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Thursday, June 27, 2024

June 27, 2024

One year ago today: June 27, 2023, apparently it’s a hobby.
Five years ago today: June 27, 2019, he baked 52 chickens.
Nine years ago today: June 27, 2015, many opinions today.
Random years ago today: June 27, 2012, Stone Age banking coincidence.

           So the CEOs here and there are saying in five years A.I. will surpass human intelligence. I hope I live to see that. I’ve no fear, because I read that to mean it will outclass the intelligence of an entire swath of humans that desperately need to learn how ignorant, opinionated, and far off base they’ve allowed themselves to become. It is laughable that even when A.I. apps over at Google and Microsoft are detuned to avoid facts, they still go “far right” as soon as they are fed real-life data.
                      Here’s about as much as Chooks and I got done today. It was time to get most of the chasing around done, and financially it is not the greatest news. Caltier remains on hold and other than a decision to look at Lofty this upcoming weekend, things are apt to be low-key for quite a while. So why not take a break and settle down on the grass at Percy Pierce Lake. These two handsome boys got the right idea.

           It should not take all morning to renew some CDs (certificates of deposit), but one thing that has not gotten any better or smoother due to computers is banking. It still plods along and in many instances is considerably slower than the same process was when done manually. Ha, but like the car dealerships found out the hard way, you train your staff to use these GenZee apps and you only think the work is being done. Within a single business cycle, you’ll find there is nobody left who understands the process well enough to manage it alone.

Picture of the day.
Forbidden N. Korean picture.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The Reb and I went to dinner, yes the new menus brought the price up from $29 to $49, and on the overhead was the fiction called a “debate”. Predictably, Biden got his ass kicked and made a fool of himself, though not as much a fool as the spin-doctors trying to run cover for him live. We were busy at dinner going over some of the accounts that needed the most attention, so other than a slight phrase or two, we did not know the topics. It was evident just from watching that Biden was embarrassing himself.
           Want an example? The debate was mostly split screen. When Biden, who had taken to outright lying, was speaking, you could see Trump either smiling at the spectacle or struggling to avoid mouthing choice words. But when Trump spoke, old Joe, who has had several facelifts, was listening to Trump speak, he seemed stunned and unable to follow. So the broadcaster, CNN took to widening the screen to show only Trump. It was an obvious ploy to hide the show, but there are people who’ll fall for it.

           Most of the business was concluded, we are going to be on shaky grounds for a few more months, and myself, I will redo some of the budget items to keep up with times. It’s inflation, and Biden’s remark that it was all due to Trump (an outright lie) brought down the house in howling jeers. Joe stated he had inherited a “black hole” from Trump, but most people know the day the Democrats got back into power, they started printing up $50 billion dollars per month to grease the wheels of corruption. Pardon me, I’m informed again that since they’ve made sure what they do is not illegal, it is therefore not corruption.
           The picture? That’s Chooks showing his passive agreement that certain guitar music is relaxing. Enough to put you to sleep. Hey, that’s the best thing I have for a second photo today. Enjoy. That’s my stunt double and we are playing ‘The Humming Song” because nobody has the get-to to write some lyrics. But we have pretty much decided the chorus is all laughing sounds. If you link back to to June 25, 2024, you can hear the music.

Last Laugh