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Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 1, 2024

One year ago today: June 1, 2023, I still climb ladders.
Five years ago today: June 1, 2019, the Hillman Fastkey.
Nine years ago today: June 1, 2015, downtown by bicycle.
Random years ago today: June 1, 2020, lookit all dat silver.

           Trump was found guilty, but nobody can name the crime. They were just after the headline. And they assured a Trump victory, or as Tucker says, they have to kill him now. Problem, if they kill him, it will create the demand for a real dictator, and I’m already too busy in my back yard. Here’s a new type of link, a video showing wind turbines destroyed by wind. The power company in Iowa deflected by focusing on “fortunately nobody was hurt” angle. Sure enough, NPR, the ratio station Trump will cancel for sure, has been crowing constantly that people should not vote for a convicted felon. And a Chase bank in Ohio must blew up for no reason. No known reason.
           What these events are distracting from is WW III. While this was going on, Biden quietly okayed the Ukros to begin using US offensive weapons against Russia. That includes remotely piloted drones. See this wire cage? It is surrounding an electrical substation near Moscow. While it would stop a drone attack, even I would know therefore launch two drones. It is as clear as ever if the Democrats lose control of America, they want to leave it a smoking ruin. I grew up around Liberals and know how they think.            What surprised me was the crowds of Trump supporters in England. They know a free America is the only hope remaining for our civilization.

           What’s this, a text back from the “country club” Legion? It’s a subtle shift, but the audition has now become an established time slot and the committee wants to hear us. Adding they will let us know in a “short time” if we are hired, my guess is we could be in before August. Hired, I like the sound of that word. Winter Haven is an almost impossible town for a startup band. Another guess is that the club has been let down again, usually that happens when a band starts showcasing instead of providing good dance music.
           Avoid outside all day I sorted and classified another batch of tubes. I have a wholesale listing that gives me a way to price the tubes that have no listings elsewhere. Why it’s mentioned is the laughs I get using this list. The, I suppose, well-meaning idiots that entered in those thousands of items, did not between them have the IQ to figure out why some of the listings were wrong. We already know they had no concept of EBCDIC collating, but they did not even know a cardinal from an ordinal. It just seems to me if you entered, say 10 numbers and they came out wrong, you would be at least somewhat curious why. Nope, these people carried on for what must have been weeks.
           But the one you have to share a laugh with me is the exponentials. You see, some of the tube designations, if entered into a numeric field (instead of a text field) convert to scientific notation. That’s a full laugh, but you want a double laugh. Okay, but you’d have to go look at the inane trial and error antics they went through because not one of them had a clue why or what in sam hill was going on. Idiot after idiot taking a kick at the can. This isn’t some ancient format that can be blamed on the uninitiated; the list is dated 2023, so some of these clown-boys are power gamers.

Picture of the day.
Bulldozing trees on the
Isle of Love, Cyprus.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           We know there is a trip to Tennessee in the works, and this time the extra budget has me planning a side trip to get there. The Cumberland Plateau, in particular the row of housing that can be seen high up on the ridge along the road to Soddy-Daisy. I wonder what is up there. Why now? Because Cumberland is an unusual word, and the arseholes at MicroSoft have shafted me again. I’ll say it again, I’d use their stuff if they’d fix it and make it work.

           Another ass-clown thing they do is they canceled the feature where you can open two file views at once. In XP, you could open the source and target and watch the file move. Now, you have to trust them or waste time checking. They screwed up the process in two ways. One is that when you go to move the file, as mouse over the destination, little flags and popups appear that obscure where you are pointing. The other is if you hove a moment too long or one pixel off, the destination folder opens and in the process moves the folder you wanted. In then moves the file into whichever is now under the pointer, and as you instinctively release the button to stop this, it closes the folder again so you don’t even know which subdirectory it went. Total assholes, these MicroSoft people.
           This neat view shows the valley I usually drive near the center, and to the left is the ridge, called Cumberland Escarpment. I know the roads in there are twisty from this side. One time I drove south from Dunlap hoping to see this route. But I did not have my DeLorme in those days and wound up in some place called Whithall? This trip, I would have time to plan in detail, I see the first waypoint is called Signal Mountain. Where do I know that name from?

           I get a note from Pat-B reporting difficulties redeeming some investment money. I repeat my warning about this, these places are very touchy about redemptions because of the potential for fraud. No matter how secure a system they devise, they are by now fully aware that idiot users could tape their account number and password on the wall and go for coffee. Plan on a month, and plan on being asked a zillion questions.
           Reports out of the Ukraine say Russia has learned to jam US guidance systems. They must have been reading my blog back in the 1980s. Spoofing the satellite signals, now I know why I could not find those cheap parts when Radio Shack went under. They’re all in Moscow. How about Canada now officially killing all their gimps, cripples, tards, and the homeless? That’s a double-edged sword, mind you. It was always a bad idea to put all those people on welfare instead of letting the churches look after them. Now, fifty years later, Canada has a huge population of these types draining the system and a beleaguered taxpayer class that just no longer cares if they are put down.
           Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying anything bad, only that it is the individuals who have certain defects that should be faced with the hard decisions, not the public at large. I’m not likely to forget that seminar in 1983 with the millionaire housewife from West Vancouver. Had five retarded kids and instead of getting her tubes tied, she makes a career out of shaming taxpayers for not “doing enough”. (She wanted a 10% increase in taxes to fund things like riding academies, that’s income tax, not tax on the estate she inherited.)

           Seeking alternative investments because of Caltier’s lack of explanation over what is going on, I tried to look at Kickstarter. But nowhere could I find a plain English explanation of what they do. Whatever it is, they should not be appearing on searches for investment. I think, by looking at samples of their crowdfunding, that they are basically an on-line panhandling outfit. Which surprises no-one.
           Another predictable screwup is anything MicroSoft. Without warning, my entire Downloads directory disappeared from my file list. I went looking and the entire contents are gone, not even in the Recovery List. Poof gone. This is why I have never trusted MicroSoft. I have backups of most, but not all those files, some of which were bank statements not yet filed. This means good old Redmond coded in some gimp feature that caused a typo to move the folder. Oddly, this asinine quirk affects speed typists more than peckers, who have trouble even understanding two keys can be pushed at once and thus don’t use proper nouns. This search is tedious, the Win 11 search will tell you file not found while you are looking at it.
           Cumberland file, where are you? In other news, I have not heard from my guitar player in five days. Normally he answers promptly, I know he had vehicle troubles on the leg up. Serious stuff, the transmission, it was the alternator that stopped him but we know about the gears for some months now. Still, he can phone, text, or e-mail, this is after all, 2024. Folks, if we get that Legion gig, it means for me a new camera, new kitchen stove, a real microscope, and lots of other goodies.

           So this feminist posts her picture saying she’s so good at ranting she can out-rant anybody. No picture, as I shun photos of people who base their entire lives on pushing themselves on others and become cookie-cutter replicas seeking in-group acceptance of their perversions. But here are the comments I liked the best:
Is that a vibrator salesman?
Belongs in a cornfield.
The anger of the unwanted.
Unprovable as we’d never be in the same place.
Wins by making eye contact.
These people must use carnival mirrors.
Where’s Darwinism when you need it?
That’s why they sell boxed wine.
Why are feminists never feminine?

Last Laugh