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Sunday, August 11, 2024

August 11, 2024

One year ago today: August 11, 2023, the most indistinctive.
Five years ago today: August 11, 2019, but if you do . . .
Nine years ago today: August 11, 2015, remember the Botox Babe?
Random years ago today: August 11, 2011, there’s no D#.

           If you are reading this, I’m on the road to Tennessee. It was a late start, but I slept in past 8:00AM. I have the radio on and it’s bad news over in Ireland. A Belfast court has declared you can be arrested for just watching a riot. The new law applies to “curious onlookers”. Something has to give. And the radical left here should give up the charade, they are embarrassing themselves.
          Here’s another A.I. photo they claim is a Harris rally. It isn’t working. All the people in the photo have the same mouth and the man in the red circle has three arms. The two women in blue have split faces. It’s over, Kamela.
           We are in for some rough times. The bad guys are not about to hand over power knowing they could face consequences. It’s a long trip, this time I’m taking the shortest route of 745 miles and the only stations that come in clearly are religion & politics. How long a stay this visit? I predict less than a week. Hard to say, we are already broke this month, but then, my “funeral” account is up there just in case. We’ll be fine.
           I tried the radio but too many lawyer ads. The big transmitters are in Tampa. The ads I dislike most have becom the Morgan & Morgan. They are geared too low for me. A particularly irksome example is the one where he says people are entitled to dignity, which is okay so far. Then he lists food, clothing, and shelter as part of that list. Wrong. You don’t work, you don’t eat. Enough with the entitlement mentality. My credo is make the user pay, if you can’t pay, go get yourself some religion, but get off the taxpayer’s back. So there.

Picture of the day.
Rocket City, Alabama.
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           This is the only interesting sight on this trip, I've taken the shortest route and have seen most of what's along the way. The Hyundai is behaving well, but shows the signs of age, creaks and rattles on the rough strecthes. I'm listening to an excellent audio book, "Golden Prey", but bear in mind these are always a bit obvious in the plots and formats. This tales as more interesting because of the insight into police work and that the criminals often have better resourses. Two crooks knock over a counting house expected to get $200,000 and wind up with $6 million. In the old days, it's gone. In the new days with everyone on a computer file, the mob comes looking.
           They send out a lady who likes to cut people apart with power tools while they are still alive. Lost of schmaltz, tow guys are all, the cop is imposing, the bad guy is threatening. Two guys need a shave, the cop is fasionable, the criminal is scruffy. Funny how the tale still reveals how some people are unaware of the extent of cell phone monitoring. The fugitives know about burner phones, but not really how to use them.
           It was an uneventful drive, the full 12 hours. This van is too old for pollution tests, thus it is running with bad oxygen sensors. That means I'll likely getting 30 mpg on the freeway. I swear, they to that on purpose.The difficulty is, it turn on the motor light, thus hiding anything more serious. I have a left rear signal light burned out. Beyond that, the van is a bueaty to drive. Except for the odd rattle, it seems in fine shape. Handles like my old Taurus, a car, and that extra bit of comfort is welcome on a long drive.

Last Laugh