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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

May 22, 2024

One year ago today: May 22, 2023, informs me later.
Five years ago today: May 22, 2019, it’s usually subtle.
Nine years ago today: May 22, 2015, except beet juice.
Random years ago today: May 22, 2007, the lovely Kim B.

           Most home bakers know that sometimes you get batters that stick. My solution is not to scrape and wash the pan, but set it out for the birds. Around here, in a few hours, it will be clean. But this morning I started a riot. It was over ordinary fudge brownies, I’ve made them before. So what is with the sudden frenzy? We’ll never know. Most aggressive is that single juvenile woodpecker, who has his own feeder already. Why would he try to stop others from having something he doesn’t even need himself? Maybe he’s Canadian?
           The big sassy squirrel, got him right in the arse. He’s fine, but sore. It’s 11:00AM and still only 80°F so I’m back in the shed. This is one of the markets, same size as the small tube box, but taller so it can be moved easily. The only way to store these is by single layer trays or a search becomes labor intensive, probably more than the tube is worth. I’m going to sort another box, then some more quick shelves. I’m already out of shelf space. The bright side is if I find selling easy, the shelves are still there for other stuff.

           Whoa, moments later I just nailed another rodent at 30 yards, and he was fifty feet up a tree limb. Sorry, sciurus carolinensis, this turf is off limits. I again assure the reader these are ass-shots that do not kill. Another unplanned asset of the Crosman is that the pump does not make a lot of noise. To make my morning better, I just received three rebate checks from my auto insurance. For 38¢. 40¢ and $141.00. Must be something disciplinary over there, since we suppose they have better things to do. Very low silver volumes show the banks are not trading and prices remain over $30. I wonder what is up.
           Now, where was I? Ay, the tube box markers. Here is me comparing one of the blocks to the size of the tube box. The blocks are slightly longer for ease of handling. To the right is a tray full, ready for action. Did you ever have a day dominated by counting and sorting vacuum tubes? No? Well now you can say you know somebody who has. Lucky you.

           All I have for you today is light duty tasks and chores. Here is a view of a tray of tubes ready for sale. In light of experience, this single layer arrangement is the winner. The major category is still brand name. If anyone wants other brands, at this point each would have to be looked up separately.
           Not knowing it would stay mild, I got some yard work done. I drilled pilot holes and stung the north work bench extension cable along the trees. I cut some tubing to make a better storage arrangement so I can save long, narrow strips. And used some of those strips to make a frame to hold my bull’s-eye targets. Then I ran the paper shredder and that’s when I headed over to the neighbor’s shed to cut up all the wooden markers.
           I’ve decided to redo the RCA tubes in light of later experience. I sorted them funny and kept finding other small batches mixed in other boxes. The majority of the tubes are RCA and General Electric so far. In about three hours from now I can tell I’m go
ing to be exhausted. Hey, if this tube work was easy, somebody would have done it years ago already.
Picture of the day.
Radar image of the Azores.
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           A serendipitous cloud cover let me work until nearly 2:00PM, so the big news of the day is small jobs. Hey, for me it is a big deal and your turn in coming. I cut supply of the tube marking blocks, and sorry if this is any repeat info, I’ve so had it with Libtard Office and Win 11. My system is set to Word, but this morning it decided to revert to Libtard. It would not let me close the files and open with Word, saying the file was locked for editing. Even rebooting would not work. It kept asking if I wanted to revert to the copy, and since saying no did not work, I clicked yes and all the work done since y’day is wiped out. Up yours, MicroSoft and Libtard. A wasted hour of my life.
           Also, I finally uninstalled Libtard, which took with it a file called “write.exe” that clobbered Wordl; Fortunately, I have my pirated copy because I would not pay you fifty cents for garbage that will even allow this to happen. If they ever intended to fix these problems, they would have done so in the past 40 years.

           Here is one of the sorting trans in action. The moveable dividers sort the tubes by brand into batches of 25 in the top half. Then by model in the bottom. This cuts the number of steps by half, It is now 3:00PM and I’m ready to flake out. While I touched nothing grimy, I found my arms covered with a soot-like matter that I had to scrub off. I set the rifle sights for twelve yards. The universal plotting sheets are getting a final dry inside the kitchen and I believe the whole pad is useable. Good.
           Did you catch that rapper on-line giving a lecture on gun safety by blowing his brains out? I’m not saying rap music is bad enough to justify that, but I’m not going to post any of the comments. Silver continues its slide down toward $30 on very low trading volumes.

           Wide awake after dark, I went through the vacuum tubes and got everything under the new system. They cannot realistically be sold without the database and that exists only on my system. The snag is I don’t have an eBay account. They have permanently blocked me without giving any reason except I was slow getting back to them with my bank routing number. I knew they were insisting, but never thought it was a big deal. This was around seven hours of work and these are only the tubes that are in individual boxes. The theory is those will be easiest to sell.
           Still awake at 2:30AM, I played McBride’s version of Rose Garden. There is another tune that fits the strong points of our duo. Many chord changes, minor keys, and a strong dance beat. But I forget how I played it so long ago. I had a completely customized bass line that played all the fills, with all the double stops. This new guitar player I’ve got has brought a lot of bluegrass style to the band. He’s worked hard at adapting to playing as a team, which can be a huge barrier for others because, in the back of their minds, they know it detracts from what they would play as a soloist. I looked everywhere I could but I’m afraid the notes are lost, that is, I will have to re-learn the tune to a lower standard.

           For many Americans, the revelation that the raid on Trump’s house was the final straw. It is revealed to have been an assassination attempt. They shipped him documents he didn’t ask for, then slapped fake “Top Secret” stickers on the boxes, and authorized agents to use “deadly force” to recover them. These people will never be trusted again. It reveals to many who were only skeptical that the country has been taken over by thugs—but the only reason they have not turned themselves full communist is the public has 400 million guns that they know of.

Last Laugh

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