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Saturday, July 27, 2024

July 27, 2024

One year ago today: July 27, 2023, latest odds 1:35.
Five years ago today: July 27, 2019, price elasticity.
Nine years ago today: July 27, 2015, silver at $14.54.
Random years ago today: July 27, 2022, as far as Alabama.

           We can afford a weekend excursion, thanks to the last gig. Nothing fancy, just a drive in the country, maybe 100 miles, stop for coffee type of thing. Like I used to 30 years ago, when America still had a few roadside diners. Maybe that bookstore in Bradenton? Or take the day off and see to that leaking shed roof. Let me see what the travel budget is, we have a small amount set aside that is unaffected by the costly events of the previous three weeks. Wow, $65. A tank of gas.
           Then again, maybe stay home and make French toast again. Life is always just that right amount nicer the week after a gig. This is a picture of my latest box of tube blanks slash position markers. The excitement barometer around here has taken a nose-dive. This was all I got accomplished this morning. The stamp markings mean nothing, they are to distinguish the blanks from scrap. When did you last watch the Olympics. Myself, except for a few scattered viewing of the ball and hoop event, I’ve never watched. GiveSendGo, the politically-driven fundraiser, has a new tack. The option to donate money for the hell of it. No particular cause, for people who want to give, probably due to a guilty conscience.

           Later, the French toast won out, because Agt. M e-mailed a picture of belt sander he is donating to the club. It’s old but has no plastic parts, so it’s heavy duty. All I have to do is drive to Miami to pick it up and now I have a reason to get over there. He is now a family of five and there is no end in sight. All the kidlets are less than three years apart and you can tell peace and quiet are distant memories for the poor guy. Ah, there’s the picture, only took five minutes to find it. When you push download on a Samsung “smart” phone, the file goes just about anywhere except to the download folder.
           It looks to me like two sanders, but he says it is one complete unit. If so, that’s overkill. If it is two units anyway, I hope he means the one in the background. I was back and forth between the barn and shed and no sign of my neighbor. Probably a siesta. I went to check because he is still driving the loaner car from last Monday. I was there when they told him a couple of days at most.

           The hilarity on-line is tempered by America’s realization that the Democrats are so certain of their control that they are acting without regard to consequences. It would seem they want to install the Hildebeest. That’s despite the fact her potential for the position disappeared in 2016. They used up all their bag of tricks against Trump, but failed to realize he was an outsider. Now, all they’ve got is a small core or their most slow-witted who hate Trump, but no effective opposition to his politics. They’ve got themselves in too deep this time.
           As I’ve said, if Trump goes down in history for one thing, it will be exposing the corruption of the liberals. I read in disbelief their desperate attempts to use old tactics because they have nothing newer. They think they can fool people like they used to, this time announcing that Kamela with her 2% approval rating, has transformed herself since last week into the ideal candidate. She is less popular than the Hildebeest, something most thought was impossible not so long ago. And s the New European put it, “The bullet hit Trump, but it killed Biden.”

           Watch out for trouble if they force her on us, the panic is real. They are watching their empire collapse and they seem staggered by the very existence of Trump. It’s not just the endof their party, it’s the end of climate change, green deals, electric cars, and all down the line as their donors and dependents see they could be cut on in an instant. There are still calls for proof of life after Biden’s convenient COVID diagnosis. The ones that make me wonder are the “live” interview that showed his wristwatch reading six hours earlier. The other is signs of A.I. tampering with a speech he was supposed to have made this morning.
           Later same day, after plastering the media with Kamela’s half-full high school auditorium as proof she is flipping millions of Trump voters, Trump fills Speaking of A.I., where is it? Wasn’t it supposed to take over the world by now? Where are the droves of unemployed? If they are there, they must be the lowest forms of laborer who always melt away when the light comes on. The MSM media, ignoring the millions who chose Biden, are touting Kamela as a grassroots liberal who earned her way to the “nomination” from the ground up.

Picture of the day.
Last legal Paris brothel.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           It was curried tomato and chicken rice, and what a feast. Dig in, there’s lots. What I wanted for you was a picture of a whiskey can. I’ve not seen it before, but it’s a bourbon (a ghastly-tasting compound) and it looks like an old can of motor oil from the 60s. I asked the club to save me an empty can, then forgot it while loading up the PA system. They’ll keep it for me, I could use a couple, they are excellent containers compared to plastic. And that bourbon will have sterilized the thing, like it does to the brains of people who drink that stuff.
           Another afternoon storm and I logged more tubes. We are getting close to the halfway mark. Once the tubes are in the database, we can make decisions that seem out of the reach of other sellers. I’ve watched closely the methods used by others and it is quite the circus. Any tube I have can be located rapidly while other listings seem to be in the order they opened the packages. That method must take hours to look up each tube to see what others are selling it for.

           The way I do it is I downloaded a large spreadsheet of wholesale prices (it was designed by geeks). By using a lot of conversions and ISBLANK commands, I now have an ordered list that lets me rapidly find the tubes which have the highest price at that level. It has not let me down yet, it leads me directly to those tubes with the highest price without having to look them up one at a time. There was one sale today, $11.99. Staying inside, I watched one of my favorite piano player videos, Victor Borge. I am always stunned by the amount of talent he has, there is nothing to compare nowadays.
           Then, I hear this distant roar getting louder. It seems some queers opened the Olympics with a mockery of the last supper. Advertisers are pulling their ads and people are outraged, but the real pity is the athletes. It seems most of them had no idea of this bastard thing, but they’ve trained for years and can hardly just walk out in protest. This, folks, is how faggots position themselves to interfere. Nobody wants them, but you can’t walk away without suffering some loss.

           The Petersens, the musical family, such a contrast to my own upbringing. I kid you not, I come from the most un-musical family ever. While my mother could play some chords on the piano as in church hymns, she rarely did. For a bit, I had considered replacing Taylor with Ellen Petersen, the blondest of the sisters. But she got married and had a kid, which takes a woman completely off my radar. Otherwise, she had the qualifications. A degree in chemistry and an MBA. Let me see if I can find a picture of when she was still single.
           The best I can do is this still from their video of “Jolene”, which received 10 million views, by the way. They seem to shun pictures of the band members, opting for group photos. Their music has a slight mecanical feel, like they’ve all been coached on what to play by professionals by the instrument. It’s the three blonde sisters that sell the act and she is the one likely to go solo, which is kind of the destiny for all family bands.

           Working in eBay (yes, it is far more work than it needs to be) I was surprised to learn that only 36% of American adults buy products advertised on-line, less than the 38% who do not trust anything being promoted on social media. I know that I often boycott products advertised by intrusive means, such as pop-ups on a video advertised as “free”. I rarely look for a product on-line until after I’ve made the buy decision. I expect it to be garbage if it gets past my ad-blocker.

Last Laugh