it says only 133 per hour. (You might like this calorie burn site, it calculates by age, height, and sex. Compare that to 134 calories per hour playing bass standing up.
           It felt like 250 calories per hour, since I had to continually sit and stand to run the power lines and the lighting was overhead. I’m past the age where I can spring to my feet, in fact, getting up from sitting right down on the floor or ground feels like a major effort. But the shed was overdue, we may need it for band practice because we are NOT going to rehearse in the house where the equipment is always in the way between sessions The shed is dry and has that air conditioner, though I plan to also install a nice fan system The exterior of the shed is deteriorated tin siding, but bolstered by a new stud system 2-foot on-center, and a super dry roof.

           The video clip shows the 20-amp wiring and outlets that feed the working area. The shelves have been removed to get at the studs. The area is very well-lit and the intention is this wall gets most of the usage because it has the most outlets. Three of them, all intended to be used with power bars if need be. I found my dipshit Beringer mixer that says six channels but it is actually 2-1/2 and comes with the most inconvenient and heavy power supply I’ve ever owned. It is so heavy the “lightweight” mixer has to be fastened or even the weight of the connecting cable will drag it off the table.
           What I don’t like is the concrete floor and that is also where the metal siding is in the worst shape. I don’t have much choice. It is also the best concrete floor I’ve got. I needed that music space on day one, but the lack of outlets, lighting, and A/C kept it used for storage and I’m throwing a lot of stuff out as priorities change.

           Today so far had me out there walking just a half-hour, but hey, it’s like a sauna so my shoulders and hips feel just fine. This is walking near the library, not to be mixed up with the work that I did later in the day, as described above. Power walking in the heat, where if I have arthritis, it is banished by the heat and humidity. It was a good Qlk but I should have been taking a break. I’ll know by tomorrow if I overdid it—but I needed that walk. In the end, I did not get that break until almost 9:00PM after dark. The sky reminded me of this photo, it is taken of the Earth as seen from Mars.
           Not being fooled that I had energy. Nope, I grabed a coffee, I grabbed a good book, this one on lists. If I find anything interesting, you’ll know. I was really after any intermediate-level projects out there utilizing PWM, our old friend pulse width modulation. I could pass any exam on it but have never built a meaningful project. On-line is a disappointment. It’s all beginner’s material. Dim a light, slow a motor, set a servo. Yep, no depth found on the Internet, and that demo I did of Synthesia? It won’t let you do a second demo with the same e-mail. And the blurb contains terms not made clear, like you would be limited to six “slides”. And no “mix”.
           Let me read the list on geography. Seven hills of Rome, who cares? State flower, meh. The mockingbird is claimed by five states. Here’s something, the Seven Seas. Six are easy, the North Sea, the Mediterranian, the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic. That’s seas, not oceans. What is the seventh sea? It isn’t there, it is the collection of water around Poland, Turkey, Greece, and the Arabian peninsula. So it would include the Aegean, Red Sea, Black Sea, and the Baltic. That brings me up to siesta time, catch you later.
Last Laugh