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Saturday, June 15, 2024

June 15, 2024

One year ago today: June 15, 2023, this brand of tardiness.
Five years ago today: June 15, 2019, I liked that band, sigh.
Nine years ago today: June 15, 2015, I, too, was ambitious.
Random years ago today: June 15, 2016, $30 per month . . . .

           We awake to the paradox that epitomizes the degree to which libtards never thing ahead. Hunter is found guilty. The game plan was to demo that the justice system was not one-sided like everybody know sit is, by saying look who got caught. Instant Democrat problem: pardon him before the election and you’ve defeated your own agenda, pardoning him after the election is supposing you get that far. More popcorn, please. Canada slaps a 66% tax on capital gains, but then again, in Canada, the rich are already rich. Zero class mobility unless you can play hockey.
           Today is my proposed holiday for the Longest Wanted Fugitive, Jason Derek Brown. He’s a hero in some eyes for a number of good reasons, first being that the police wanting to talk to you carries no legal weight and you are under no obligation to do so.
           The authorities have long since lost their reputation for fair play and “Most Wanted” lists are part of the game. I’ve seen top ten lists where not one of the persons was a real fugitive—because like Brown, they had not been charged with anything. It is foolish to talk to the police (on or off duty) in America, there is nothing you can say that cannot be used against you. And JD Brown is smart enough to know this. (Note: all images showing an current age-progression head shot of Brown have been purged from the Internet. I said current.)

           So, even if he is dead to rights guilty, his presence on that list reveals the extent to which the authorities will go to hoodwink people. The scam is presenting the list as if it is a legitimate wanted poster, which it is not. Brown unexpectedly made a mockery of the list from their own doing. You see, the longer a person is on the list, the more insidious and accusing the writers become. The authorities seem to think adding to the list will influence public opinion.
           Problem. Brown is hiding out with the Mormons (see picture) who are unlikely to be fooled by the charade. No warrant, no deal. Thus, Brown remained on the list so long, the pattern of blacklisting became obvious. It was blatant how they kept piling on evil profile indicators that matched what was trending on the Internet. Brown was taken off the list eventually, but if he was there today, you bet they would have “discovered” he was, what’s in vogue? Pedophile or human traffic stuff, that’s the ticket.

           What’s this, Julia Dreyfus is producing a made-for-TV comedy that has no adult men in the cast? Isn’t she the same age as me? Any, she shows you can do anything you want when your daddy owns the French stock exchange. Keep that kind of women away from me, she’s reason enough I don’t own a TV.

           Something is definitely wrong over at Howie’s. I got the neighbors together and informed them (nicely) that we are now feeding the cats, chasing away the raccoons, and tending the yard. Problem I’m the only one with a lawnmower and it is on the blink. I may walk over to the neighbor on the church side, he knows Howie. I just hate to ask to borrow his big mower because I know he’ll want to drive it himself and even that is lots of work. I shopped this morning and there is nothing less than $200, which I won’t spend because I have three mowers in Tennessee. I want the Honda, but the situation here can’t wait for my return.
           When my supplier stocked up the tubes, there were other articles in the boxes. You’ve seen some, like the testers and the wee screwdriver. But other stuff like projector bulbs and these odd plastic adaptors were mixed in. Why it makes news is that he did not leave instructions on what to do, probably because he’s long forgotten what is in all the boxes. Here’s the thing, if I see an order and the material is here, out it goes. On weekends his phone goes to message and texting says he’s not connected. This results in me getting quite familiar with mailing things besides tubes.

           I’ve already concluded that shipping is easier than it used to be and unlike when I worked at the Thrift, I now have around 120 square feet of storage space. With shelves that will double and still leave a small work area. It is well-lit, fan-cooled, and snug. I’ve not made anything really on the tubes yet if I add up all the hours and effort, but most of that was one-time. For all the times everybody has talked of eBay, it seems (once again) I’m first in my circle. Where is this leading?
           Well, Florida is a bit of a treasure trove for used gear, fire sales, and estates. Circumstances dictate that I handle only small, light articles. That means except for some shipping supplies, I’m fully equipped to undertake something here—and the Reb confirms the doggie account has enough money in there to ensure even months of no sales would not be a concern. I’ll talk more about tubes as I learn, but I sure do like that money appearing in the account, Will this time around go anywhere? It depends a lot on volume, but so far the tubes only take up 20-30% of the shelf storage. When the new wall is finished, I’ll have more than enough.

           It would be wrong, however, to think I am endorsing eBay. Like MicroSoft, they use their initial advantage not to improve, but to quash competition. It was an unspoken but illegal practice during the re-computer era. Now, except for gross abuses, it is normal. I now consider eBay one of the most primitive, most low-tech operations out there. Their system is one step above manually selling the stuff off your lawn. But nobody has the cash to dislodge them.
           Each posting takes up to ten minutes but it is worse than that. If you get called away and return, there is nothing on screen to remind you where you left off. Many a time already I’ve gotten all the way to the bottom and found the button for revise instead of list. It means I took a peek at a former similar listing and forgot something. Now it is either wipe out the ten minutes new work or the ten minutes old work. Why keep going back to look if it causes this problem. I’ll tell you: BangyBang.
           BangyBang, a vastly overpriced outlet, distorts all the statistics. You must ensure your pricing meshes with what others are charging except Bangy, and there seems no way to exclude them from the pricing algorithm. More work. And forget relying on eBay’s e-mail confirmation, that would be too easy. They send an e-mail the listing is live. What could go wrong? Oh, they’ll find some way to screw it up. Sometimes, the e-mail does not arrive for hours, And once it is listed, don’t think you can just use your eBay “Manage” function. They completely scramble the order you input things. True, you could sort the list they present, but, you guessed it. EBCIDIC.

           [Author’s note: EBCIDIC is your enemy. I’ve described it several places in this journal. It is and always will be one of IBMs most notorious brain-farts. The computer world had the misfortune to have a semi-government outfit like IBM get an early foothold in the computer field. They promptly used that head start to screw up everything they touched. I do not know of a single IBM product or construct that is not riddled with idiotics. (Did I just coin another word?)
           Most everything that is systemically wrong with computer systems down to this day can be traced to IBM. Cryptic system commands, unreadable code, lack of special markers, using punctuation as delimiters, leaving the blank space off the alphabet, every stupid, kindergarten level goof-up you can think of is probably due to IBM. And EBCIDIC is their low point. They must have worked hard to invent a system that will not alphabetize properly by itself. EBCIDIC was the result. Yes, this is repeat info, but it bears repeating.]

           One more thing I’ll repeat here. There are 53 letters in the English alphabet. You cannot properly sort word lists unless you use all 53. If you don’t know or can’t figure what they are, maybe you are also reading the wrong blog.

Picture of the day.
Atacama desert scenery.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Oops, my siesta took all afternoon. So I have editorial and trivia for you. The most common reason fugitives are caught is they get lost. Turns out most are not even aware of how to use a compass. The movement is on to remove the US dollar as the currency of oil, not a good thing. Tehcnically, oil has replaced gold to back the dollar but the Saudis have decided not to renew the 50-year agreement to sell only in US dollars. Life goes on, but without Trump, it’s the end of the Empire. Strange throughout history people who want to dominate the world don’t mind destroying it in the process.
           The Attorney General is risking all to protect the tapes of his boss’s legal interviews, as if the public can’t figure there is only one reason for that. Trump continues to dominate every fact of the election campaign, it’s as if the other side has given up—or have a plan like last time. Nearby is a graph of Democrat accusations. No more Trump, I watched a documentary on the Soviet fascination with Venus. They were in such a rush for firsts, something like 12 of their probes failed, although one was tough enough to survive a crash landing and sent data for an hour.

           The band is estivating, probably until September. No plans, no gigs, no scheduled rehearsals. August will be one year, my luck to find a guitarist just as the club scene is hit shutdowns and doldrums. We have a working system but the only two small clubs left are unlikely to hire a country duo. I was amused by a fake documentary depicts Pat Benetar’s rise to stardom as completely out of the blue. I say fake because we know she had taken opera lessons and sang publicly since the age of eight. The video played up that her father was a sheet metal worker, but that did not stop her from attending three different colleges and quitting her job to go singing. I’m not saying it didn’t happen, I’m saying the facts as presented don’t quite add up.
           Where I admire her is going up against the rock era establishment. I’m aware only of five or six of her top hits and often have to be reminded it is her. But taking on the industry was a necessity for success in the last part of the century and she managed. Just don’t tell me she did it on her wages as a bank teller. Don’t tell me she quit one day and moved to New York with $2,500 and began packing stadiums. It does not work that way, I remember first hearing of her because she showed up at a talent show wearing a spandex cat costume. I never believe people who announce fame and fortune in advance as having done it on their own, although I know it happens. Great videos, too. “Face-melting guitar work.”

           Let’s peek at some economic stats. Americans who don’t have enough money to plan beyond the next paycheck: 40%. Don’t have $500 in savings: 46%. And a quarter of all people making less than $75,000 per year spend half of it on rent. Tell you what, let me run that last statistic though my “backwards” formulas. The ones I use to calculate how much money I would need to live if I followed the rules. (Actually, since I don’t pay rent, the amount is infinite.) Cripes, my little cabin, rent-wise, is worth some $270,000. That’s about what I figured. I doubt I would move for less.

           The delayed final big trip out west is getting some last minute revisions. Planned for two years now, the fact it would mean a return trip after the November elections means extra caution. If the bad guys lose the election, they undoubtedly have a plan to create chaos. That could put me thousands of miles from home in a crowd known for rioting and burning down food plants. I should move the schedule up to where I’m returning before the election. There is little doubt they would rather destroy the country than give up power. Probably because they know what would happened if they get hit with their own laws and policies that the two-tier system is currently shielding them from. It will [now]cost me $800= to make these changes.

Last Laugh