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Friday, June 7, 2024

June 7, 2024

One year ago today: June 7, 2023, it’s still not sold.
Five years ago today: June 7, 2019, each hates being categorized.
Nine years ago today: June 7, 2015, a call from Hawaii.
Random years ago today: June 7, 2012, Arizona tried.

                     Our first eBay sale in twenty years, mas o minos. A rectifier for $15 +S&H, and I’ve just discovered eBay has messed up the shipping procedure as well. It seems they want to print you up a shipping label for a fee (which seems typical) and you are supposed to magically know how they think. It’s not that easy because there are two kinds of stupid. Consistent stupid and computer whiz kid stupid. I was up early, so I’ll get it but that creates a new situation.
                     You see, much as I think eBay sucks, it’s been almost a week and now I have a complete filing, inventory, storage, shipping, and records system in place. Soon as I ship, the even then enters my pre-existing accounting system. The aforementioned situation is that all I’m lacking to have my own outfit is a link to a bank account. And you remember that joint account I may have mentioned a few years ago? It has been kind of sitting there since 2021, when Sparkie passed away.
                     It was mainly used for vet bills and food when the Reb was gone a long time. Maybe time to put it to work. Let me check the balance. Wow, $2,230. I’ll okay this with Tennessee and get back to you. This short while has taught be eBay must have considerable issues with slow shippers, lazy types, and lots of users in general who are more concerned with their own affairs rather than exhibiting a total concern with making a profit for eBay.

                     My old postal scale won’t reset to zero, so I’m going to Winter Haven to shop. I’ll finish listening to the Gore Vidal tape. Reminder, I use the term “tape” to refer to all modes of recordings from DVDs to cassettes to memory sticks because it avoids confusion that I mean a recording in any format. I’m hoping he documents his own demise, really, I can’t stand his name-dropping much longer. Not that he does it, but that he fancies himself clever at it and he isn’t. The dork is also absolutely convinced it is queers solely responsible for any quality present in the arts. The best a non-queer can expect of Vidal is a casual mention accompanied by a jaundiced list of their social and ancestral shortcomings.
                     I’m near the end of Disk 6 (of 7) and Vidal is trying to tie up some loose ends. His angle changes to behaving as if by listening to the other disks, he has cleverly lulled you into acceptance of faggotry. He’s not gradually admitting his social circle of dying of AIDs, a term he’s carefully avoided but since you didn’t object the last 50 times he went in that direction, he thinks you’ve taken the bait. There is a name for this reprehensible behavior. I know very little of the person other than these disks, but it is plain he could never have survived without family money. People don’t put up with that bullshit long enough for him to have ever held a real job.

                     He further fancies himself too slick to be called on anything. For example, he goes through lengths to point out he has never said he was a homosexual, adding that nor did he every say he was heterosexual “”either”. Like he’s got you to the point where you must be just giddy with anticipation. The fact is, he just another faggot with faggot on the brain. You or I could write than on a hot day, a friend came over and jumped in the pool. Vidal writes the same, almost. He’s compelled to add the friend is male and that he stripped off his clothes before jumping.
nbsp;          These queers plainly must know the are annoying. Is Vidal a queer? Let me ask the question as he would. In your opinion, he would like to know how many times in your life do you think it is “normal” to write a letter to the New York Times pointing out that one is not a faggot. Religious people use this disgusting tactic all the time, acting as if because you let it go rather than argue each if their points, they can say your lack of objection was acceptance. What is the word I’m looking for.

Picture of the day.
Paris fashion show.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

                     Now that I’m paying attention to eBay, I see they quite accepting American Express over excessive fees. Amex responds by pointing out eBay is 0.2% of their business, so bugger off. MicroSoft, the one company I hope will fail in my lifetime, just announced another 1,000 layoffs. When California men were warned that their robot girlfriend toys could be programmed to kill them and steal all their money, they asked, “What’s the difference?
           How do you like my classic placeholder, this “photo delayed” snap of a much younger Snookie from years ago. Thanks to eBay listings, he is on the say to becoming one of the better known pups of all time. I think he was already middle-aged when this photo was taken some six years ago.

           Trump has raised $400 million since the guilty verdict, although like many Americans, I wonder both what happens to all that money and whys is it so important. Trump is already famous, gets all the publicity he wants, and cannot legitimately lose the next election. So what’s with all the money? A.I. projects that by the time it’s said and done, he will have a billion. In that sense, the Democrat lawfare gambit has already failed miserably.
                     I took in the show at the old club tonight, but my signals got mixed up. The mandolin player was not there. Instead it was some sol guitarist who was great, but doing all the things that my band has set out to avoid. Mostly, he played a standard song list of boring old guitar tunes that everybody else played.
           Let me take that back. When it came to any tune he played that was not suitable for solo guitar work, he pretty much did a sloppy job of it. While it is true a soloist can’t match a duo for versatility, the gap as even wider as our material is often arranged so it can’t be faked no matter how good the guy is. Mind you, the average person does not think in these terms, rather just whether the show was good enough or not. Well, he saved his best material, as is common, for the third set, but by them his style had worn off and nobody was bothering to applaud by then.

                     So let’s get back to the fun part of learning the eBay ropes. I take back what I said about charging for the labels because I did the first one myself. It’s not that eBay does a good job, but the post office is even worse at it. So go with eBay, although I have not yet figured out how they charge your account. The bottom line on that is how many packages I’ll be mailing and right now I don’t know. In the meantime I did the rounds to find a drop-off location. No luck. There is a spot near my bank, but that is twelve miles away. I checked every mail slot in the area and all of them are too narrow to slip a tube package through.
                     The mailing is, to me, the final big step, and that also has to be learned. Ho-ho, it is not as simple as it seems. Unless I find a drop-off, it means post-office hours, which have never been convenient for me. Plus, careful of the boxes you use. If you use the priority mail box, you must pay that rate. You cannot turn the box inside out. They will still charge your eBay account the full price which is something like $12 per package. I’ve taken to slipping the boxes inside a larger envelope. No mention of any of this is the eBay instructions, by the way.

           For the umpteenth (Trumpteenth?) time, Whoopi the Hutt has threatened to move to Canada. A here are my favorite comments:
a) Sasquatch is going to have a new mating partner!
b) they might have a weight limit. Send her to Mexico
c) Canada will tip over
d) She will need 2 seats on that aircraft
e) by the look of things it will take more than one trip
f) the slug could move fast enough to make it to Canada in its life time
g) Get the forklift
h) Call ahead and make sure they have enough food
i) Go to Cuba instead. It's more your kind of country
j) Did you already book your freight car?

Last Laugh