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Saturday, September 28, 2024

September 28, 2024

One year ago today: September 28, 2023, they avoid this dish.
Five years ago today: September 28, 2019, mass attack.
Nine years ago today: September 28, 2015, I bought a junker . . .
Random years ago today: September 28, 2004, my last transfer.

           Color me happy. While it’s not 100%, movement has returned to my shoulders. On October 17, that would have taken seven years. The celebration for me was cinnamon toast and sleeping in. Routines that not that long ago would be insignificant on a weekend morning. Darn rights time is marching on. Makes me feel so old I could talk about the weather, which I won’t mention except that it is unsettled and I have 3/4 of a tank of gas ahead of budget.
           The kicker is getting underway. Even sleeping is more comfy now and that was most of this morning. Let’s check the news. Silver stays over $31, the Democrats resort to their traditional student loan scam, and it took a lawsuit to reveal the Air Force was planning to get rid of it’s White male officers. Want a laugh? Kamela showed up at the border, finally, to promise more agents—to help let more illegals in. It’s all over except the Democrat tears, folks. The have 37 days to do something desperate.

           I drove out through Homeland and Alturas, arriving in the Lake Wales area around noon, so here is an out of order picture. Tamales are not my favorite, but this is all they had left at the roadside. An excellent $6 breakfast. I was at Rural King to fine some chain saw files and all they had was sets of 3. One lasts me two years. Being under budget, I bought myself a new toy. Return in a day or two and find out if it works right.
           Taking the side roads, I finally got a close-up photo of the netting over the fields near Frostproof. Shown here are the poles and netting, which I surmise to be protection against the Mediterranean fruit fly. Those appear to be healthy new orange trees but I shudder to think of the cost of growing them this way. Somebody is banking on these being the only survivors. The remainder of the surrounding land is horribly blighted.

           It was such a quiet morning, I’ll dwell a bit more on the election. The transition after a new election is normally a committee called the General Accounting Office. Usual they go to work after a new President is sworn in. That’s how the Democrats walloped Trump last time, he did not know this committee was on the take and they broadsided him with a treacherous team of Democrat moles. This time, he has begun five months in advance, so on January 20, 2025, he has a complete team of loyal and able staff to step in and establish a new government the first day.
           I was wondering how he’d deal with that. He’s warned the civil servants not to cheat and stated consequences to anyone who interferes. Yet, I remain sure he has some last moment surprise still to spring on the sluggish opposition. They are already past the panic stage, still stunned that their dastardly lawfare, hoaxes, and media blitz did not work a second time, leaving them to rely on ballot cheating. And that avenue is where Trump could pull a fast one, like holding back his totals until the Democrats announce theirs I don’t know how the system operates at that level, but it could be something like that. Trump has learned political warfare on the battlefield.

Picture of the day.
Meanwhile in Minneapolis.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Past noon, I’m still in Lake Wales so I decide now or never, I’m finding this Bok Tower. I’ve been all over the area without seeing it. That’s non-sensicial, since if the tower has a view, it should be itself conspicuous. Add that to a lack of road signs. It’s next to a subdivision, which is another oddity. Lake Wales was a prime millionaire destination up to the 1940s, so it is an area of isolated farms often owned by elusive trusts and northern rich folks. I’ve connected the GPS into the Hyundai and found the tiny entrance. I balked at the $20 admission fee and discovered it is not an observation tower, but a carillon. A bell tower. It was once a status symbol.
           This photo shows packages of chain saw files mentioned this morning. Every size except the one I need, a 3/32”. This was still a relaxing and enjoyable day, the best so far this summer. I marveled myself by reaching for things on higher shelves and smoothly opening the overhead eyeglass tray in the van. The alternating cramps and numbness are so minor I don’t perceive them at the time.

           Taking my time, with the free coffee and popcorn, I toured more of the store. Similar to Tractor Supply, it is largely traditional farm hardware and feed. Prices are marginally lower and check out the firearms department. I see a 1911 Colt 45 now carries a $1499 price tag. I was there to price out a seat cover for the van (sold out) and a lithium starter battery (too expensive.) I did see this millennial device. Millennial? Yes, so groomed to lying and deception they can’t quit. This is a cellular relay. The newest bush cameras have built in WiFi, this is an adaptor for older models. It claims by plugging in into a regular bush camera, you can access it from your cell phone. It’s what they don’t tell you.
           It only works for the first seven days after activated. After that, if you continue it automatically begins billing you for metered service. Or you can pay for another cell phone line dedicated to this operation, only mentioned on literature inside the sealed package. I believe this sort of trickery has become so rampant that even California, with it's economy now based on GenZ scams, has passed a law over it. If it is a paid service or requires a subscription, the seller must reveal before the sale and the advertising cannot contain words that imply ownership. What a sad excuse for Americans they are when such a law is even necessary.

           My plan is to make supper, then settle in for an old movie. I’m still not self-trained to sit around doing nothing, more like watch movie in stages. Today’s choice is “Waterworld”, the aquatic version of “”Mad Max”. I don’t care for that actress or the kid that plays her daughter. I want my movie females to have a certain look and they both lack it. They project some aura that I find off-putting. But shooting the angle of the Sun in the open water scenes, I can tell this movie was filmed at latitude 34° 11’, either north or south, can’t tell by this type of reading.
           I like the ending, however. He sails away just in time to stay a bachelor. Experience has taught me most men should not settle down and get married in today’s world until they are at least 35 years old. That will throw some people, but look at the marriage failure rate.

Last Laugh