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Friday, June 28, 2024

June 28, 2024

One year ago today: June 28, 2023, an Airbnb boycott?
Five years ago today: June 28, 2019, $171 while I was away.
Nine years ago today: June 28, 2015, considering the year.
Random years ago today: June 28, 1982, remembering virginity.

           The big doggie and I were off to the lake again. Sadly, little Sammy is not benefitting from the walks, he may not even be aware his is outside. The Reb worked out his age, he’s around 106 people years. He is best content to lie on his pillow, spoiled by both of us. I give him pure chopped up people food, mostly chicken and mackerel, sometimes with a shot of cream which the Reb isn’t looking. No dry food though he still gets his treats. He’s had a good life, you might say a
           For the rest of us, the world just gets more regulated by the day. For years, we’ve enjoyed access to the lake at the dam. It’s a couple miles down from here but the route is a bit twisty for non-locals to find. That is changing. Last day, this new booth appeared at the entrance. They’ve build it with a bypass on each side and it is air-conditioned, plainly to either monitor traffic or charge admission.

           There was never any problems at this site, it is out of walking distance and any wild parties occur miles away up near the marina. I’ve never seen this landing noisy or crowded. But not they’ve put up signs that only boat trailers can use the big parking lot. For cars, they’ve bulldozed maybe eight spots up near the entrance. That’s a good healthy walk to the shore. The big lot, for maybe 80 cars, now has three or four boat trailers. Which civil servant came up with that one.
I've begun another audiobook, "King's Mountain", so far it is very well-written and produced.

Picture of the day.
Prince Leopold Island.
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           Has anyone else been encountering this “cultural sensitivity message”? This, folks is what is wrong with America. We’ve let liberalism slide so long that now even imbeciles are demanding respect. I think this version of the warning tells Indians the Internet contains recordings of dead people. This does not promote tolerance, it tells us they are such whiney assholes they don’t belong on the Internet in the first place.

           America awakens to some new realities. The Democrats have lost their grip, Biden’s pitiful record is now merely the most blatant (and painful) symptom. He was demolished in the debate but there is a small and vocal pack of party faithful who are spinning it to the utmost. The jibes aimed at Trump are the usual, that he lies about everything, has the morals of an alley cat, and only cares about himself. These are general-purpose accusations the Democrats use whenever they start losing. Their dilemma is that lately, they lose so consistently the tarnish has worn the words. Unless you want more about fence repairs in Tennessee, the outcome of this non-debate will dominate for a few days.
           The two-faced nature of the left will emerge, they are already spinning it that “neither candidate won” and saying they both lost is the tack taken by CNN. Another angle they are using is to say that Trump did not answer any of the questions asked. From what I heard, Trump answered questions that America was asking, not the dozens of rhetorical questions Biden was using to side-track the discussion. The thread I think to follow is the MSM pound the message that neither man is fit to lead, hoping folks will forget that is the opposite of what they were saying about Biden 24 hours ago. Interesting.

           One item at the last meeting was the calculation of how much do we actually require to keep pace with the window of inflation that affects us most. I contrast us to others in that we devoted resources to infrastructure rather than skating faster over thin ice. An oddball comparison, but we are less affected by the “everything” of inflation that is hitting others. And we need to maintain that, it is a distance, not a lead, and not everyone will understand this. But what you can understand is the final figure.
           We have to increase income by $700 per month by November. I don’t think we can do it, but in a sense I am only responsible for half that, we operate independently but toward goals. I learned this from reading Rommel, by the way. Decision making is allowed down to the lowest level of decisions where resources exist. Rommel did not tell his people how to achieve the ends, he only pointed the way.

           Even if things are ideal for the rest of ’24, I’m going to make it less than half-way. Funny I should kick myself for this when so little time ago in my life I could not do things like the at all--my intrastructure was still not ready. This [situation] is what it bringing LOFTY.AI into the picture. I may not like the way they do it all crypto and token, but it is so near to an idea I had 20+ years ago, knowing one day somebody would take the same and make it work. We also talked about this in the blog here, where I wanted to design a counter with enough decimal places that an investment of $1,000 would make the needle move. I got it working, but needed two more spaces than Excel would allow and I did not want to reinvent the wheel. Chances are I will open a Lofty account just to see how they dealt with it.

Last Laugh