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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May 28, 2024

One year ago today: May 28, 2023, that ‘health food’ taste.
Five years ago today: May 28, 2019, built in Bowling Green.
Nine years ago today: May 28, 2015, DisneyMath, $47 = $200.
Random years ago today: May 28, 2008, her computer & her life..

           Who doesn’t have phases where you wake up at alarm clock time, but without the clock? Today we tidy up some of the yard early but 5:30AM is too dark to burn leaves. The point is, I’m going to do my best to make something interesting out of today. The good news is there is still $200 in the cash drawer. The trip on Saturday was ten bucks plus the gas, we know how to budget nice time for cheap. Check back in aan hour when it’s getting light and let’s see what a nothing day is like around here. First, let me arrange a “piano” bass line to that Hank Junior song. Wow, did he skimp on his bass player.
           That was quick, you’re here already. Two cups of coffee and a couple e-mails was all it took to get the dawn happening. I’ve already had enough millennial marketing for the day just checking the news. (“Fifty things you never knew about the Ten Commandments. Number Seven will blow your mind. Please hit the like button, I’m begging again.) Planning the day out, next thing I did was get the van up on the blocks for that oil change. The trees in the front yard are no help when it gets 90°F in the shade.

           Hoping for the best with the dead circuit in the shed, I got lucky. Back when I got a box of GFCI plugs for a couple dollars each. So I put one on every leg of every circuit. Over the years, this often means some legs have up to three of these devices. For example, the silo is entirely run through a singe GFCI that in turn taps off the old lean to, and so on. Examination each receptacle showed no problems, but reasoning that these things are made in China, I tripped each one from the farthest plug to the nearest. Whew, on the last one she worked. Let’s get another coffee as a reward—mind you, this isn’t over. That circuit has only two outlet boxes and rarely has more than one tool operating. It should not have tripped.

           With one eye on the shed thermometer, I lit the burn barrel. The plan is to get a bed of coals that will incinerate lots of yard rakings and scraps. Good move, by 9:00AM she was already over 80°F. This is no idle undertaking, the chain saw has to be hauled out to slice all branches and limbs to fit inside the barrel diameter and remind me to get a chain saw sharpener. It has long since proven it’s worth around here.
           Working fast, I got the big planks for the old workbench cleaned up and leaning on the shed, wondering where is that hillbilly when you need the concrete blocks moved. I wonder how he’s faring, but because of Florida’s invasive visiting and probation policy. Nobody will go on-line and check. The system says if you’re not up to something, you don’t mind if we get your name on file, the people say no way, nobody wants to live in a police state. Well, now you have to become an “approved visitor” to even send any tuck money. Approved means if the prisoner escapes, you are a suspected accomplice right off the bar.

Picture of the day.
Library in Belgium.
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           I skipped breakfast for a reason. I’m going to go get me a milkshake, provided I can find a place that still sells the real thing. Here’s a dramatic photo of the oild change, well, as dramatic as these things can be unless there a fire. Don’t be mislead by the color of the oil. The green tint is a play by the morning sun, the actual oil is slick black. This was the fresh oil I used to flush the system. I ran if for a thousand miles and a sample still settled clear, so I ran another five hundred. Part of the dirt was because I had the wrong oil filter and whoever changed it last did not install the rubber seal.

           Next, I could not get the price of a milkshake at Chick-fil-a, their instructions are a sucker job. They say just go to the order menu. Lies, to use that menu, you must have your personal information on their database. Instead, specify the menu site in your search and discover it is around $4.50 and the cookie crumb one I like around 650 calories.
           It’s an 18 mile round trip and Harbor Frieght is on the way. I want some larger nibblers and like to keep extra tarps on hand. And that chain saw sharpener If you want to watch a hilarious video on sharpening blades this guy is a hoot.

           Let’s see, birds feeding in a frenzy, a sudden dead calm, increasing cloud cover, just past noon. My years with the Apaches say real the signs. Or was it the Navajo? In one hour, we’ll get a five minute windstorm and then, as Joe used to say to Ashley, it’s shower time. Cancel the milkshake, I’m not driving in the rain. To those who point out the sun is shining and it is boiling hot, I say I was once new in these parts myself. Since we are not going anywhere until this is over, let’s look closer at the oil change. Seal is replaced and the mark exactly on the stick, so let’s look at that $15 oil filter.
           It’s a special design, with some kind of tiny nib on the bottom. It has features that say it must be screwed down securely. The packaging says good for 20,000 miles but it also says make in China, so here we go again. It’s not that the Chinese are not meticulous, but I have seem them ignore signals that something is going wrong because it isn’t a threat to their own lives.

           Ah, the birds have stopped and there’s the wind. It will be a short summer storm, so let’s have a 680 calorie lunch and grab a nap. This is the day-to-day challenges of retirement, if you plan it right. Yes, I have the piano bass line down pat, and it also serves for the instrumental break. The Prez will recognize it and do enough bluegrass fills to get it moving. Give the guy credit, he took a real chance on this. He has not completely embraced all the rules yet. He will, since he knows he’ll always be in a band for life if he wants now. But the best sound is confined to a duo, in a bigger band, much of what he’s picked up gets drowned out.
           I stayed close to the A/C and got another batch done, signaling an end to the big trans of boxed tubes. This was 58 tubes with the brand Amperex, now Now we near the end of all the small tubes in boxes. There are hundreds more in loose bags, nobody has any idea what’s there. In a day or two, we’ll have some idea. As for the boxed tubes, there are two sizes left, medium and large. After two weeks of small, these well be cone in a day or two. They will benefit from what I’ve learned about sorting. The 58 tubes this afternoon have a wholesale price of only $240.
           A look at the news shows parts of Oregon are serious about seceding, the Hildebeest is claiming voters in 2016 were punishing her, and 50% of the diversity admissions at UCLA medical school fail basic competence tests. Hats off to MacKinlay, the Brit MP who tried to force the vaccine. Parliament hailed him as a hero after he got both hands and feet amputated but did not once mention the jab. In England, the House of Commons gave a standing ovation to the MP who pushed the vaccine, then had to have both hands and feet amputated. Some smart aleck posted saying standing and clapping, Brit humour can be so hard to understand.

Last Laugh