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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

October 12, 2022

One year ago today: October 12, 2021, manual pallet disassembly.
Five years ago today: October 12, 2017, compared to Bobby Darin . . .
Nine years ago today: October 12, 2013, remember Colorado for $162?
Random years ago today: October 12, 2008, van Basco Karaoke.

           Thunderstorms this afternoon says the weather sites, so who’s still wondering why I was in a hurry to finish the outdoors work. And I still have not figure out how to get at those burnt out bulbs on the security light. Lem is in Alabama this week and I can’t think of anyone else who would have such a ladder. I’m taking the antique “bench” back to Florida with me if it will knock down like IKEA, which it possibly could be. Democrats continue to jump ship at this late hour but they are getting a conditional welcome at best.
           The woketards are willing to risk World War III rather than give up power. More Americans that ever favor rounding up the illegals and sending them right back, though I say to Mexico, not where they come from. After all, Mexico is allowing them transit which they know damn well we don’t like. My Yeti power supply could arrive as early as today, giving me time to charge and test it before I leave. Because a meetup with Trent is becoming imperative. The money is becoming unstable, though nothing like foreign currencies. I still view land and real estate as items that hold value—as long as they are not mortgaged. It’s 5:25AM, let’s find the cheapest place for sale in Tennessee that meets my criteria.

           By library opening time, I had the doggies out for a lengthy walk, taking care to keep an eye on Sammy. I’ve put him on a special diet of crumbled beef boiled in chicken stock. He’s still on painkillers but they are not zonking him like y’day. He was fine, we toured the park on Dodson Chapel with Chooks in tow, the usual unenthusiast. Mind you, when he caught whiff of the special diet for Sam, he got energetic in a hurry. I made enough for the little guy but now it may not last. Watch him turn his nose up at the dry food now.
           I suppose he earns his keep as a guard dog. Here he is taking care of Chloe with her cone. He is also protective of JeePee when out in the yard. He sphynxes right beside her cage alert to anything that approaches. Must be some sheepdog instinct, don’t ask me. He has no clue what a turtle is but does he know what a cat is either? He was suspicious of the new bed in the van until he discovered he’s got full-length memory foam and he can see out the back window. I wonder what’s with that?

           Here’s some stats from the feeds this morning.
• As of this year, the majority of US children under 5 are not white.
• Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are the same age.
• California has made it illegal for physicians to disagree with politicians.
• The majority of rapists in Spain are non-white.
• A third of under 18 teens lie about their age (ha, more like 99%).

           Here’s a view (says NASA) of the asteroid impacted by the DART spaceship. This is dust and such from the collision as they point out the shape changes rapidly over time. It’s premature and optimistic that this technique would work reliably but for those who worry about such events, the news is that the trajectory or orbit, whatever, was changed by the impact
.            In sad news, if you ask me, Intel has announce it is laying off over 10% of its workforce. The reason can only be a falling demand for PC chips. Yet Internet usage continues to grow, so what does that tell us? That fewer and fewer of the emerging user-class are buying computers for their traditional use as a tool in favor of entertainment. It’s a fancy way of saying pornoware now defines the millennials as a class of society.
           And here is the riff to the only good part of Michael Jackson’s “Beat It”. It’s the intro and lead into the chorus, the rest of the song is a four letter word that smells bad. I usually watch any accompanying video to see if the tabs are accurate. In this case, it was the official video and it was so terrible I paused it, maybe finish is later. It seems to be a bunch of punks piling into a truck bed on their way to a rumble, which is fine, I just don’t like the presentation.

Chorus riff/intro riff - Michael Jackon's "Beat It".

Picture of the day.
Drone photo.
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           The storm arrived just in time for siesta. Later, I read more on the situation in Buckhead, that’s the suburb of Atlanta that wants to incorporate. There are other nearby cities that did the same and all but two of them are White. That emphasizes the point that these non-whites fear separation. If Buckhead leaves, Atlanta will collapse within months, the loss of white tax revenues means not even basic services could be maintained and remember, Atlanta was all about defunding the police not that long ago. Yep, they don’t want to become self-sustaining, they just want their welfare dollars and think this can continue forever. Myself, I’d like to see Buckhead leave. There is a point after which it is stupid to care any more.
           The lock mitre bits arrived and I see why they may have been on sale. They have super large ½” diameter shanks, which do not fit all routers. I have one that will work, but I won’t know for certain until I return to Florida. Otherwise, the bits seem quite heavy duty and are hefty to pick up. Next, I picked out the “Beat It” riff and why I didn’t like it. First, it is in C# and second it uses drop D tuning on the bass. I’ve never been keen on that sort of guitar brain-fart. In a few minutes I could do it in regular tuning which eliminates a ton of the fuss on stage.

           At this point I hear that not only is rice I cook again good for pet digestion, but if an Rx does not stop the cough, a mixture of whiskey, honey, and whatever is an ancient English remedy. Moments later, lemon, that’s what I she meant. It also means I’m appointed to drive over the Percy dam to the vendors to acquire this ingredient called whiskey. I know this much about whiskey, so I bought Jack Daniels because I recognized it. Some of the other stuff was $112 a bottle. When I got home I decided I was coming down with a touch of something myself and drove over to the saloon for a few hours. Best to nip these things off at the bud.
           I returned home to not a drop of this whiskey in the cupboard, but all in the house is pleasant and mild, nice and quiet. Probably coincidence. Sigh. However, remember that big batch of chicken I boiled up? The broth was used to stew some ground beef for the little guy, think of it as gravy for doggies. It turns out favoring even a sick dog isn’t the best of ideas, for jealousy is an animal trait. So, do you want to know what really happened? Sure you do. Don’t go blaming humans, I’m telling you these dogs are beyond experts.
           That huge pot of masala chicken that I boiled up is in sudden short supply. Allow me to say a few words on how things happen in real life. So many vegetarians all over the place. Until I cook that giant pot of chicken, then potatoes, then veggies. Potatoes especially, for nobody touches them around here until I notice half the tupperware portions are gone. Ha, I’m saying it only takes somebody to cook it right. Who’s with me on this one? You know the game, vegetarians don’t cheat if you are not looking. Double ha on that. At the price of chicken these days, maybe I’ll just take them out to dinner.

           Alex Jones, the conspiracy guy who keeps being right, has a new problem. What they call a jury these days has ordered him to pay one billion dollars to people he criticized. Since he does not have that much and they know it, the real issue here is to shut the guy up. I wonder if it will work, since this is a civil matter and he’s committed no crimes. There are a few things he can’t do but what’s to stop him from continuing on now that he has nothing to lose? The regime is about to change, though we don’t know how, and he is certain to appeal such an insane ruling.

           Several hours of planning later, November is going to be a month of changes. I’ll probably return to Florida this week, and be right back in Nashville within a month. The American system for all its merits is still a horribly inefficient and bureaucratic giant. Each department obsessed with its own importance is now sticking its finger in every pie, hoping to be the next IRS or something. You know, the all powerful force that will survive any political purges to become the next Gestapo, it would seem.
           Changing the subject, I find it just as frustrating to deal with these people as ever, but now possess the one element that is the hated foe of every bureaucrat. They know they can wait you out, what they need to do however, for their definition of “success”, is to get you to do things their way as quickly as possible. They set things up so you need that visa, document, permit, or signature right now or you lose something. They hate it when you have other options. Like an address where you can legitimately register your vehicle in another state.

           The other item is one that bothers me. I have a natural reluctance to rely on others. This often shows up when I won’t do business unless they suffer if they do not do what they promise. It’s harsh until you consider they are doing the same thing just without realizing it. And I’m more than cautious about dealings with people like my family. That’s where after a certain age they can not learn anything new without admitting they’ve been wrong all along. Laugh all you want, this is a very real situation where you can lose your shirt by trusting the wrong person even once.
           This adds up to a simple rule. Don’t start a business where you have to hire or rely on anybody who is not solidly in your camp. To me, that excludes most of Florida, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington. That is why I take pains to write down the situation, which is where this blog started and will likely end.

Last Laugh