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Monday, October 2, 2023

October 2, 2023

One year ago today: October 2, 2022, downtown Macon.
Five years ago today: October 2, 2018, I don’t remember Stephanny.
Nine years ago today: October 2, 2014, less of a party.
Random years ago today: October 2, 2006, on the border wall.

           Let’s make this a nothing day. Later, I largely succeeded. I was out in the shed for seven hours, what makes it different is I timed the day and stopped. I did a lot of organizing in the shed, which I don’t spend enough time on. That means I waste some time every week looking for tools. Today I applied a layer of polyurethane to several of the boxes. They are still the crummy boxes I make but gosh, some of them are looking good.
           That box I rubbed with vitamin E looked okay but the finish was not the least bit durable. Even rock dry, you could scratch it with a fingernail. It’s now got a coating of poly which they say protects. We shall see. America has lost any edge in quality. I must replace my desktop after a year and my K-cup coffee maker is on the fritz. My new kitchen timer has a habit of turning itself off, and the third burner went on my stove. That last one I can forgive because the stove was probably twenty years old when I bought the cabin. A new set of elements, which may not be the problem, cost $85 and I can get a nice unit for $200 on Craigslist.

           Here’s Mitch in Stony River, Canada. The guy who actually likes winter. He sends this photo lamenting there is no snow yet. Me, I’m like, this is only October, but then I remember that semester I took in Calgary, when was that, 1979? It was what they call an Indian summer. One day in September a blizzard came along and it stayed below zero until April the next year. Except for these warmer periods called chinooks, all too rare. That’s his trike in the background, I swear this guy keeps a toboggan by the door for the first opportunity.
           It got dark early, but I will try to get pictures of the buds on the agave plant. The second Splant over by the neighbors is also shooting up a stalk, growing about a foot per day. The buds or whatever they are, grow fastest and biggest near the bottom, with new buds barely appearing at the top of the oldest, now around 12 feet tall.

           Here’s the PA still on the test bench. I can’t find the problem, but I did find a potential cause. This is a stereo unit and each channel has a pan knob. On stage, one speaker is generally closer to me than the other, and if the farther speaker isn’t working, I could miss that. One of my speaker cables was weak. If I had used that to hook up the far speaker, and the Prez had turned the pan full or mostly left, I would not hear him playing too quietly.
That’s how the problem manifested itself. I could not hear him loud enough.
           Caltier is late, in fact later than it has ever been. Plus, every time they’ve been late before was on a weekend, this time they are late on a Monday. I’m not worried but I watch that account. To offset this, I toured most of their improved website and they’ve finally hired some real people to look after that. The subroutines are now properly set up and I’m about to infuriate my old pal Elliott by making a claim here. Caltier has an Account Management heading that gives clear answers to around 15 questions. And over half those are exact copies of questions I e-mailed them in the first quarter I was a participant. Got that Elliott? It was me. Careful, or I'll say it again.

           Actually, considering how few people in the general population can frame or write a good question, I would not be surprised to learn my input was an excellent source for Caltier. Many of the questions are present in this blog, but you can log on [to Caltier] and see for yourself. My inquiries included how to read the on-line statements, how to add a beneficiary, and why it takes days after my bank shows a transaction for my money to be invested. Here’s where I add that I never did get any replies from Caltier, I figured out every nuance on my own. But they would have known the questions reflected a keen monitoring of their activities. And they are late.
           Additionally, my viewership from Singapore has dropped to zero.

Picture of the day.
Pearl Islands, off Panama.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Here’s a view of the yard work this afternoon. That devil’s backbone, while not a hardy plant, grew well around the mailbox. From that, I identified four small areas of the yard that had similar shade and soil. So it down on my hands and knees for as long as it took to transplant roughly 56 of these stems. Just thrust the stalk into turned soil and hope for the best. They don’t grow thick enough to blot out other plants, but do it well enough that weeding is needed only a few times per year. I also trimmed off the worst cactus spikes near the base of my agaves, not knowing if that harms the rest of the plant. It just looks nicer.

           The Yeungling bottle is just for scale, since I did not want to truck into the house for my plastic banana. We know from experience if the soil is right, this plant has a 100% success rate. Yes, I see that blurry spot in the lower right of my camera lens and it is taken care of. The Prez can sing “Fire On The Mountain” so it’s added to the list. I don’t know what the tune is about despite having played it in several bands. My computer speaker jacks are fried. I think it is hardware, so I may wind up replacing the whole unit. Like my kitchen timer, there is no quality left at any price. I’d pay $40 for a timer that worked right for twenty years, but the cheap Wal*Mart brands have forced quality off the market and no such timer is to be found without going on-line with a credit card. I know they are out there, I’m saying it is a headache.

           But not as big a headache as the Democrat party. Trump said the “MF” word and did a telling impression of Biden getting lost on stage—something that would be political suicide under a libtard regime. Yet Trump continues to soar. There is talk that a state of war already exists, just nobody has opened fire yet. And I continue to believe the core of the traditional military will not obey orders to fire on Americans—but at the same time there is a group that would. Top Biden administration people continue to retire and step down, and obvious sign they think will exempt them from treason, but it fools nobody. That queer army general quit a few hours ago amid people calling for his execution.
           Now there’s a bunch crying because females only make up 5% of rock band members after age 25. No link, but it is truly amusing some of the reasons given by the 95% men who responded to the survey. Every one of them a joker, I say the real reason is women don’t need to be in a rock band to get all the sex they want. Some jerk in the band is always trying to get it on with any female in the group and women don’t need that shit. Most men I know who got into music did it for the babes—only to find out bands are just a different pecking order and they don’t rate there, either.

           Trump goes to court today, accused of overvaluing his Florida property on loan applications or something. This is plainly an attack on his political campaign, taking place in New York, where all the judges are a certain race or certain religion. His accuser ran on the “get Trump” ticket. The vaxxed people who are dying have a new name for their disease, it’s TurboCancer. Although I disagree that schools should be teaching archery, I am glad Biden was humiliated in trying to block school training in “the use of any dangerous weapon”.
           Moonwalkers are now for sale with a price tag of $1,400. I’ve prefer to try a pair, but that is not an option. The blurb says 5 to 7 miles per charge, so expect somewhat less than 4 after the first month. Charge time says 90 minutes, so make that over two hours. My current thinking is if they drop to $600, I’ll buy.

           The nog who pulled the fire alarm to delay a vote is now claiming he thought it was a door opener. Now have him explain why moments earlier he moved two fire exit signs. Here are my top ten favorite comments on his post.
1) He’s either lying or admitting he’s retarded
2) What’s scary is he thinks we believe him
3) A longer version of Din Do Nuffin
4) His mama taught him to lie
5) He should have called Nancy, she can open all doors to the Capital
6) It’s a good thing he’s running the country
7) If a democrat isn‘t lying it’s because their dead!
8) This is how low IQ people lie.
Last Laugh