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Saturday, October 7, 2023

October 7, 2023

One year ago today: October 7, 2022, porter = leftover ingredients.
Five years ago today: October 7, 2018, on-line insurance = privacy invasion.
Nine years ago today: October 7, 2014, the inside people, like me.
Random years ago today: October 7, 2008, kerosene burned brighter.

           This is an older picture, but shows one of fifty-some holes I’m finding in my yard overnight these days. The raccoon? Not a great day and not helped by the way America went bad. When times were good, they opened on Sundays. When it gets not so good, do they close on Sundays? No, they cut back their hours on other days. And the post office closes at 11:00AM on Saturday. Sure enough, I had my first real deadline in years and I missed that by 25 minutes. My banks are four miles away and the wickets open at 9:30AM. There was physically not enough time—and this could have fairly serious consequences.
           That, and the Boost people screwing around again. Actually, if they were good guys, I’d admire then because when you steal a quarter of a penny from two million people, it adds up and each one is not likely to complain. I had the same idea the day I took my first computer course at age 18. Because I had to use the library, it took all day to get back home, And the sound on both computers is fried, so I can’t even watch a good movie.

           Instead, I stopped at the Thrift for a couple crossword puzzles. Hey, missing the post office meant no rush and I took that to mean put on a pot of home-made soup. This time, split pea, which over time I’ve learned to make with chicken bullion instead of beef. For music, I’m reduced to my little recorder. I’ve never seen that English movie “Local Hero” about the oil executive they send to buy out an entire Scottish village as the only practical site for a refinery. It’s a slow-paced comedy. What about my other English story, the secret agent murder. I don’t know when the book was written, it was produced in 2019. But it touches on a British percept that American newspapers are corrupt and the editors could be bribed. Interesting.
           The audio-book is getting barely listened to on longer drives, as we’ve got to disk six of nine and everybody is focused on learning secrets, most of which have nothing to do with the murder. That event has not really been mentioned since disk 2. We now know our protagonist is single, plans to adopt, and doesn’t think the handsome director is after her butt, although everybody else does. Them English have a custom for everything and I just listened to five minutes of instructions on how children are supposed to answer the phone. I guess it passes for sophistication. I’ve learned when interviewing murder suspects in Kent, take care not to over-egg the pudding.

           I need a new and better command console for the van. They design them so you can’t mount anything easily or prop any work. My original design blocked the cup holders and the doggies could not get into the front seat. This time, I’ll use nicer plywood. I got another load of lumber for 70% off and they threw in the plywood pieces for free.
           I’m also reading the chapter on transistor memory circuits for roughly the sixth time. I do not understand why I cannot learn some of the material and struggle with formulas that have too many symbols. I’ll never be proficient at this but the parts that get through, I find interesting. For example, they make a big deal that ROM circuits can be made using only AND gates. Or how there forbidden combinations of inputs because they product identical outputs the computer can’t decipher.

Picture of the day.
Saratoga Flurry Fest.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Some TV trivia. The 1960s show, “Bewitched” was canceled for being too racy. I had no idea about that other than convincing me only idiots watch TV. I would confuse that with the “Dream of Jeannie” show. On-line I found a tentative explanation of what the uproar was about. The lady who played the witch, Elizabeth Montgomery (I think), appeared in a scene wearing a nightie, just for a brief moment in a doorway. Somehow, during the editing process, the picture was shrunk horizontally a few percent. This made her look slimmer and younger, and the effect was floods of complaints from housewives.
           So I dug back to 1964 and found this representation of the event. The original picture shows her with your typical puffy and matronly figure. According to this account, she really did look like the after picture and the studio regularly “fattened” her, but this time somebody goofed. Anyway, here is the alleged offending scene, and I’d take the skinny version any time. It’s now 7:00PM and the soup is ready. It’s low-calorie and non-GMO, which I’m certain Montgomery would appreciate. The Montgomery that looks more like Taylor Swift. Do they make papaya soup?
           Who recalls the fat slob lad who demanded airlines provide her a double seat for free? Now she wants double-size rooms and hallways in hotels to respect her needs and “body diversity”. Calling herself a “plus-size influencer”, she wants hotel staff to receive sensitivity training. This broad has 135.000 followers, folks. She wants towels, bathtubs, elevators, and lobbies to become “size-inclusive”.

  I see it regularly because of its spectacular growth between 2020 and 2022. It’s offering shares but is also losing money overall. However, this is not unusual when a company expands out of revenue. I do like their concept of vertical ownership, that is, they don’t relay on any Big Tech companies to provide any of their services. Gab has thus survived attacks from sources that have killed other platforms. They’ve been banned from parts of Apple and Google, the media, England and Congress, but they are still here. I’ve considered investing a small amount, but their offering is full of terms and conditions I don’t follow. What is “minimum funding”? I think it means if they don’t get enough money, they can shut down the offering—but they don’t spell it out.
           Trump joked that he may get out of the Presidential race to start a tow truck company for all the Biden electric cars stranded on the road. The MSM is presenting it as an announcement Trump is dropping out. HAMAS has used lo-tech to get past the Israelis yet again. The Palestinian terrorist group used paragliders to swoop in on Israeli towns. The attacks commenced shortly after Biden gave billions is “aid” to some nearby Arab country.

           I’m tired and that is the end of today’s uninspired account.

Last Laugh