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Monday, November 13, 2023

November 13, 2023

One year ago today: November 13, 2022, lots of lumber.
Five years ago today: November 13, 2018, WIP
Nine years ago today: November 13, 2014, the Pegasus pic.
Random years ago today: November 13, 2008, quality was very hight.

           Arriving here in near record time, I got everything back on an even keel. The doggies can’t be bothered to look up, well, until feeding time. And you know the cats don’t care. At least JeePee is glad to see me, here is a photo of all the fan mail he’s been getting. (Whoops, maybe tomorrow, there's a pic of the boys waiting for walkies.) But, just think, the turtle gets more hand-written mail than most people. The Reb called at 6:45AM after 5-1/2 hours in surgery. It is a worse injury that I first heard. She has two permanent metal rods implanted. The good news is she is recovering satisfactorily. The hospital has her on major pain-killers, so my plan to get her out of there by this weekend.
           JZ called, the family is praying for her. The hospital has her in zombie mood, but it is a specialized hospital and surgeon, so I’ll focus on keep thing the pets happy and looking after details. The pets are in a funk, lying there moving only their eyes. They plunk down nearby wherever I stop, the dogs I mean. The cats could care less. I rarely leave the pets alone. I completed a crossword puzzle that had inverted vowels. Example “chipstack” for chapstick and “princes” for “prances. Completely computer-generated.

           Dogster magazine is no more. One of our favorites, the increased cost of production had them shut down and gave our remaining subscription a choice of alternatives. What got me was how many magazines are in desperate straits. Birds & Bloom is trying to sign readers up for two years with the second year costing only $5. That’s stretching it out. Myself, I got a sore toe. I forgot the Reb has these custom designed cupboards that let thing fall out. Put a jar in there, positioned right. And every so often you open the door and things tip over.
           Something fell on my big toe. Angry, I picked it up to find a frozen vegetarian burrito. I made it to the library. One of the free newspapers had an article praising Biden for his “leadership” in the booming economy. What? People are living off credit cards. Then I read the fine print. The article is based on the NYT report that consumer spending is an all-time high. The article went so far as to say Biden should have a second term because he “earned it” as consumer spending is an economic indicator. Then I saw the article had been written by the owner of the newspaper. Record spending, he crowed. That happens when the price of gas and groceries get tripled.

Picture of the day.
Omaha’s Doorly Zoo.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I’m here on business and I took the evening to go over the books. The only good news is the CDs paid 11x as much interest as the same amount in savings. I grew up thinking 4x was great, so that’s telling us something. I planned ahead six months from this Friday on the premise that the Reb may not be able to work at all. Of course she says she can do most things but I will prepare for the worst-case. The surgeon says full recovery requires a year.
           I can afford the rent, food, and utilities, including pet food, but I cannot afford auto insurance, repairs, gas, phone, or movies and dinner. And forget my news stove or any trips, even one afternoon drive per month. Caltier remains, but no new contributions. Now it is not all bad considering my plan uses only existing resources. Nor will either of us be sitting around, in fact the Reb will undoubtedly work as much as possible.
           And I’ve totalled up that if need be, I can raise $5,000 by selling things in surplus around the place. That’s all the news I have and don’t expect a lot more except how we deal with things. Right now, the only contented critter around here is Chloe, and I need my shirt.

           Reading my last issue of Dogster, I see the latest in dog fences is a collar that obeys GPS. It has a number of advantages, for example, if you are on holidays, you can keep the dog within a campsite. It can be contoured to keep pets away from the swimming pool and though expensive, you don’t have to leave it behind when you move.

           I'm using the computers at the Hermitage Library. They have yet another geek on "tech staff". He's disabled all the drop menus and muted many of the sound jacks. They are set to headphones only, but the mute button is greyed out and cannot be unlocked. But the jerks enduring mark of millennialism is blocking the menus. I mean, why would a millennial ever want to do something as ridiculous as rename a file? And on some of the computers, the only way to access Paint is by a drop menu, he's taken away the "All Programs" icon.

Last Laugh