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Friday, October 6, 2023

October 6, 2023

One year ago today: October 6, 2022, generic Tennessee day.
Five years ago today: October 6, 2018, self-discipline.
Nine years ago today: October 6, 2014, so European.
Random years ago today: October 6, 2005, Ft. Lauderdale library sucks.

           This would be closer to my definition of a day off. I was in the shed from dawn until 2:00PM before I even noticed it was not still morning. I finished up a few project and built another birdie perch. And that ammo box, I hung some hinges on it but no latch because nothing I have fits without obscuring the word “parabellum”. And I did not want to polish or sand the box, yet the lumber was getting mighty dry. Then I remembered that old can of amber shellac. Perfect. Some of the stain has to go on end-grain and the shellac soaks better. Here’s picture of the box drying in the shed after one of two coats. I like that box. And unless Taylor drops in, I intend to be in the yard or shed all day. Recent polls indicate Taylor is the only person who could possibly defeat Trump in 24. I heard she just got married again.
           Speaking of marriage, I got a sliver in my foot, worst possible spot, where I can’t get at it, the angle is where I can’t reach it with either my left or right hand. We may have to get some help on this one. Big bird feeders are nice, but if left too long they will sprout. Wish my avocados were that cooperative, I now have two around a month apart and another two waiting under conditions that worked before. That’s soaking the seed for a week, then peeling off all the brown layer. Then score the top of the seed (the pointy end) around 1/4“ deep and that’s where the twig will start. Never let the soil get completely dry.

           Overnight we had 1/4” of rain, so I dragged out the hose and gave everything a good soaking.. I threw on a stick of the latest tunes we’ve considered and one stands out. William’s old “Some Broken Hearts”. I may be able to sing the harmony. We’ve moved Sunday practice up to 4:00PM due to darkness. Central Florida having a maniac road system does not help either. It is rare to find a town with any streets that go through except the odd choked highway.
           These UAW voters now patronizing Trump will follow the carrot just over $18.50 per hour. After adjustments, that is less than I ever worked for. Mind you, depending on what contract was in effect at hiring time, these auto plants often have two workers at identical tasks with one earning $10 more per hour. Oh, and don’t think you can avoid paying 30% of the car price to their pension plans by getting a foreign car. You still pay via import duties, bailouts, and subsidies.

           How many computers have I set up for home use in my lifetime? This new Gateway is number 71. I know because of my numbering system. And if anything, the process has become worse over time. I asked Wilford to clear the hard drive, yet I found all kinds of private data as I went to set my own security. Worst is a combination of the programs he did not uninstall coupled with he apparently did not know they would not uninstall. So much for advanced users. The thing you do is go through control panel and uninstall anything anything Google, HP, Amazon, and games. Games can be reinstalled, but keep known spyware off your system.
           Isn’t that something. I’ve owned 71 computers in my life, but that includes 16 at a time when I ran my Internet office. Wish I still had some of those, the last one got used up recently, sigh. And yes, there is something suspicious about Boost Mobile service. This time I had two computers on-line just after 5:00PM Friday, and they both went off-line at the same time. Always after closing time on a weekend before the bill is due. I mentioned this last week, how I otherwise could not be sure it wasn’t the old Tennessee computer. Now I know it is Boost. But their staff knows nothing and their help line is a sick joke. In my lifetime, I also estimate I will have used over 800 different computers, again, an estimate, and some people still question why I’m cautious about security.

Picture of the day.
London’s narrowest street.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Here’s another reason if you like boating, make friends with somebody who already has one. West Marine has this gallon of paint for $375. Nope, that’s more boating than I do in ten years. I sent copies of the pics that turned out best off to Alaine, but still have not connected the new computer to see if my video software will install. NPR radio spent the morning issuing us dire warnings if Trump is elected. They are terrified he will use his position to seek revenge, without apparently realizing that is admitting they did wrong.
           Mean while, Hillary is saying MAGA followers need to be deprogrammed, spicing her interview with constant quips that Trump has “no credibility left”, and other canned statements that were rehearsed for a more standard opponent. Trump has more credibility that the lot of them put together. Meanwhile, the FBI has announced it is setting up a task force to investigate MAGA voters, in other words, declaring Trump supporters to be terrorists. That’s two giant steps toward the brink. Now you know why the Democrats spent so many billions militarizing the police. I would say, politically, the gloves are off now.

           I was invited downtown but decided to spend the evening here, setting up the new computer. Guess what, the sound card has some problem. Amazing that they still build a computer that can do that, the default should be speakers that work. That’s today’s techies for you. You can take most any speaker, hook up some wires and it will play. Don’t need no software, no drivers, no power supply. But some millennial can screw even that up—and lecture you how to fix it.
           What this funny looking object. My little hand rake, painted many colors. These tools tend to get lost less often around here. A day off here can mean a dozen small projects, but today I knuckled down and mapped out what to do with Caltier. I worded that funny, what I meant was Caltier, even with three bad months this year, still outperforms my best alternatives. That includes $2,000 in CDs maturing now and another in December. The manner in which both my system and calculations are set up, means good items can draw bigger shares which are not matched by simple numbers like how poor people go about things.

           The point here is that a 2.14% better performance can draw 100% of the cash, and that’s Caltier. If it pays 8% this year, it gets most all of my 2024 allocations. Is that such a good idea? As usual, there is never a crystal ball around when you need one. I looked at buying my first shares in social media, has an offering. They are drawing the most flak so they are doing something right. They originally got my attention for expanding out of revenues and not relying on any Big Techs, who are notorious for strangling anything they don’t like. Consequently, you get opinions on Gab that would be instantly censored elsewhere.
           If I follow my own rules, there will be $16,000+ in Caltier by end of this month. Twice what was orginally slated. And with those CDs, don’t be surprised if end of December it is pushing $20,000. Not bad for basically one year. It looks like 13 months, but took a month after opening the account before there was even enough in there for a payout, and that first payout was $7.50 on December 29th, 2022.

           Someone posted a poll name something smarter than AOC. So far, the best are
a) the entire universe
b) a grain of sand
c) a tree sloth
d) public toilet mold spores
e) pet rocks
f) a post-coffee turd
g) toilet floaters
h) a bucket of wet hammers
Last Laugh