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Saturday, August 10, 2024

August 10, 2024

One year ago today: August 10, 2023, me, the Pallet King.
Five years ago today: August 10, 2019 , opting for siesta.
Nine years ago today: August 10, 2015, I almost bought.
Random years ago today: August 10, 2004, some obscure town

           We awake to reports from England that a “lone black man” was lynched in Manchester this rnorning. Not a word of why, only that it was a “mob”. Looks like a lot of England is riled up and their authorities show every intention of cracking their heads. A model for America? That depends. Over here, somebody will open fire long before they’ll take that form of brutality. Same with France, the police there have always been armed thugs. Now they have been given free rein. That’s why I made a hearty breakfast and scrolled past the scenes. I forecast a return of the lowly slingshot as a countermeasure.
           Since we know Tennessee is in the plans. This is the old “Kodiak” charger from the KIA, now in the Unit 35. It’s on the bench charging, since for some reason it fell to 20%. It is not supposed to do that. It’s charging on AC, which takes forever but seems to be a better charge. They don’t tell you that. You can do a fast charge in the van, but only while it is running. Since the Reb could call any time, and I don’t feel like letting the van idle for two hours, here it is. Says 6.3 hours till full charge.

           The Pentagon Pizza Index is through the roof, stock market data is being suppressed, The British government wants to end Internet anonymity and impose an annual usage fee. Does anyone besides me suspect Britain is the place this is all going to boil over? I was in the shed until noon. Working the vacuum mostly. Breakfast was sausages, eggs, toast, coffee, all to perfection. I also updated the books and sad to say, I’m still digging out of that vehicle breakdown last month. The tally is now over $8,220. (But half of it is new assets.)

           This brings back into the picture. It’s typical of web pages to present the opposite meaning than intended, they are so used to lying. What does “up to 50 mpg” mean, anyway? They do have a desktop system, it is the phone one they are still working on. I’m reviewing the offerings and once again they obscure the mechanism with jargon and lingo. I understand they expect users to know about crypto-currency. Too bad they don’t seem to understand cash money all that well. There are several warnings that crypto isn’t easy. My thinking is that I must learn crypto at some point. And hey, didn’t I just crack celestial navigation?
           With navigation, the prediction was bang on. I’m reading back over previously confusing material and yes, it was presented funny. But I can’t get enough of this, I’m going back over ten-year-old books, just amazed by how confusing it once was. And, I see now there is more than one type of Sight Reduction Table. Funny how not one of the experts mentioned this.
           The KIA was also out of gas. Remember I was turning of the freeway when she died. So, this afternoon I figured to put a few gallons in the tank in case it will start. Not so fast, we have OSHA to deal with, the government safety squad. Almost an hour to pour three gallons. First, the dead battery means the fuel button does not work. Nor can the back be opened because the key relay is dead. I crawled in and pulled the manual release to discover the big gas can shown in this photo is a dud. See the tiny “safety” spout? It has to be continually held open with finger pressure. Plus the accompanying hose is too big to fit into the gasoline port of the van. There is no way to lift, steady, and operate the nozzle with only two hands. So I finally resorted to pouring the gas into the smaller can shown here. It has one of those push type nozzles requiring only two hands, so twenty minutes later, I poured three gallons. Up yours, OSHA. It their objective is to prevent gas spills, they just created several new opportunities to do so.

Picture of the day.
Vietnamese stainless steel.
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           It might seem we can just jump in the van and go, it’s never happened. Each trip is 750 miles each way and requires considerable planning. And more this time because if we meet with a fourth disaster, there is very limited backup. Here, I tried to charge the battery in the KIA, but it is a goner. I’ll try the flush trick when I return but this trip our emergency power is a set of jumper cables. It also takes time to get the right tools along for the trip, there is always something needs repairing.
           The dog, confronted with a nice 66-foot fence, spent the time since then finding some other way out of the yard. Remember those gigantic piles of bamboo I took out around 2019? It’s all back and right where it hides the really old fence. So, I’ll hack done the underbrush, but this time leave the stalks. If we can see the fence, the doggie escapes can be curbed.

           The tube shelves will have to wait. The storm brought down a tree limb onto the front yard that will not cut. But gave me the incentive to start up the chain saw and let it run for ten minutes. If you use it heavy, it only gives nine minutes on a tank, but it will idle a long while. Here’s the last of the limb, don’t let it fool you. It is tough, like iron wood. Did I mention I left part of the big log around back lying on the ground. It was infested with little black round insects that the birds were feasting on. When they are gone, I’ll continue.
           I drove downtown for birdseed, which is now $15 a bag. I picked up a few items. The Reb knows not to talk much on the phone, but I suspect there is some major change underway. She used the KIA insurance (her KIA, the one that got stolen) to buy a 2012 Hyundai, total coincidence since we did not know who would do what on that one. I’m happy with mine, I think the car lot is getting to know me now. I got the mailing done and then went over to the neighbor’s to check on the siding. Yep, his building has shifted. I waterproofed it proper, but have no idea if it will endure. I’ll have to think on that repair.

           Working till dusk, I made up some beef ribs and rice. I’ll pass on the beef, even cooked right it is stringy, too chewy. I was going to gift the Reb a CD player as she’s taken up my hobby with audiobooks, listening to them in the kitchen. I didn’t think she’d care for the murder-mystery or sci-fi, but she asks for all my finished disks now. Not me, I rarely listen to any CDs in the house or sheds. That’s prime time for thinking, not ribs.

           I can’t dwell long on it, but the Reb called for a talk about the domestic situation. I do no know the people that are staying there, I’ve only met them a few times and they are woketards. I pretty much keep busy, but I do hear them on all day, not about the issues ort the facts, just how much they hate Trump as a person. Now that’s rich, basing your politics on jealousy and vitriol, but I’ve seen it before. It’s time for them to move on or take an active role in maintaining the household. You know what I mean. Last time I was there, I build a fence and they never even thought to lend a hand.
           And that is part of the conversation. Neither the Reb or I are ever likely to define our situation to anyone. I’ll leave that topic, but it’s a gossip-promoting situation and woketards love to gossip. Do they notice this guy who shows up anytime with keys to the house and all the cars? Who the pets love and follow him room to room? Who knows where everything is and helps himself like he was paying for it? Has all the computer passwords and takes the Reb anywhere she wants to go? And what about all the time we spend together? Walking the dogs, and a thousand other hints. Do you think they’ve noticed?

Last Laugh