One year ago today: November 27, 2023, $5k funeral funds now.
Five years ago today: November 27, 2019, relics of well-being.
Nine years ago today: November 27, 2015, all we've got.
Random years ago today: November 27, 2012, Miss Mexico, R.I.P.
I'd say I'm about as tired as I've ever been, so today you get mostly a report of my activities. Let my topics and choice of words tell you what kind of day it was. At 11:00AM I got some work out of the company. I got him over to lean on the mailbox (tough work) while I drove a couple 5/8" bolts under the base plate. No luck, it just moves the concrete substrate. At least I tried. Then off to the library, which closes early today. Their system remembered I'd done a search on console stereos last day and an ad popped up for a new unit, meaning they still make them. Yep, for $12,800 they do.
This blog dares to feature often the stangest things. I get away with that because they always come attached with a tale from the trailer court, and today, here is the toilet flapper. What? Wait until you hear the tale. In 2021 or so ago, I replaced the float. It works perfectly but the downstairs company complained they could hear water running at night. Your first laugh is I asked them how long they had been suffering this horrible fate, ha-ha. Nearly a year. You heard me, not one of them had what it takes to lift off the tank lid and take a look. That's only the half of it, because the problem was not obvious and right there, the lot of them are stumped.
Upon questioning, I discovered the tank worked when I flushed it, but not when they flushed it at night. So whatever the problem is, they are causing it. I'll make the story short. I replaced the old flapper which was working fine, and the problem came back next night. Take a look at this picture, you see how the flapper is connected to the flush handle by a little chain. The chain is longer than needed to allow for different models, but you just locate the link that fits and clip it into place. You could cut it, but that chances getting it too short, and once you find the right link, why bother cutting it at all? Well, suppose you know somebody who smoked, er I mean, self-health-cared medical marijuana, a dose every night, and flushed the roach.
They hold the handle a long time to be sure, and the swirling water allows the last link of that chain to follow the eddy just past the lip of the flapper seal. When I flush it, the chain falls straight. Turns out the last chain link was holding the seal open barely enough to allow a trickle. So today's top tale is how between them in a year, they had to wait until I came along to fix it. Oh, did I mention the whole time I was working back and forth, they sat in the living room watching TV. Wait, there's more. But first, I went to check on why the shop that sold Reb the fridge had not sent anyone to fix that leak. It's the old appliance place in Donelson, but the new owners are first class assholes. I knew within moments of walking in they were never going to honor their word. So I told them off and walked out. Don't get me wrong, I've bought things there over the years and never had a problem until they took over.
Hudson's Bay Railway.
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So, I get back home at 2:45PM with the company still sitting on the sofa looking at the TV and simultaneously talking on the phone. Technology is a boon to such people. Too bad, because for the next three hours I hauled out the fridge and took off the back panel. Since I don't have the right tools and the things I had to download use the upstairs computer, this meant I traipsed through the living room not less than 30 times. I was out to the shed and my van to get tools, I had the utility closet open and used the kitchen table as a workbench, all of which is conspicuous and noisy. So you don't have to ask, no, not once did they move, not even to check if they could hand me the tools or tape, much less pull that fridge out from the wall by myself.
The appliance is a Frigidaire which cannot be accessed from the back except by removing a cardboard panel at the bottom. I discovered a mouse nest, which means the shop at Donelson lied saying the unit had been serviced. Dang, I had all this on video, but the stand got bumped and you can't see the part I'd like to show you. The drain hose was not where the manual said, which more than doubled my work load, I love lying on the wet floor poking around with a flashlight. With a TV blaring constant MadCow anti-Trump slander and people shouting on their phones. Whee, are we having fun yet?
No way that fridge had ever been serviced, so I went out to the van and got my air compressor and hose. What do you think is louder? Their CNN ganda or my work tools? I left it running most of the next hour so as to have a little peace and quiet. Once cleaned the coils and mouse nest, I found the critters had gnawed through two grounding wires. It's luck there was no fire, that nesting material was ideal tinder. You can maybe see the copper in this terrible photo. I taped them, then discovered the drain hose was solidly blocked. That's probably the reason the previous owners dumped it. I cranked the compressor up to 120 PSI and about this time, 6:30-ish, the Reb walks in and I finally got some help. I was able to blast the obstruction away, but did not find it. Turns out this model has a funnel rather than a drain hole. This means, like the toilet flap, I fixed the immediate problem but did not for sure find the cause.
This means I must stick around a bit longer. If I leave and something goes back on the blink, well you know how much she can count on anybody around here. This activity including cleaning behind the fridge and that mouse nest caused quite a mess in the kitchen and the pets tracked a lot of it out on the hallway carpet. I finally got the tools put away by around 8:00PM. No, the company had not moved a muscle and may have been annoyed by the sound of all this work. I mean, does not everyone they know who gets any work done carry a compressor in their van? Bwaaaa-ha-ha-ha-ha.
Did I mention I was now tired. The Reb wanted to make me a coffee, but I opted for a hot chocolate and went upstairs to play bass through my headphones. I'm pretty sure she's miffed over the situation but it's hard to say, she's often seen me work circles around others, I'm proud to say. But this time, that was too much. They didn't even check if I was okay. They know I'm not fit to be moving major appliances. But you know, I was too tired to care and I fell asleep until dawn tomorrow. Too tired to even read a chapter or two.
This is a useless paragraph, but too bloggable to miss. The one guy downstairs dyes his hair black. It gets into everything but the color shows the Reb it is not me, ha-ha. I told her if I had a full head of hair, I might dye it. She chortled, knowing I'm not the sort and asked what color. White, I replied. You see, I have these dark streaks now and then that make me look twenty years younger than I really am. She plugged in her ear buds and went in the other room. So there. All the world's my stage and she knows better than to get me started.