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Monday, June 17, 2024

June 17, 2024

One year ago today: June 17, 2023, this OJ tastes terrible.
Five years ago today: June 17, 2019, the welcome back party.
Nine years ago today: June 17, 2015, best of show.
Random years ago today: June 17, 2010, bad luck Eddie.

           If you are reading this incomplete posting, it means it is already tomorrow and I am on the road to Tennessee. My long-term patrons know the drill. We’ll catch up at the library over there. This was sudden, but the sequence is well-oiled. I can be packed to leave in 20 minutes, there is a complete set of everything I need already stocked in Tennessee. My bug-out kit has everything ready for 48 hour except food, and with a bit of shopping on the road, all the cash and meds needed for 21 days.

           The tank is filled to the brim on most Sundays, the house is wired so everything but the refrigerator can be shut off, and the worksheds are self-locking after 30 hours of inactivity. I anticipate a high-speed trip since this is mostly business. Photos are always optional. My guitar player is in Oregon, eBay is on pause, and the neighbors alerted of my absence. We’ve done this before. Be patient, travel always brings new adventure to this blog. We don't go on trips to do nothing. Later, this is a photo of the Reb's kitchen floormat out in the sunlight, a coupld days from how. It's inserted here days later to see if anybody notices.

           The bleeding hearts are out if force over a news item that the Greek Coastguard threw migrants overboard. Their rhetoric is filled with anti-European phraseology. To hell with the safety of Greece, they want to talk about maritime human rights. It’s difficult to say if these reports are true, not that the far left would ever fake something of this nature for headlines. My word, have you see the video of Obama having to lead Biden off the stage in California? How the world must be laughing. Biden has raised less than 10% as much a Trump in the last month. (People not like me base a lot on this sort of thing.
           Later, the pictures revealed the illegals were not thrown overboard, but piled back into the zodiac the arrived on and pointed back the direction they came. The popular view is that they need experience fixed their own country instead of showing up here to wreck ours. The latest European elections show they have not learned civilization and as Ann Coulter said it, “Exceptions do not change a statistic.”
           Today we get the van prepped to leave, probably by this weekend. So don’t expect major events, but I did solve a bit of a standing mystery. Because of eBay, I’m visiting post offices I’ve not patronized in years. One of them is on the old highway, near Pierce, which is next to the old library, which is next to that thrift I used to visit for work clothes. The thrift is long gone, but who remembers the two gals who worked there? The brunette really liked me, but the blue-eyed redhead did not. That I found odd, because under the circumstances, the most she should have been toward me was indifferent. I think I’ve found the answer.

           The library has a free computer and I decided to check my e-mail, noticing a display with booklets by a local author. One of them was advice on bad men that women should not marry. As I flipped through, about 30 pages, it instantly made sense. The redhead had been reading this book. Almost every page contained a warning about men “like me”, even though there are definitely no men like me in these parts. The redhead had said phrases right out of this book, plainly written by some divorced lady about an unsuccessful marriage of the worst kind.
           It listed me as a bad man. Even I could see that, for example, yes, I do have secret passwords on my computer. I am a bachelor, which is the sure sign of unfaithfulness, she writes. Why yes, I did drive a motorcycle in those days, right up to the front door. And I play bass, which is just as bad as being a guitar player by inference. The book says I am terrible for things like spending my own money without asking, talking to my old girlfriends, and as a matter of fact, I prefer beer over any type of hard liquor. No wonder that poor redhead took me for evil incarnate. For all I know, t’was her mother wrote the book.

           There are no classical radio stations left in Florida. So I was surprised when the 1812 Overture came on. Did Putin die or something. Nope, it turns out they just played it, the of all things, the station faded off the air. That’s okay, I’m really not a fan of Tchaikovski. I don’t like that piece of music either. It reminds me of bad attempt a jazz cacophony. Some like it.

Picture of the day.
Green Bank, W, Virginia.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Two and a half hours. That’s the clock for prepping the van for the trip. Add it up, musical gear and miscellaneous tools out. Gear into the shed. Boxes of tubes moved to storage. Back in goes the doggie foam and sleeping gear, test out the electrical, and enough small tools to keep me busy in case I’m there longer than planned. I’ve learned to pick the highest price tubes more effectively, so I was able to enter $260 worth in an hour. This is not sales, but the potential if all list sold for the asking price. None of that is likely.
           This time in Tennessee I will tighten security due to the behavior of eBay. I just don’t trust them. You open the site even for a peek and dozens of alarms trigger, all eBay trying to read files. Since eBay still works when denied the files, well, you can figure the rest out on your own. While you are here, I’ll tell you a secure e-mail system I’ve used for decades. You know about opening an e-mail as a drop box. You write messages to each other but never send them. Instead, a coded message is sent by regular e-mail alerting the other party there is something in the drop box. (Even then, the messages must be inert and reveal nothing.)            However, over time it becomes apparent that even never sending the messages is risky. So, I’ll tell you how to add layer of security. You know that messages cannot be sent from your draft folder. They have to be opened and sent from the message box. That’s because few e-mail apps allow outside access to the draft folder. You might have to think this one through, but leave all your messages in the draft folder. And after the message is marked received, check frequently just to be sure the recipient did not forget to both trash all messages and empty the trash.