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Thursday, November 21, 2024

November 21, 2024

One year ago today: November 21, 2023, the foghorn.
Five years ago today: November 21, 2019, the less flavorful.
Nine years ago today: November 21, 2015, on rechargeables.
Random years ago today: November 21, 1994, the social code.

           America's bad guys are reeling under the realization their jig is up. The wailing canot be drowned out, but there is no way their evil regime is ever coming back--at least not on the scale they had it before Trump showed up. Nothing is working for them, but they are still trying the same old stunts. They have even failed at their last-dicth distraction of WWIII. Using war as a distraction from domestic screw-ups had it's final throe by Argentina in the Falklands. I have news from Canada, the place is fat busted broke at street level. What do I know about Canada? Well, it is 15 years ahead of the USA when it comes governmental incompetence and their joke of a leader has a 33% approval rating, worse than Kamela.
           Ottawa economists. fell for that old bogus theory that you need seven people in the work force for every person on old age pension. That's never been true, but Ottawa let in 2 million horrible people, causing an immediate housing shortage and blasted their universal medical out of the water. Under their so-called "merit based" immigration system, the immigrants promptly brought over their families who had no merit, and headed straight for the nearest welfare office.
           So from what I gather, if you did not buy a house in Canada before 1995, you never will. Prices and rent have shot up because the landlords love milking the government to house immigrants, who will live twenty to a household. Prices in the few decent locations like Vancouver exceed $1.5 million for a fixer-upper. Worse, these ills are just what's visible, the blight of liberal corruption is much deeper, right down to the roots. It was over for Ottawa when that son of Castro started arresting legal protesters [the trucker convoy]. As for the housing, even the people who own one can't celebrate. If they sell, same old story, then they'd have no place to live. It says here cramped studio apartments in dangerous East Vancouver rent for $3,200 per month. Pictures of Canadian cities look as bad as Detroit.

           So the US system is producing 142 female college grads for every 100 males. Caution, the DOE study includes Associate degrees and does not mention the fact the US has a severe shortage of mathemeticians and engineers. I discussed this with JeePee while giving his shell a rub-down with his favorite coconut oil. Why, he asks, am I still in Tennessee? This is the second day of swirling wind that signals the permanent cold air is just somewhere over the horizon. Why has no meteorologist that I know of ever pointed out this phenomenon? I've always thought it was an occluded front pushing the unsettled wind conditions along a temperature boundary. Not sure it is real? Try driving a motorcycle across America on the edge of winter. It will make you a believer.
           The fast-food industry is in more trouble than supposed. While the news says President Trump has invited them to a chat about seed oils, the fact is the chain restaurants have not been competitive in years. They have no resources left to get concerned with food quality, so this gets interesting. Personally, I miss the America that was full of mom & pop cafes and I hope the franchises go broke. Their model is not based on capitalism and competition as they love to portray. Rather, they have used the dense fog of American laws to specialize on bleeding profits and market research focussed on the next cheapest processed goop they can sling on the public. I'm old enough to remember when every small down had a local restaurant with a counter and stools, instead of assinine "show you to a seat" booths crap of today. And drive-thru coffee to me is one step away from drive-thru public toilets.

           That's another thing. The Hyundai is totally millennialized. There is no place you can set anything on the dash or the seats that wont' fall or slide as you drive. But they got thd Big Gulp cup holders for the mouth-breathing bubbas who gulp by the gallon. Everything you try to do sets off some alarm because some goof millennial cannot curb her brood or close doors properly. The only convenient spot for my Yeti battery is the rear passenger seat. You cannot any longer reach behind and unlock that door. To turn the battery off, you need to unlock all four doors and walk around the vehicle. Then you have to walk back around to lock the doors again. Total millennial brain-fart, that one.
           Then, a video on why Hawaii has no island ferry service. I spotted that in 1981, but never knew why until I saw this documentary. The ease of air travel was obvious, but I did not know about the distances over rough waters. I lived in Washington State for years and never got seasick on a ferryboat. This morning I'm on hold for extended times. This is a chicken and egg scenario I hope Elon's DOGE looks into. Why should I have to wait in lines for government "services" that I don't want or need? If the government is so busy it can't take your call, time to call their bullshit. Send them all packing and replace them with nobody. Next, we have a video on the least populated states. That would be Maine and Montana and the reasons are isolation and winter, it's hilarious how they try to cushion those facts. The meme making the rounds today is that if were not for airport terminals, CNN would be losing its last 1,000 viewers.

Picture of the day.
Los Angeles mental hospital tour group.
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           Here are some winter coats for sale at the nearest Wall*mart. This is for Tenneseeans who prefer that distinctive North Korean look. Caltier has send a long-winded quarterly report, but I appreciate the effort that took. I doubt many are motivated to read all that since it is dry statistics. However, I do appreciate that Caltier does not sugar-coat bad news and some of the properties are not reaching goals. Ah, but that is why I chose to invest in what I knew. As long as those apartments rented for more than the payments, they can be held indefinitely until the market is right. I may apply some of my own formulas to the facts and figures they supply, since it is more than enough to make proper estimations of what they are doing including their unspoken strategy. Then a documentary on the prairies, I am staying put as the weather turns choppier. This is the first I heard of the Aspen Parkland Belt. I did not know this biome is most of the farmland all along the border and northern Alberta.
           Trent is happy with the work he's doing, all with computers. He says [it is] programming, so I've asked him to send me a sample of his output He says it is something I can do but remember, I got out of programming in 1994 and out of computers altogether (as a source of income) in 2011. I've rejected all COBOL jobs as too low-paying. However, I was looking at wages, not contracting out. I'll try to adapt my schedule [so as to stop at his place] to find out more about what he's got going, plus he's the sort that if he is busy, he's making good money. Suddenly I'm interested double. He's a lawyer, y'know. And has said he wished he'd got into the tech business 30 years ago. I will not ignore advice like that.

           As for bad business decisions, Elton John's musical "Tammy Faye" is a flop. Although I liked his early music, I knew nothing if this guy but presumed he got lucky in the early days of queers pushing for acceptance. Yes, he is talented. The problem was a poof quickly became unordinary and there he was, stuck spending his easy millions trying to recapture that luck. Sorry, ain't nobody near talented enough to recreate dumb luck. TMOR, Tammy Faye was the wife of a disgraced TV evangelist famous for her fake eyelashes and pancake make-up. Myself, I never could stand her nor what she represented.
           By nightfall, it's 40F and I'm not moving. I dug out a couple DVDs, I stocked up on coffee and hot chocolate earlier. Ha, watching a couple of drug kingpin spy movies confirms once again, money is just not a factor for me when it comes to women. I've seen dozens of these alpha male movies that portray scenes with what are plainly the best women money can buy. Usually lying about a swimming pool or as hired help at the estate parties. And they are just not that pretty, even today [when 40 seems young] they would not rate a second look from me--and my standards are nothing like they used to be when I [myself] had a good shape. I'm just sayin'.

Last Laugh