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Tuesday, November 21, 2023

November 21, 2023

One year ago today: November 21, 2022, the dreaded Folger’s.
Five years ago today: November 21, 2018, babe-spotting in Amarillo.
Nine years ago today: November 21, 2014, have a plan, always.
Random years ago today: November 21, November 22, 2011, a day in St. Augustine.

           You get a lapse in posts, but remind yourself that means plenty has happened. After extensive preparation we finally got the Reb out to Franklin, where she can get proper attention. I face the reality that caregiving is not my calling. I missed lots of calls by forgetting the phone, not hearing it, or working in the back yard just too far away. Stupid smartphone has no ringtone that is loud enough or that sounds like good old bell ringers. These millennials love to shoot themselves in the foot, but they really should aim higher.
           The thing is, we never got driving out there until past 2:00PM and using the Civic, I got lost on the way back. It took me twenty minutes to turn around thanks to no GPS in the car. That’s why I missed the library, which closed a few hours early. And closed for three days, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

           I got some letters mailed and took the doggies to the lake. Be patient for any pictures, I’m in the Hermitage library and pressed for time. They had a book sale and I live to read about Antarctica. I also picked up a non-fiction tale about a failed expedition I’d never heard of, the “Karluk”. That ship was crewed by inexperienced people who were not told they were hired because nobody else would take the job. This picture shows a tent pitched on Wrangel Island by the survivors.
           The other book has great photos of Antarctica, so I’ll read it last. Here’s trivia. The ancient Greeks knew the Earth was round, and speculated there was land mass to the south the “balance” the world. They knew the Earth spun around the constellation of a bear in the northern sky, the Greek word for the bears as “Arctos”. The corresponding bear in the south must be above a land called “anti-Arctos”.

Picture of the day.
I say it’s Nancy Pelosi.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The novel, “The Last Voyage of the Karluk” has me mesmerized. I have nothing in common with the tale, but there is something about the survivor’s descriptions that draws me in. I found another bit of trivia, do you know why ships blast their foghorns. Like most, you probably thought it was to warn other ships in the area, but that is only partially so. The real reason is listen for an echo. If you can’t figure out the rest on your own, you’re probably reading the wrong blog.
           I had to do a big shop including doggie food. We’ll be okay for now, but we are also low on pet vitamins. I have no idea how to shop for that kind of things. Everything is closed until the weekend, so I say the heck with it. We’ll survive without supplements and all the rest.

           Here’s something to chew on. I’m learning to text, a real bitch with this millennial phone. When the photo insert button disappears, you can’t get it back without shutting off the unit. My point is the “learning” curve of the experts who say things to me like “don’t you have text” in a contemptuous manner, like they are ahead and I’ve fallen behind. Well, after 2 or 3 trial texts, I’ve instantly graduated to photos, and videos. Judging by the primitive material I get from them, they don’t even know how to format text. They seem barely able to send other people’s photos as attachments. So much for who has fallen behind.
           Expect a few topics to be out of order until I get back to the library regularly. Out to the Wilson branch as fast as I could, but they not only closed early, that goddam Google locked me out. Ignorant millennials, they “detected” I’m logging on from a new location, whoop-dee-doo. And I can’t get the code because they also lock me out of the e-mail I used for the code.

Last Laugh