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Wednesday, February 8, 2023

February 8, 2023

One year ago today: February 8, 2022, not as cold as Florida.
Five years ago today: February 8, 2018, drugs & traffic tickets, that’s Polk.
Nine years ago today: February 8, 2014, German design, Chinese labor.
Random years ago today: February 8, 2013, election blabber.

           Whoa, what an embarrassing, disgusting shit-show the D-party put on, trying to use the SOTU speech as a campaign rally to attack political opposition. I believe this is the first time a President has been booed on stage, but he deserved it by outright lying on national TV. (In a blatant attempt to scare elderly voters away from Trump, he falsely claimed the Republican party was trying to do away with Social Security. That cost him badly. The rumor is that the regime would rather burn the country down than relinquish power. Could this be the tipping point.
           It’s a worldwide disgrace, and yes, I know this would never happen in most countries. Because they’d all be thrown in jail, but that’s “different” according to those places. Shown here, he’s trying to shout down the hecklers like a third-rate Karaoke mumbler. The rule booklet says mention food now. Trump jokingly said about the speech that at least Biden was trying, upon which the MSM began blasting the “even Trump” thought the speech was great.

           I had a chicken-onion-cheese omelet and I’m on my second coffee. While the big events were months away at the time, this is the day back in 1996 a rumor began that the company was going to offer another buyout. I announced I’d take it, while others clung to the fantasy that the previous buyout of 1991 was, as the company had stated, a one-time thing. Ha, when that happens, folks, the company has calculated you are no longer a good investment. Maybe another coffee, as the cabin is redolent with aromas of muffins, chicken, onion, coffee, and did I just say “redolent”?
           It’s another chilly morning, so I’m driving to the lumber yard for more fence pickets, finish that corner in the yard once and for all. After 9:00AM I mean, right now I opted for the extra coffee. Listening to NPR, you want to know what else will be a joke?” Saudi Arabia attempting to move from oil to high tech. They don’t seem to have learned you cannot take a society that still lives in the Stone Ages and turn them into innovators. You can import American tech, but you can’t import American know-how. This has chilling childhood memories for me, where they tout one is free to invent or innovate anything, but if it is successful, it is confiscated by the state.

           Add two more stores to the boycott. Tractor Supply and Hobby Lobby, both endorse queers and grooming. The snag is, Tractor is the only local place to by suet for the woodpeckers. I’m going to Target later, but their prices are higher. Ah, some say, so what? Because it is not in the budget. It does not matter if it is a dollar more, and you want to know who thinks it is okay to just take the dollar out of something else? The people over 70 stocking grocery shelves on graveyard shift, that’s who. You’d be on your own, I don’t even know one of them, not that there’s anything wrong with that, as I suppress a chuckle.
           Here’s some stats of why I live near Mulberry, but shop in Winter Haven. Lakeland population is 150,000, but the downtown is a mess of narrow streets, they even built the freeway miles around to avoid it. Thus, all the shopping and services are located on the outskirts, where more than 200,000 people live. Winter Haven has around 50,000 people and is much easier to get around. The nearest town with most services (but not my banks) is Bartow with 20,000 people and another 60,000 in the area. Mulberry has 3,000 people. Not a bad setup for me, considering I chose this place off an outdated road map.
           I’m placing orders for several De Lorme road atlases. They are predicting something like 500 billion devices on-line by 2030, meaning these booklets may become like Almanacs, that is, impossible to find. Like road maps, this means they will soon stop updating the maps and we all know how wonderful GPS worked out for the serious traveler. And, have you heard of Moonwalkers? The super-sneakers that let you walk seven miles an hour? If they drop in price (from $1200), I may enjoy walking the dogs full speed again.
By now you should see the $60 load of lumber I got for $13. That completes the fence. Seen on top is a 12 foot post I picked up for $4, normally $19. It was discolored, otherwise a fine a post as you can get.

Picture of the day.
Dakar, westernmost point in Africa.
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           This is one of those “percolating” heaters, a small oil-filled radiator design. No brand name but similar (De’Longhi) models eBay for around $160. If it works well, there are three more, which means for the price of a single “Amish” heater, I can have one in the bathroom, kitchen, and red shed. The downside is these are not instant on or off. The instructions say the thermostat is “precision” and that the unit is safe to use with fear of fire. My price was $20, this is not the tiny space heater often seen, this unit is two feet high and really cooks.
           Loading the truck with the gear and lumber, plus some groceries, had me flat on my back tired. It’s the hottest part of the day, so how about a siesta and see if later is better? Good, so glad you agree. I made it out to the yard for several more hours but did not finish the fence. As I neared what I thought was completion, that final post that had leaned over in the wind would not straighten. I noticed earlier it was out of line. Now I now why. When I went to dig the post hole, I ran into a sold tree root.
           The original builder had the same obstruction, so he put the post on the outside of the fence. Over tme, the root grew and pushed the post over. Since I never walked around the other side, I never noticed. No, you can’t just cut the root, these are non-native trees. Cut anything like that and in the next windstorm you will be wearing that tree. But some day soon, I’ll have to go back there and rip apart what I built today and fix the post.

           Still, I got the fence up high enough to block the street view, so now to relax a bit. I’m cautious about spending because I have no clue what repair to cruise control can cost. If it’s something easy, like a faulty brake switch, I’ll go buy the other two heaters. I also picked up a solid brass hose fixture because I did not know what it was. It is stamped “Tribal Mfg” which is a factory in North Carolina that machines such items up to 3” in diameter. I wonder if it is for a fire-fighting hose, albeit a small one. It does have a twist nozzle thingee, I’ll keep looking.            Nothing yet. If it is a spray nozzle, the unit is stamped with an arrow showing the water flow in the wrong direction. Then again, maybe the arrow is for something else. If research fails, I’ll connect it to a water hose tomorrow and see what happens.

           Following my prediction that the ass-end generation will turn A.I. into a horror story, I changed my news feed to allow articles in which millennials claim “progress”. Here’s today’s feedback. Big Tech continues to add anti-White bias to their algorithms, as left on their own, the software quickly becomes what they call “biased”. I’ll leave that one with you. The issue there is the path of A.I. is toward emulating human neural networks. So adding bias to smooth out the results is the opposite of what the pundits are trying to achieve. Ha, that’s a stick in the eye.
           The un-White community is outraged how A.I. software keeps producing police sketches showing criminals as consistently Black or Latino. The police counter that the results are due to witness input, like that’s going to help them any. I could hear the radio but not make out what went wrong at Google today. They ran some kind of demo that flopped and wiped out $100 billion of their stock value. Did somebody expose their fake A.I.?

           And what’s this? Disney, PayPal, & ilk keep up the momentum of laying off by the thousands? What are these people supposed to do for work? Go pick vegetables Florida or clean toilets in Kansas?