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Thursday, August 31, 2023

August 31, 2023

One year ago today: August 31, 2022, surprisingly close.
Five years ago today: August 31, 2018, a government education.
Nine years ago today: August 31, 2014, that’s per month.
Random years ago today: August 31, 2007, my early MP3 days.

           It must have been quite the overnight, there was 3-2/10ths” of rain and I’ve go birds huddled under the feeder. Let’s do an e-mail check and grab a hot chocolate, the go-to remedy for this atmosphere. It's just how it is done here, rain = coffee, and that is that. It’s Lem, he may have a battery mower for the Reb. He has to check it isn’t an electric, that yard is long and narrow. I don’t want her pulling 100-foot extension cables around. That’s my job. Later, we got another mini-storm, here is the total shown by the rain gauge. Expect some shed work today, it’s not as if all work can be done in there. One still has to walk outside regularly and who wants to get soaked?
           The Prez is okay with driving here if I get the shed cleared enough for rehearsal, let’s see what this afternoon is like. (Not for practice, for clearing the shed.) Everything in there, such as my extra speakers, has to go somewhere else and the silo is already full. He’s asking the right questions and hitting the right barriers, so I know he’s doing the homework. Reviewing the recordings, I now spot how his bluegrass experience buts a slight accent on everything—but that only means I adapt. It’s a novelty, think of Earl Scruggs meets Creedence. It don’t matter, the goal is getting out there and it may not be long now.

           Whaddaya know, the D-party is resorting to the same old tricks that they’ve been using for decades. Nothing new from their direction, but boy-oh-boy, you should see the backlash. People are preparing for mass boycotts of any institution, particularly businesses and hospitals, that try to enforce a mask or lockdown. This time around, people are aware it is not a law, it does not work, that they are in the majority, and the COVID is just the seasonal flu. What’s more, using their own laws against them, Trump can now openly advise public non-compliance. And his followers number over a hundred million.
           The irony is they manipulated the law to get Trump but protect their own, but politicians are no match of the American businessman. What’s more, the boycott is most likely to hurt their own supporters, so that overshadows all their other problems. They are still trying false arrests, piling charges on people with full press coverage, then saying nothing once the charges are dropped. This is shaping up to be a real showdown. Pass the popcorn.

           Strange incidents. It’s probably nothing, but around 8:25AM some man’s voice in the distant north east started yelling “Fraymo”. My guess is four blocks away, every 30 seconds or so. After about 15 minutes, people were yelling back to shut up. Around 10 more minutes and there was a police car slowly driving in that direction, obviously looking for the guy. The noise finally stopped but by now his racket had the whole side of town boiled up. This is a quiet residential neighborhood and there are laws against disturbing the peace. Wait, I hear more commotion. Stand by.
           A few small groups standing in the street, talking. Nobody knows and as usual in this area, all will be hushed up. Odds are whatever the trouble, it’s people from the other side of Highway 17 who have no business in this area. If I find out, I’ll post, but normally there is noting but gossip. My bank account shows a small month’s end surplus again, today we see about buying a depth marker. It’s about fitting those hinges, which I would like to spend the day doing. In the end, I wound up working on boxes and such, here is the latest box now with a layer of shellac and a chain to hold the li
d open.
           “Elektra”. So far, not a winner. I, for one, am weary of the Japanese shinto priest thing and the one-more-job plot. She’s a bit like the current James Bond. Talent aside, a little too short and squat, bow-legged, and a bit funny looking. Jennifer Garder was in her mid-30s at filming time, so I’ll cut her some slack. But please, not so many close-ups of those creases.

Picture of the day.
The Frank slide, Canada.
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           I’m almost finished the audio book KKKKK and no, don’t bother. The recording is well-made but it’s a set up. Toward the end they think they’ve got you channelized into listening to the woes of Africa. And it’s a slimy path. Diversity is good for Europe, but each African tribe must have it’s own nation. Africa was a peace-loving and benign until Europeans arrived is the implication, the European institutions corrupted Africa. That is, it isn’t the screwed up way the African took those down to their level at fault. Why it is western medicine at fault that the Africans think they can cure AIDs by raping a virgin. I’m on the last disk, so I’ll play it out. I don’t like being played like that, it’s like the latest spate of religion movies.
           The bigger vice is now mounted where it can handle pieces up to twelve feet long. Remind me, I still have to get up on the roof and patch that final spot where things can leak. It took this storm to bring it into focus. I was stranded in the shed three hours Another box got some finishing work, it also turned out quite nice, so I’m going to find a better use for it than storing sandpaper. Here it is with the lid cracked as I peek at the sheets inside. I suppose I’m getting somewhat better at this finishing because the boxes look nicer now.

           Thinking through the trade-off between lumber quality and joints, the logical conclusion is to make a box-joint jig and use that for the bulk of the projects. Leaving the library in a lull in the rain, I got here and put on the coffee to think this through. We still have that big router from 2003, the one used really just the once to cut the toothpick display acrylic. Then I did not know the release latch would not work unless the blade was backed off just a bit, so I wrecked that part. Nonetheless, it is a powerful big router that has not earned its keep. I found plans for a dedicated table and jig to cut box joints only. One size.
           So, what should that size be? Most boxes shown have 3/4" lumber—but that is not most of the boxes and joints I build. That would be the utility boxes that use pallet lumber and it is closer to a big 1/2” thick. Watching the videos, the larger cuts are quicker and the smaller ones look nicer and stronger. Since I have to decide before commencing (see photo below) I’ll compromise with a 3/8” partially because I have that router bit unused and brand new.

           The router is quite large and I never did like that ring system for changing the depth. It was the first router I ever used, and of course, there was nobody to help choose. That is not the original base plate. The plan is a simple mounting where I’ll fix the blade in place once and leave it. The cutting jig will fit flat across the top with slots to guide the workpieces over a single peg, you can find these how-to videos all over the Internet.

           Here’s something real. It’s well in the early stages of my writings, so it’s not posted, but I have independent predictions of my own death. Like so, when I was traveling overseas, I would often randomly stop and have my fortune read. These are independent episodes, sometime years apart and by parties that do not know each other. For example, the two clearest reponses were once in Mexico City and again years later in Delhi. I ask the question, “When and how will I die.”
           There were variations but their was consistency that I will die at age 71 in my sleep from a nosebleed. Now, 71 is not as far away as it used to be. And guess what? I’ve been having nosebleeds, but usually after some harsh event like a sneeze or blowing too hard. Today for the first time, there was no trigger. I was reading and felt a mild warm sensation. Possibly not enough to awaken me had I been asleep. Well, instantly my mind played out all kinds of scenarios. It could be nothing but this is not exactly a reassuring health event.

           Here is the Naslaa Rock, located in Saudi Arabia. It is unexplained. Somebody or something cut it in half 4,000 years ago. I think we all know that the superior Arabian mind, politics, lifestyle, religion, society, and culture is so advanced over anything White that they have long solved this mystery. They’ve kept it a secret for 4,000 years because they know Europeans cannot handle the truth. The Arabs only want us to think they’ve left the thing sitting there for 4,000 with a clue. When they herd goats around it, that is just a ruse to lull you along another 4,000 years. Don’t you know they are guarding it’s secrets? Those camels they drew on the sides of the rock? Camouflage.
           How about another billion-dollar idea? I don’t know chemistry, but I do know that there is a big market for the cheapest possible computer printer ink. Why has nobody come out with a super cheap black ink? The big companies obviously do not want such a product now that they’ve established consumers will pay almost as much for black ink as color, which is kind of duh. Anyway, I’m no chemist but I know there is some cheaper way to produce black ink. I also know about alternative patenting.
           That’s where a big company finds a cheaper way and patents it so nobody else can use it. But we know the ink market now outlasts even maximum patent periods. I’ve considered that bookbinders and publishers would have the same interest. And those already in the business would want it to be more expensive to print say, a 100 page book, than to buy it. I say the application of brains and willpower could produce a product that works at $5 per cartridge and the reason it hasn’t happened is nobody has thought it through. The cartridges used to be refillable but that industry has, so to speak, dried up. They probably have a way to stop people from duplicating the cartridge shape.

Last Laugh