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Tuesday, November 26, 2024

November 26, 2024

One year ago today: November 26, 2023, good money advice.
Five years ago today: November 26, 2019, recoiled.
Nine years ago today: November 26, 2015, a citrus tower.
Random years ago today: November 26, 2003, back from Seattle.

           I may have to remain in Nashville past Thanksgiving to get my phone repaired. See addendum. So this morning may or may not be one of my last days here for a while. I feel the company needs a little more experience fending for themselves, nomsayn? In case that means I'm not here on the day, I got into the kitchen early and began everything except the ham from scratch. Two batches of potatoes, the special one is organic and sliced thinner, you know who that is for. I bought some corn on the cob, I got it just as they were stocking the bin and picked out the best ten. However, they were so tender and sweet, we ate them all last week while she was away. I'd planned to save some but they were that good. The meal is all waiting on the stove for her to arrive, which I don't know when, not having a phone. The company will duly notice before long nothing on the menu is instant, meaning the pets eat healthier than they do, ha-ha. At this time 22 years ago, Frank and I were counting toothpicks.
           This picture has emotional value, you see, the Reb never has pork or ham. But the doggies, pardon me, doggie, knows when I'm around, it is oven-baked. Yes, now that you ask, the pets do eat better than the company. They are responsible for their own grub, but they are welcome when I have leftovers, and even my leftovers are home-made. That's why Chooks, shown here rolling in the Clarksville grass last afternoon, has the expectant look. The ham is unpackaged and in the fridge, so he knows something is pending. Just look at that mug, even in doggie bliss, he keeps an eye on the chef. At's m'boy.

           I walked the doggie out to the mailboxes. Turns out they have been damaged more than five years. Nobody knows nothing, but I hung around twenty minutes and got the story. The old lady across the street from the boxes was the culprit. She left her car running in the driveway and went inside the house. The thing slipped into gear or something and rolled into three of the six lockers containing twenty-four boses each. They are accessed by a large rear panel. The only parts that are government issue are the locks on each box. The old lady avoided paying for the repairs by conveniently dying. Some other guy was getting a petition to have the mail delivered to the houses, but he dies also, apparently not taking his diabetes medicine.
           Examination of the lockers show they are bolted into a concrete pad, but the bolts themselves had been broken off, ours being the worst damaged. I was able to hunch down and put the locker mostly into place. The remaining bolts are rusted into place, so the plan in to get the locker upright, maybe with a car jack, then wedge just enough metal into place to keep it there. Railroad spikes would be ideal. I explained this to the company, wondering if they'd lend a hand, to no avail. It seemingly exhausted them to just say it was a good plan if they ever heard one.

           Later, I stopped at the lumber yard and bought two 5/8" bolts that will serve a spikes. Turns out the real spikes may be collector's items and they are selling for a buck apiece on eBay. I will enlist one of the Reb's friends to lean on the locker while I drive the bolt into place. I decided against the car jack as it would take too long and be conspicuous. I don't want any interaction with neighbors who have sat on their arses for so long. The two of us should get the task completed in less than a minute. But it has to be level, I see there is also a way the rainwater could seep in the back panel the same way.
           I'm around a third through the book on "Delta Force" ISNBN 978-0-385-73252-9 and can't recommend it. The title hints it may be full of information and since the older counter-terrorist tactics are certainly known to the enemy, why not? No such luck, it's just another in the endless melodrama of how tough the training is and how many drop out, blah-blah. No doubt the training is rugged, but since when have terrorist attacks ever been stopped by twenty-mile hikes, much less hand-to-hand combat? The very premise of terrorist attacks is to avoid such setpiece encounters. This book has been nothing but self-praising chatter so far.

           Where is Kamela? She's fallen off the face of the Earth. Three weeks ago she was the Democrat embodiment of joy and unity, why they pumped billions of dollars on her. Rumor is after getting her ass kicked in the election, she's in Hawaii on a three-week bender, confined to the trash heap of history. In a sense this is good, because it made people aware the Democrat party wanted a President as a figure-head only and under their control. I don't doubt it will be discovered they had the slot mapped out for a darkie, then a woman, and next a transgender, all to fit their sick virtue-signalling narrative. Their agenda was to be shoved into place by labeling anyone who objected a racist, a nazi, something-phobic, or a terrorist. Instead they got Trump, a man who destiny will record as a man of his time.

Picture of the day.
Alaska's oldest bar.
(Kodiak. Cash only, no draft.)
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The Reb is back is so is the doggie's appetite. Normally he won't eat dry foot without a little coaxing. Minutes after she was in the door, he had his mug buried in that dish. I drove to the repair shop and sure enough, the screen for my phone is a special order. I cannot afford to lose that SIM card. A replacement phone is $180, what a racket that is. I picked up some fixings for chili but don't like way this batch turned out. Tasking much more like spaghetti sauce. Fine, I like that also. I'm not getting rested being here under these conditions. I may head back to warm weather this weekend. Her best friend is in a bad way out in California. It reminds me I've outlasted all my old gang except JZ, although he is the newest of the old gang, you might say. I've outlived my father by several years. I have no idea why I'm pondering all this when there is so much work to do. Here's some interesting brickwork in Clarksville, which has become the only side trip of this Tennessee visit.
           Let's check the news feeds. AP (Associated Press) is running a campaign of fake articles claiming minorities who voted for Trump are "feeling betrayed", but it isn't catching on. The woke rag New Scientist is promoting the government takeover of farms to "secure" the food supply, saying the notion that organic food is better is a false narrative.

           How is my audiobook mystery so far? It's just beginning, but the plot has finally taken a path less concerned with how well all the women get along. We remain well-informed about the women's complexions and how daringly they wear elasticized wastebands. The bad guy, as mentioned, has hidden the stolen $17 million using software. He needs access to the bank computers to get it. There is an amusing chapter how the bank had to resort to totally non-computer security to stop the guy. Now he has to find some way in and that is where the plot is evolving. Does he coerce his old flame, does he blackmail the programmer, does he kidnap the manager?
           It's also interesting how he messes up the cops knowing their only interest is in recovering the money so they can all get promotions. In one chapter he has a bank courier carry a briefcase with %$5,000 knowing the cops were all over the place pretending to be civilians. They've got people all around the courier, who he tells via cell phone to throw the briefcase overboard. The cops go crazy, calling for search boats and helicopters before clueing in it was a distraction.

           There is an emerging trend on-line that comments show people do not like. It's the proliferation of on-line A.I. videos. They are killing what little realism existed. The algos are based on huge quantities of data but that does not take into account that millions of people are misinformed. I notice two years ago it is getting increasingly harder to filter out these "cartoons" as I often call them. The software is not advanced enough to project realism but it certainly can duplicate the propaganda. For example, while there is plenty of coverage of the number of German planes shot down during the London blitz, there is very rarely mention of how few bombers the Germans actually had. Yet I have seen A.I. depictions of huge formations blacking out the skies. Animated scenes in places like Malta showing more German planes in one raid than the Luftwaffe had in total. What's more is these animations are not really improving over time. The latest productions seem as clunky and 2D as the first. Nor is A.I. getting closer to the truth, still portraying the Germans, Italians, and Japanese as the cause of war.

           Once again, Trump merely revealing his intentions is enough to get results. Less than nine hours after he announced a 25% tariff on Mexico, they suddenly decided to stop the latest caravan. Canada has stopped illegal immigration. China is edging on bankruptcy, corrupt politicians are retiring, and away she goes. Data is emerging that the Democrats knew all along Harris could not beat Trump but wasted billions so their planned election steal would not seem so obvious.

           Yep, I must waste a day trying to find a replacement phone, since they don't make this model any more. You bet I think this neighborhood is full of peasants. There is a level they cannot rise above without learning to deal effectively with the bureaucracy. I did not say like it or embrace it, just deal with it. There is a reason I drove 750 miles and two States over because a single letter was ten days overdue. There is another reason I will pay whatever it costs to repair my broken phone instead of getting a new one. (Hint, the old SIM card miraculously started working when we plugged it into a 5G unit just to see.) So what am I supposed to think of people who don't get mail? Are they geniuses who have transcended such mundane things, or just stupid asses
who are already being paid what they are worth?
           So as not to end the day on that sour note, let's find something comical or humorous. I know, let's grab some of those exceedingly well-created headlines from the Onion website. Let me check, they always do an exceptional job during Sagittarious, ah, here we go.
DNC Chair announces it is not a waste of money if it makes you happy.
Announcement of fourth child contains conspicuous lack of exclamation points.
Obscure porn site viewed out of morbid curiosity for 26th time.
Polling place boosts attendance with '80s Night.
Woman reaches arm deep into purse like farmer artificially inseminating cow.
           Trivia. Many people don't know "Hotel California" is a slang term for prison. What about C-rations and K-rations. Turn out C is short for "canned". K-rations are also canned, but had a lower daily calorie content, and abbreviation for calories is K. Nowadays, they have largely been replaced by the MRE, or meal-ready-to-eat. There is no proof that war was invented so Americans could learn geography.

Last Laugh