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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

August 29, 2023

One year ago today: August 29, 2022, debunking vs pre-bunking?
Five years ago today: August 29, 2018, the Plant City bar fight.
Nine years ago today: August 29, 2014, got music, Arduino, peanuts.
Random years ago today: August 29, 2007, the marketing expert.

           7:07AM and the cardinals want breakfast. I’m growing inclined to think I have a cowbird in the loop. That’s what we used to call birds that laid eggs in other nests and tricked the parents into feeding them well past fledgling stage. The intrusive hatchlings would instinctively squirm and shove the natural young out of the nest. I finally got this video, which is about the best can be done. The strange bird is now nearly full grown and these scenes reveal how the cardinals still favor and tolerate it.
           You’ll have to peer, but the dark bird shows all kinds of little baby behavior, such as the gaping maw and shaking feathers as if it cannot yet fly. And, it only feeds on the far side when daddy isn’t looking. If you know what this is about, leave a comment. I won’t interfere with nature but I prefer the cardinals to other birds in the yard.

           End of August is also the anniversary of many of our annual business contracts, so the Reb & I were on the phone. We have two underused services, our mail box and an 800 line. These and similar items are bills she pays out of my account. Thusforth, she is more aware of price increases and these services may soon be terminated. Those two alone have gone up from $240 per year to nearly $600 with no increase in quality or service. Don’t talk to me about inflation, in a true capitalist economy, prices would always go down. Another service in the scope is the business line, which has Boost is the provider.
           We both seek an alternative to Boost, but around here everything else is a two-year contract. Boost markets your usage, you know. How do we know? Because the telemarket calls dwindle to nothing unless the Reb calls me. Then you get two days of nonsense from people pretending to be Medicare replete with spoofed Maryland area codes.

           I have several excellent audio clips of the Prez & I. They show his bluegrass influence and the effect can be quite novel—but in the 15 years since Google took over Blogspot, they’ve never added the audio feature. And I hesitate to use a third-party app, and Google already does enough mucking around with the formula as it is. They are the simple sounds of one guitar and one bass, with the vocals as we rehearse some slight harmony thirds. The effect is quite danceable for those not demanding full a orchestra before they’ll react. Our sound is getting a little polish by now. Just you watch, this causes a flood of guitarists who realized we’d make a deadly back-up band. If we were so inclined.
           Yes, I drove too long y’day and my system says whoa, but I want to tackle the rest of the electrical while I have the tools laid out. Meanwhile, it is still coffee time so let’s view the news. Australian banks demanding an explanation when customers want to withdraw money. Biden intends to push the new shot despite mass announcements of non-compliance. Somebody just blew up the Presidential palace in Khartoum (Sudan). And Biden must be shitting his pants as the deleted videos of Trump in Fulton hit the airwaves. Not just the total support, but the way he moves in through crowds where Biden would not dare show his face.
           The 91-count indictment of Trump flops as facts emerge that Democrats have repeatedly done the same dirty deeds repeatedly, and Trump popularity climbs toward untouchable levels. It was the Democrats who slipped in the little law that anyone indicted could not appear on a ballot, but it was the couch potatoes who did not spot the trick and allowed it past.

           Papaya lore. If you twist them off just as they turn yellow, they may not be yellow at all. You leave them on the counter to ripen, and they do not ripen. They show signs of spoiling. So I cut one open just to see. The entire pith is white and hard like apple. It’s inedible, so I saved the seeds and trashed the pulp.

Picture of the day.
Swiss museum of electronics.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Dang, I got half an hour of work done and sat down for a minute. Told ya, my physiology said don’t get back up again. Check back in a couple of hours. I’m back in fine form. I cleaned up the shed, finished the laundry, rigged up a drill caddy, cleaned some lumber, and wound up over at the neighbor’s for Gunsmoke Tuesday. A term that the Reb finds highly “Boomer”. I’ll have you know this is all new viewing to me. Tonight, Festus got tried for murder and sentenced to hang. It was fine programming, the only part I figured out was the wife-lady was in on it. That’s darn good scripting for the 1960s, or whatever.
           The flash storm earlier may have been an arm of the current hurricane. I worked through, I got soaked but that’s about as serious as I’m taking it unless it landfalls pretty darn close. Instead of worrying like the radio stations think you should., I went over the books for the lates band, which consists of a guitar player. I’m looking at four Sundays at the pavilion, depending on results, finding a dead slot at Kooters. I’ve slated five more rehearsals, four “paid practices” and a potential first gig which is a secret at this time.

           Shellac. I don’t get results anything like they show in the videos. I applied layer to the interior of my latest box to experiment. What am I doing wrong? Let’s find out. Here is a picture of the progress. It applies like a stain or a weak paint, but leaves streaks and does not make an even coating no matter how careful you brush. Concurrently, I examined the joinery I’m using. Part of the rough results seems to be the poor quality of the lumber I’m using. Pallet lumber. The joints are cut into the ends, that is, across the grain.
           Inspection tells me to go over the shellac with super fine sandpaper and apply a second coat. Shown here, you can see the brush marks even where care was taken to move along the grain. Obviously I goofed up but not where the flat wood is showing streaks. If the rain keeps up tomorrow, I’ll get into the shed and after this. Here is a view of the new 12/2 (yellow) cable supplying the red shed and scooter lean-to.
           I think the solution to the pallet lumber joinery is to make a jig for box joints. What’s held me back is not having a dado blade. I think if I spring for one generic size and use that until I gain some skill level, it will make progress toward my short-term goal of making boxes to a predetermined size. Right now, every box is a one-off.

           The hot and humid Florida thing has limbered up my shoulders, feels great. It’s a reminder the roof on the white shed has never been properly repaired, and the gaps between the buildings produce interesting leak patterns. The gulf hurricane, other than providing pablum for the radio stations, has an arm that’s swinging the rain inland. She’s wet out there but it brings a big reduction in temperature, meaning we are still working and that’s the cycle of Florida they don’t tell you. By their rules, I should be riding around the electric cart and watching the weather channel instead of just opening the door and looking outside. I’m almost finished my audio-book about the ebola thing, I’ll tell you why it’s taking so long.
           Because once you are around 2/3 finished the book, it goes leftoid and gets worse by the chapter. Up to now, you’re led to think it is an action story, with the good guys using the latest exo-skeletons to mow down the darkies. By disk 7 of 8, it becomes a dreary attempt to educate you about African problems and how the world should pump trillions more dollars into the place. Keep trying to civilize a continent that does not even like you. One hypocritical theme is how they portray diversity is good for you, but not for them. Each African tribe should have their own “homeland’. And how disappearing minor African languages are a threat to mankind’s common heritage blah-blah.

           This close-up is the label a can of solder flux that dried out on me. I wanted to loosen it up, since the ingredients are necessarily inert, why not “wet” it with anything I have that is also inert. That’s why I read the label and saw they do not list the flux mix itself. It is more a warning label of what is toxic, that is, metal chlorides and bismuth. Bismuth is a cousin of arsenic and is only harmful in large doses. I think they use bismuth in lipstick. I mixed the lumpy paste with soybean oil from some Vitamin E beauty gunk and it seems to work fine.
           Anybody who says it can’t rain 3/10ths of an inch in 200 seconds does not live in Florida. I just discovered the presence of the saw canopy has cause a new watercourse, and it is right down the path I need to dash to the house during a cloudburst. So, nature-lover that I am, I decided to stay under the scooter canopy and take inventory. The result is we have to drive to town on Friday, unless you need brake fluid. We have two bottles of it, dated 2015.
           Around midnight the gulf storm began plastering this area with globs of rain. Without the wind, it’s not considered a hurricane, so put on the coffee and get a good book. The worst part of these storms is usually a power outage. Even the worst storms let up for a few minutes every twenty or so. I sometimes set out extra food for the birdies and found they love leftover macaroni. I figured spaghetti is the same, so I gave them a helping. Funny, they picked out and ate only the tomato sauce, leaving the noodles. That’s your blog for this Tuesday.

Last Laugh