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Monday, March 25, 2024

March 25, 2024

One year ago today: March 25, 2023, a breeding mass.
Five years ago today: March 25, 2019, "Au poleton!"
Nine years ago today: March 25, 2015, millennial technology.
Random years ago today: March 25, 2001, studying the tax act.

           Here I am, nice guy that I am, waiting for some other neighbor to be the first to make a loud sound in the morning. It’s Florida, when you are counting on one of them to be a jerk they all sleep until noon. I used the lull to get all my corespondence done. Ah, there we go, 10:00AM on the button, I hear a lawn mower. Here’s a photo of a German rocket plane pilot wearing a helmet camera to record his instruments duing combat operations. That was 80 years ago, and we are still waiting for the first true millennial invention. Catch you later, crocodile.
           It’s done, but not to perfection. Everything went smoothy but even with the best planning, the beam sagged over an ince. It’s not perceptable from the ground but I know it is there. Nobody wins the $736 million Powerball, pushing the jackpot up to $800 million. It’s such a farce they now publish the cash value alongside, in this case around $450 million. And indication of how money-hungry the government has become for their own paychecks.
Somebody in Florida got all five numbers, but not the Powerball, whose odds are one in 300 mllion. So all they got lousy million. Not enough to buy a nice house anymore, and such a house would mean you’ll meed a good paying job to meet the taxes.. I am stuck with no plans for the rest of the day. Worse case, I will drive upton ane buy one of those fancy scribing tools for lumber. There is an aerospace museum in the west end I’ve not see, they say there is a simulator. Here it is, closed a hour ago.

           That beam repair, including a layer of paint, was great exercise but set me back a four-hour siesta. What should I do for the evening? I sure to miss movies and the nearest theater is twenty miles and tends to show mostly kid movies. I’ve never seen Legoland but it does not interest me. What to do? It’s already been enough of a day to be bloggable, yet something is missing. I’m not into golf, baseball or kayak rentals. I’ve already done the airboat thing, let’s check if there is anything at the Polk Theater. It’s used mostly for charity events, imagine a 1,400 seat theater in a city with not that many people who know what a theater is.
           They have a Swing night, the one brand of American music that I nearly hate. Sparse events reminds me what happened to my guitar player years ago. Like many, if he got to the Smithsonian, he wanted to see the Air & Space museum. He got there late and went all over but could not find the Spirit of St. Lous. They rang the closing bell and on his way out, he got a glimpse of it. That, folks, is closer than I ever got.
           On the way to his house, you pass this saloon that is only open on weekends. I looked into it and it is a locally famous line dancing spot. A notice of a club that meets to build small woodworking projects caught my eye. I was interested until I scrolled all the way to the bottom to discover it is a cover for a prayer group. For when you want to saw a 2x4 in half and find Jesus in one fell swoop. How stupid are some people? The DHS is selling them hazmat suits for the eclipse. The latest Russian launch to the ISS has included a “flight attendant”. You know, in case you need help adjusting your pillow. I have no doubt the millennial class would, to virtue signal, launche into space someone incapable of doing that for themselves.

Picture of the day.
Anglesey Barracks, Wales.
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           The museum just mentioned has some war planes I’ve not seen, so pencil that in. Admission is $15 bucks, so expect a report from there sometime soon. Not much else to do. There’s always stay home and watch comedy, like that video of old Kamela clapping along to a song that insults her. You’d think she’d catch on when one of the crowd held a sign calling her a war criminal. By late afternoon, I’m done trying to find anything interesting to do within driving distance, so I’m going to buy some hinges at the hardware. Did you know there were so many types of hinges? I’ll try something new.
           Late, late afternoon, after the damage is done, the post office delivers. Since they had nothing downtown, it was the carrier who kept in in his van. What an asshole. Tomorrow morning will be wasted patching this all back together and not a thing can be done to discipline these government hoodlums.

           Speaking of insipid, Bradford showed up at the Monday club session, although this informal gathering has no reasons why not. It was kind of neat him being the bad guy because the place was full of people who know otherwise. For example, he said I was trying to force people who only wanted to jam into doing things my way, which is to form a band and play out. Wrong, I never coerced anyone, I just quit showing up. To him, apparently, that is using force.
           I had the old ROM circuit on display. It is damaged but I can easily fix it if I find the time. This is the board that can display digits using only diodes and resisitors, which Wilford grasped in an instant. We voted he would get more out of it if I get it working again.

           I’m on the second last disk of Royce and Minerva. They were caught in the act, which made up their minds about the marriage ceremony. True to life, that even it now three weeks away and she has already taken to bossing him around. At least that part is true to life and it is back to being written by a woman. As for the plot, it is mostly now about how well old Royce is able to behave himself. The tale continues to have historial insights. Like mention of the latest theory that educating the peasant children eventually pays off. What a novel concept.

           I'll have to cut your short. Something has come up. Nothing else of note except I stopped for a sandwich and coffee downtown. Sixteen bucks. Something tell me I'll be glad I invested when I could.

           The rehearsal y’day revamps nearly 20% of our active song list, that is, the tunes we usually play every gig. That’s substantial for most bands. I’m already going back over the new material to find where this music can be given “the treatment”. An place where the guitar and bass are playing the same thing is a “wasted opportunity”. It was amusing as well the wee gems that come up in conversation. For example, it seems it is not at all that easy after all to find a bass player who can play the piano fills. Gosh, it seems to take years and so many of them just don’t get it. From the blog that first warned us about Win 7, the Chinese government has banned the use of MicroSoft products. The Democrats have stepped up fake A.I. newscasts intended to shake public confidence in Trump support. Problem, the public is far too aware of what Trump would not say or do.

Last Laugh