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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

June 12. 2024

One year ago today: June 12, 2023, the mercenary phase.
Five years ago today: June 12, 2019, remember the beer box?
Nine years ago today: June 12, 2015, kleptogamy.
Random years ago today: June 12, 2004, Sir Ringo.

           Tennessee is on the schedule, could be any time. Read the addendum for more. Two items on the news this morning of note. One is the new ad by Kamela (not a typo), who has not played much of a role in a year and was a rambling fool. Suddenly this slick presentation, something funny is going on. And how about that guy who spent 16 years in jail over a false rape accusation? The public is tired of women who do this and also the police departments who love pushing any sex cases against men. But I think the opposite on the guy who sued his employer for giving him a birthday party he did not want. Seems he had anxiety issues which spells bullshit to the majority and his taking a job around them was selfish. My position is people with such inward focusing mental problems should take their own precautions.
           The Cloud. It’s bullshit and that is that. Funny how we have a generation that does not for a moment suspect that to store anything on the cloud, you have to supply them with your life history. Nope, no alarm flags on that one. Apple has just issued a statement saying your info is safe. Kind of like your bank suddenly announcing it has a nine-page privacy policy. Apple, who took eleven years to fix the glitch that allowed minors to access porn by typing “get a grip” in the address bar. But my favorite was kids who turned on the screen recorder before handing over the phone for parents to enter the passcode.
>           Here is the complete original design of Chateau JeePee. Like most, it may be added on without altering much. No ramp to the roof yet, that depends on measurements I cannot take from here. And a photo of the overgrown front lawn. I have not seen the neighbor in several weeks, but we know his mom is not doing well. I have lots of lawn mowers, but they happen to be in Tennessee. I never did pursue the mechanical, as it’s like carpentry in the stockpile of tools and spare required. As you see, these are things that have replaced youthful adventure in my life. Like trips to California with a station wagon of toothpicks. These things don’t happen any more.

           Wow, it was 21 years ago Frank & I were at the Torrey Pines, guests of the Jeff & Jerry Show. Beautiful Carmel, California, and six months before I was nearly a statistic. JZ was on the phone for an hour, remember that long phone calls around here are still rare enough to be blogworthy. He’s in the market for a car. You know these guys, no way did he save up $500 a month for the last year that he knew this was pending. He finds this Volvo with leather interior and icicle A/C, problem, it is $11,000. That would make it easily the most expensive vehicle he’s ever had, but it marks a change from a truck to a car.
           JZ is like most Americans, fully aware of the quantum nature of cash purchases, but no personal mechanism for saving up lump sums in advance. I’m saying unless he can swing things with his estate, there’s only one person he knows that has $11,000. And I just got hit with nearly that much in court fees that will take years of litigation to get back. I did not say no, because I would hold title to the vehicle and I’ve never, ever had a ride in a Volvo. Give me time to ponder, it would mean in the past two years I’d have spent around $25,000 on cars I’ve rarely driven, and my own vehicle is a $3,500 van built in 2012. I cannot afford such things.

           The convo quickly moved on to money in general. Caltier on pause or not, I’m not really looking to go partners on property. I’m spoiled, I like the idea of taking a few percent less and letting some remote workers deal with the property. I got enough ladders to climb right here. JZ is the only outsider who knows the inner decision-making gears and he should know by now I’ve had to move toward investments that depend on what I know, now what I do.
           I don’t know if I’ll be able to work into my 70s and he presumes he probably can. I say probably, he finally just recently admitted he has tools not used in ten years. I no longer plan on things not changing for that long at a time.

           Here is my oldest tool in regular use. See my habit of writing the date, this utility knife is 23 years old. And my millennial camera, which shows it in focus, turns out blurry photos like this. My generation would be ashamed of producing junk like that. Heck no, we produced much better junk. It was having access to a shed that I have so many old tools. Things still go missing, like by 20V drill charger, but it is probably underneath some boxes of vacuum tubes. That could happen anywhere, right?
           I called the Caltier contact line and explained that I wanted an anonymous explanation of why the fund has been paused. It took a bit, no I don’t want anyone to look at my account and call me back. I slated time in one hour, at which time I asked the lady to make someone at the office aware I would be calling, I don’t want to hear everybody is busy, I want twenty words or less why the fund is paused and when to expect it to unpause. We shall see, I have eBay packages to mail. An hour later that is all done but we have a problem with Caltier. They refuse to cooperate and give an explanation. Everybody who could have answered tmy question was conveniently out of the office. At 11:00AM their time. They are deliberately playing dodgeball now.

Picture of the day.
The $9 DIY boat.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Luck! It clouded over by late afternoon and I was out there. The downpour could begin any moment, how sad things like this are now the big news, ha-ha. So I moved fast and in the end, it did not rain at all for four hours, when I stopped because of dark. Not bad for a nothing day, the major feat was finally cutting down the rest of the 65-foot stump. It’s a misnomer, the stump of the tree was 9 feet tall, you can see a photo here. It was overgrown with vines and I had to carefully remove the birdhouses and make sure it fell away from the red shed lean-to.
           Can you see it in this photo? The top is overgrown with vines. There is still bark, but for a few years now nothing has lived there except insects. I could not take the strump flush to the ground as it grew around the waterpipe that proved just to convenient giving the whole shed area running water. I may build a small stand over the stump and leave it there. The tubes should be high and dry by tomorrow, all indoor work.

           Here’s a shot of the chain saw. Today was both job and the semi-regular monthly fire-up. It takes a big more each time to get it running but well within my range. See that, JZ, how the saw looks new all these months later? Doesn’t happen by accident, pal. No picture but the saw has the largest custom box I’ve ever built and it has been superb at keeping the saw ship-shape and all the accessories organized. Alas, it is too big for me to lift, and I have not installed any dolly wheels or something yet.
           The run time on the saw today was 8-1/2 minutes, enough to completely use up all energy reserves. It was not simple cuts, as the shed surrounds the stump on two sides and the cuts, seven of them, included crawling from inside the shed to make the final cut—away from the structure. It’s done and we are now faced with a large felled trunk which will require similar multiple cuts due to the diameter and my 14” saw. It will happen soon partly because the log is lying directly across the only path to the north side of the yard. I was even luckier today that it did not hit anything. Hectic is the word for the job, the thunder was across the whole time and she’s a mean one. And if you think that few minutes on a chain saw is easy, you have not tried it.

           Back inside, covered with chips, sawdust, and bark flakes, you know, I’m glad I bought the big size coffee. What I write nowadays may seem haphazard, I know that, but my promise was to keep this blog accurate on day-to-day concerns. I’m not thinking history in a hundred years in today’s context. One reason for keeping JZ on the phone is to get medical information about my pending lumbar operation. The possible need for any blood transfusions these days terrifies people. California has removed the tests for entrance to medical schools as too hard on non-Whites.
           Even then, JZ has written the tests and says they are pretty damn easy. America is headed for a tumble. JZ says the procedure does not involve any transfusion, which is a weight off my mind. He also cautions about a slip in the caliber of anesthesia. I recall how his dad changed after several hours during his kidney transplant. JZ’s explanation was too over the top for me, I’ll make a point to get the best detail possible about local anesthetics if I have to drive to Maimi special for a conference. JZ can easily talk ten-dollar medical words where I can’t even make change. I get it though, they can “freeze” the lumbar area only.

           I warned JZ about the concentration of crowdfunds on the rental market. The way things are done is changed, he still does not have e-mail and thinks Caltier is recent when in fact I’ve already been investing there 18 months. Real estate isn’t the same, a bank has folded, something that is not supposed to happen any more.. They overextend mortgages, loaning money they don’t have. I carefully chose Caltier because they only buy properties that self-fund but they are still “paused” for compliance. Who pauses for six weeks? JZ would have been in full panic mode by now. Last, he wants to visit Memphis. He’s aware the place has been woketarded but still wants to spend a week there. Crazy, he still thinks you can get a motel for $50 a night and survive.
           The neighbor was out, so no Festus Tuesday. Instead, I pulled up a few documentaries on tank tactics. No luck, it is as toilsome to get around the bull donkey as it was before the Internet made everyone a genius. The most obnoxious is how the narrators zap the enemy and puff the friendlies. That was okay then, but 80 years later? It’s seems a “full-strength” Nazi squadron is always attacking a thinly-spread under-equipped US Division. Sounds like a tough battle unless you know that means 300 Germans and 4 tanks against 20,000 Americans with 425 tanks. The one part I believe is how the Americans are always complaining the supplies they need are always someplace else.

           The Reb has to spend a week in California and the company is still at the house. Now don’t get me wrong, the dogs are okay, but never as okay as when family is there. Sam is going in for a checkup, but honestly I don’t think he’ll be himself again. They call puppy behavior doggie dementia and I’ve notice him having spells. I can assure you very few dogs have had such care and attention. The rescue people estimated his age and he should now be 16, but if he was a farm dog, I’d say closer to 18. I will be ready to leave here any time between now and the 29th.
           Business affairs mean the Reb and I will have to take much more time than usual this trip, so I will plan a few extra days of overlap. I can’t get into detail but court costs have been frightening this time around. America, where it costs $10,000 to stop somebody from doing what they had no right to do in the first place. I know the concept, that there is no “crime” unless it happens, but my understanding is that things like robbing banks are illegal whether or not the bank gets robbed.
           I broached the idea of our own eBay account using the doggie account. Yes, the pets have their own account, I’ve just referred to it by other names. I should leave early, you know the company is tolerated by the dogs at best, but now that Sammy might need medical attention, well, it’s just best I show up sooner than later. One of them broke the older cat’s favorite dish. I know it sounds like a collection of shallow trivia, but I’m describing a situation comprised of such details. Now I’ll be uneasy until I get there.

           Moments later the Reb called. She won’t be gone that long, but it means getting back on the airplane and heading straight to the studio. Well, I had that kind of energy myself at her age. It just means when she finally does get home, the dogs will be spoiled and chumming with me. Remind me not to forget JeePee’s castle. It rained everywhere around except here today, but I napped through it after hearing all the thunder.
           She needs the break, so I’ll get the vet bills so she can stay a bit longer to visit, she still knows lots of people in California. I know nobody out west anymore, not one person. Because we passed the $20,000 mark with Caltier, it seems they now classify us as “Wealth Warriors”. I see that crowdfund investing has been dominated by real estate funds. That means it’s likely been propping the market for speculating and a bust will bite especially deep. Good, let them spend cake.

           These funds number eight, you can find them on your own. Caltier isn’t one, as it is not (I discovered at tax time) a REIT. It is a partnership that invests and you own shares in the company, not of the properties. Caltier avoids Florida and you know why? Hurricane insurance. Did you know almost 80% of hurricane lawsuits are filed in Florida? Not the most however, your trivia for today is Walmart is the most sued entity, facing around 15 new lawsuits every day. A.I., fake or not, is encroaching on how business is done and one facet that intrigues me is the ability of this software to literally “micromanage”. Remember a year ago I had a go at programming a page that would show enough decimal places that one could watch the interest growing on a thousand dollars.
           It was futile, because the spreadsheet format I chose would not display more than nine decimals. But know somebody elsewhere knows this is a great concept. As always, the Internet bozos are going to needlessly complicate things, but I found a site that pays daily. So I know they have covered the ground. You invest in “tokens” and get a share of the rent, which is shown daily. It has A.I. written all over it. Per protocol, I set up a fake account in case I decide to back out and immediately hit a snag. The page only works on smart phones, there is no provision to set up an account on a desktop.

Last Laugh