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Friday, September 1, 2023

September 1, 2023

One year ago today: September 1, 2022, first & last deed.
Five years ago today: September 1, 2018, first & last hot dogs.
Nine years ago today: September 1, 2014, first & last Chili’s.
Random years ago today: September 1, 2004, Mars happy face.

           After half a century, I still regard September as the month I should be back in school. Makes me wonder if I’m confusing education with knowledge. Yes, I’m aware that these blogs posted from the library appear in a smaller font. I’ve tried and there is no easy way to fix that. I’m a step closer to an avatar blog. The Prez is putting in the time and the Caltier site is acting up or I’d check what the disbursement was last month. We’re hoping for another 1%. JZ called, sicker than a dog. He got another booster shot. You cannot change people who’ve drunk the COVID kool-aid, so don’t even try.
           He needs specific help with that new e-mail account. This is why I’ve warned people against listening to latecomers in the computer game. They have no depth of knowledge, they basically know how to log on and follow screen directions. That’s not who you want to teach you about the modern world. He has no service at home, he’s seen how I would zip over to Dunkin Donuts and does not realize that is a different log-on procedure for which nobody else in his circle can possibly help him and they know it. When he goes over there, they just show him how they log on at their place, duh—they don’t have a clue about the protocols. So, I shall try to walk him through it over the phone. As usual, once he gets it, he’ll never let go.

           Here’s the promised view of the avocado, with resplendent leaves. It would seem once they sprout, they like the environment. The remaining seeds have shown little inclination to get underway. We are still drying out after the storm so no exciting band pictures and no adventures beyond yard work. On the other hand, there’s more to a day around here than cable re-runs. I’ve dug out those old piece of tongue & groove plank and sawn through to see what I have. It seems good quality, if old. I intend to see if the lock miter bit works better on this quality of lumber. If so, that admits to me the pallet wood is best left to box joints, which I described y’day.
           News. The Democrats are pressing charges against the lawyers to gave advice to Trump. Little could better define how the left has spent decades creeping into the legal system to pull this kind of thing off. America remembers how many times they denied the election results in 2016 and now they accuse Trump of the same. Most Americans see where this is going, but there is a unique factor facing the outcome if Trump is harmed.
This situation has arisen untold times in history, but this is the first time the population is better armed than the government. And I do believe the bulk of the military would not obey orders to suppress armed civilians and, in fact, would change sides.

           Let’s talk papaya. Around half the last harvest did ripen. As soon as they got soft, I put them in the fridge, where over the next few days they did turn orange and sweet. The others (I’ll get you a picture) have set in the same space for a week now without ripening. I have enough that I can cut one open every other day to take a look. This morning, for breakfast, I had a 16 oz papaya and almond milk smoothie. Don’t expect regular repeats, the ripening pattern seems random and I have work to do. Here’s the papaya picture.

           Up so early gave me time to run over the current song list. It isn’t the music, but the presentation that is the challenge here. The Prez is doing fine playing rhythm so the focal point shifts to how well we put on the show. Ah, but music is it’s own hobby, there is an upcoming big weekend. And we have more to look forward to than standing around a barbeque drinking canned beer. Heck no, we stand around that barbeque playing guitars. Dude, take your pick.

           Along with noon, the humidity shot up meaning we are probably not over this storm yet. Trent reports only rain in Jacksonville, so I’d say the storm passed there to the west. I’d like to work in the shed but I hear the lightning approaching already, this time from the northwest, a little unusual in these parts. The rain has not totaled over six inches and still coming down in sheets. But far from the worst it’s been. So I tackled a known stumbling block in old bands. There was a tune already ancient when I was born, called “Kansas City”. It was a standard.
           So much a standard that every band played in differently. In the original, there were no stops or turnarounds and it did not “do a Clapton” during the verses. Disagreements on the best way to play this are so common I called it a phase and here, after all these years, we see that tune again. Since I don’t sing, I deal with this by just playing a generic “6” bass riff and charting how the other guy does things until I memorize it. In fact, let me play it a few times now as a break. Okay, I’m back. Even played “Long-Haired Country Boy”.

Picture of the day.
Scotland, I think.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Returning from downtown with $71 worth of lumber. Enough to finish the shed and the saw work area. With my nice new haircut and the remainder of the day off. This is too comfortable, now some liberal is going to come along and bust things up. My computer is acting up. So, let’s unload all that nice lumber and find out way to the library. I got there, the place was empty, I checked my e-mail and fell asleep sitting up until 4:00PM. Some lightning woke me up, Good thing I unloaded the lumber when I said.
           I took apart an old business card scanner for the small motor and saw this strip of gold rectangles. So I threw them under the scope and saw they were connected to the soldered copper circuit by tiny wire filaments. Too small for the naked eye, you can see how each one has a single tiny wire on the surface.
           Caltier gets the lion’s share again this month. The best performer, the payout was $107.04 for the month of August. As long as it generates over 1% (that’s a rate per year, not a dollar amount), all extra money goes there for now. That puts the fund income at $540 so far this year and for the amounts invested, that’s the only item keeping pace with inflation. There’s now over $13,000 in shares and as a reward, that should climb to $14,000 this month. Let’s take a break here. Watch a DVD, you know I’ve never seen “Stargate Continuum” in its entirety.

           And I’m getting sick of that “Hidden Empire”, it really falls off near the end. I don’t care about her labor pains, this is supposed to be an action tale. Nor can I ever buy any theory that soldiers, no matter what their rank, have any particularly keen insight into political matters. That’s another thorn, the whole Africa thing. We know what the problem is because the same problems follow Black everywhere they go, regardless of what culture or society they get into. But the hint is they will assassinate the President, named Torrens. That might be the only good part left.
           Have I missed something? The DVD is telling me Stargate is a TV series, in the sense they presume I know what they are talking about. Ha, goes to show you it is the people who watch TV who are really missing something. I’ll play along but what and who is “Atlantis”? Anyway, let’s go save the universe. I see they are still plugging that “computer whiz kid” fantasy, but that’s okay, with the generation before it was the “chess champion” thing. Why your snot-nose teen is not addicted to games, he’s a genius, don’t you know?
           Just a bit later, yes, I see it is television, as in seasons 1-10. I’m proud to say I had no idea or even if I did, I’d forgotten. I recognize the dumpy uniforms and the Stargate portal, but always figured I must be walking past a movie in progress. If it is TV, it is that good. So far, the sets and scenery are first rate. But the bad guy evil killer clone prisoner scene is a wee time-worn. Again great scenery. The movie has its slow parts like walking across the North Pole, so I’m looking at a jig that cuts splines. These are small wooden pieces that slide into slots cut “across” right angle joints to kind of pin the corners together. It’s an alternative to box joints and worth a try.

           Now the Stargate people are back in a time line where the sets and equipment are a hell of a lot cheaper and they can be interviewed in airplane hangars. The plot goes predictable, nobody believes they are from the future and but everybody is afraid they’ll change things. While all this is going on, I plan to build the box joint jig in two pieces. So if I screw up the router part, the sled can still be useful. Bejeezus the rain came down, another 3 inches in a few hours. It is now 7:00PM and long rolling thunder is rattling the window panes. I timed one at 48 seconds before it faded away, with the first 32 second sounding right next door.
           I get a kick out of the messages in the movie once they are given new identities. They all become politically correct. The hero meets a gal, is she a hot babe? Nope, a brunette single mother with an eight-year old kid. Question for those who didn’t like that sentence, if singe mothers can be hot, we would not have to be reminded of it in so many movies. And the lady on the team is shown shopping without reading the labels. This is an old series. Even has a scene where the captain gets to say, “Set course to three-five-zero.” There is always something important in that heading. This is not a bad movie at all, considering the television connection.
           One thing I can tell you is if I was that Baal guy, I’d pick a far better-looking queen. She kills him anyway.

           Rain means research or study, and today’s topic was the Bar Lev Line. This is the sandbank the Israelis built along the east Sinai back. I mentioned last day how the well-planned Egyptian attack on Yom Kipper did not extend past the crossing. After that, the plan was to sit and wait for the counterattack. The battle at Chinese Farm got my attention from the tank tactics. The follow-up Egyptian moves were even worse. Near the canal, they had the anti-aircraft missile umbrella. It stung the Israelis badly and they rapidly learned to avoid the airspace or come in low. The Egyptians you’d think would know better than to tackle the IAF.
           Nope, they sent a thousand tanks into the desert without air cover and the Israelis were waiting and not necessarily be design. They had been taken by surprise—an explanation I sometimes struggle with, but anyway, they were parked and waiting for orders when the enemy made their move. Turns out the Cairo politicians overruled the army commander. And they lost 260 tanks. Photos of the aftermath show a surprising number of Russian tanks with the turrets blown completely off the hull and lying upside down in the sand. That means an internal explosion, meaning the Russians are still storing ammo in the crew compartment.

Last Laugh

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