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Thursday, February 8, 2024

February 8, 2024

One year ago today: February 8, 2023, like a Karaoke mumbler.
Five years ago today: February 8, 2019, yes, I’ve flown a plane.
Nine years ago today: February 8, 2015, so necessary these days.
Random years ago today: February 8, 1982, reads like it was yesterday.

           I’ve never experienced total humiliation, but I know who has. Poon, the Paki runnign against Trump. Believe what you want, that was the worst possible move in the present American political climate. I Nevada the ballots must contain the choice of None of the above. Guess what? She lost to it. The clincher is that Trump’s name was not listed as a choice. Some people don’t know when to crawl away and hide. “None of the above Candidates” polled at 63% compared to Poon’s 31%. As Trump said shortly thereafter, it won’t be long before she claims victory. The only thing worse than losing to nobody is losing by a landslide. Poon really is second to none.
           A frustrating morning with Win 11, the geniuses over at Redmond have removed Picture Manager and replaced it with Photo Viewer, a literal piece of shit. But I get it, why would some millennial want a simple, easy way to edit a batch of photos at once. That’s somebody else’s job, probably a Boomer with the brains to do it. I’m still shopping for a Win XP computer to replace my most ancient unit, not showing signs. Until then the nice video clips will be rare because they require batch processing. A lot of walking back and forth between incompatible computers, that’s true MicroSoft genius.
           Here’s a shot of the battery pack and switch on the Irish lights. I did not get a chance to reverse engineer a sample to inventory the parts. But this switching power supply would cost over $5 if you had to order the parts from California. I had the tools out and ready but fixing music cables is time-consuming. Barely visible in the plastic case are two AA batteries and if you squint, you’ll see the tiny black slide switch. I’ve already found one problem, some of the LEDs are clear, others are green. Be patient, I’ve got to work more on the XP computer or there will be only plain photos like this one.

           Lots of e-mail went out this morning, our bunch is getting a huge laugh out of the utterly embarrassing flop in Nevada. While none of us are stauch Trumpists, we are all against woketard liberalism. You don’t work, you don’t eat. Can’t work? Go to church, if they won’t help, they should be taxed. There is a spirit in America of get off your haunches. It is not cruel, it produced the greatest wealth in history. Don’t believe for a second there is any poverty in America. Welfare recipients have color TV, cable, and apartments. Homeless people have cell phones, tattoos, and those tents are not exactly cheap. Sure, by comparison to those who work, they lack most of the luxuries, but that does not mean they deserve them, either.
           Have you heard of the Rehbinder Effect? My question is, why doesn’t the glass underneath get cracked. Anyway, I must try this. NASA is laying off close to 10% of it’s workforce and contractors. They are sinking for lack of viable projects to garner funding. Instead of going to Mars, they are now hucking for an $8 billion (minimum) mission to return Mars dirt samples..Back in Florida, they are wasting money leasing SpaceX rockets to launch satellites studying “climate change”. And the Japanese lander that arrived upside down is finally responding a bit, but the sunlight is too indirect to charge the banks in full before nightfall in around two weeks.

           Ha, you think American politics is a clown show? Check out Europe. Their people have not been elected in decades and their rulling class has not changed hands since the French revolution. Zero class mobility means they think they are dictators. Well, they are, I mean at upper levels. The trouble starts when they try to apply it at street level. Now they are trying to sanction Tucker Carlson for interviewing Putin. Why would that bother them? Because so many Europeans follow American news despite it’s known bias. That’s correct, in Europe bad news never makes it past the censors. Tucker is a rare bird in America, a trusted journalist with a huge following. Plus, he is a natural, that’s for sure.
           England has begun experimental mRNA therapy for “hard cancers”, the connection here is I read a series of books and articles on DNA in 2014. Much of it was over my head, but a was persuaded there was something to cancer being a parasite at the cellular level. It made sense how the parasite entered the cell and replicated and was not recognized as a fforeign body like a virus would be. Instead of killing the host cell, it continues to replicate. The mRNA therapy involves injections that “train” the cells to reject the cancer. I’m no expert but it makes sense to me.

Picture of the day.
Warsaw streetsweeper truck.
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           A perfect Florida winter day, 72°F and a mild breeze. I got part of the yard raked and am about to get on the roof to finish the lean-to. The sheating is up but not the barrier and shingles. I experimented with a PVC flattening press. The material has to be heated to 300°F and my temperature reader shows the heat gune, rated at 1000°F is not up to the task. I tried preheating with my laundry iron with little effect. There is more to this than shown by the experts on-line. The Russian guy uses a propane torch but the best I have is butane and I’m not paying that much to melt plastic.
           I finally used up the last of my powdered chalk, the container was marked 2011. A heads-up to people who use any color except red: don’’t. Yellow will most always be hard to see and blue will always bleed through anything you cover it with. Paint it five times, you’ll still see the line after a bit. Also, I changed the battery in my Korg GA-30 tuner, the most reliable model I’ve ever owned. I bought mine for Xmas in 2008 for $8.95. It is now offered on-line for as much as $35. There were earlier models that had a wag needle that was somehow not right for bass. But the GA-30 had a digital read-out. Mine is now slowly discoloring from age, but I’ve learned to trust the LEDs. Deadly accurate.

           Three hours. That’s the time to finished up to the vapor barrier. There was a little more to it, such as having to install that last rafter that had to fit under the old shed eave. This involves stringing out the power cable and hefting the tools up on the roof. I’m happy (at my age and condition) I can still climb ladders and lift materials, so that’s how it most always gets blogged. If you see a video of me tacking down the barrier, that tells you I also humped camera gear up onto the roof. There’s a okay view from up there, That entails rigging up the old XP computer and hoping it lasts a little longer this round. Even though he was pretty useless, I miss the hillbilly around to cut down on the back and forth. Like when my drill battery went dead up on the roof with just ten more wood screws to finish the job.
           We have some libtard news. Arizona says its citizens should not worry about all the illegals because they will only be allowed to vote in Federal elections. Duh. But the best has to be DC declaring the US needs more “migrants” to make the system work. Yeah, for instance if they don’t get enough of illegals to outvote Trump, their system is definitely going down. I grew up in an atmosphere like that so I recognize the evidence, once they steal something they would rather destroy it than let you have it back. There are a significant number of people out there who think because cheating worked in 2020, the same will work again in 2024.

           Did I need a siesta. It was still warm later so I got back up on the roof and finished the vapor barrier. This is plenty of work and I have tyet o get the shingles up there. But the shed has taken shape nicely and the roof is the last big chore.
           You may not know about the Crumbly trial, but the parents of the teen who shot four other students have been found guilty of involutary manslaughter. I don’t know the details or how they are connected to the killings. My interest stems from a years ago when parents in California were held liable for what their kids did on a computer. Whereas such laws are a formula for trouble, I do agree that if it can be shown that parents did not properly discipline their kids, there should be something that motivates them to do so. Start slapping single mothers in jail for not slapping their bratsand that would sold quite a number of problems plus lower the divorce rate considerably.

           We have some libtard news. Arizona says its citizens should not worry about all the illegals because they will only be allowed to vote in Federal elections. Duh. But the best has to be DC declaring the US needs more “migrants” to make the system work. Yeah, for instance if they don’t get enough of them to outvote Trump, their system is definitely going down.

           Who remembers that backing track yahoo from Haines City. Well, he said he was in Winter Haven, but anyway. I keep track of all contacts and he’s running a new ad. Funny, after he heard me play bass now he is saying he’s a bass player. He’ll go nowhere. I only noticed the ad because he used a couple of expressions he got directly from me. I think the guy is coo-coo, so I’ll watch the listing.

Last Laugh