One year ago today: November 9, 2023, wives & daughters.
Five years ago today: November 9, 2019, east Nashville clubbing.
Nine years ago today: November 9, 2015, my superpower.
Random years ago today: November 9, 2006, define logical disbelief.
I’ve been sent on some curious shopping trips in my life. Today, a turtle UV combo IR bulb. By dint of good luck, Chooks and I found this at Wal*Mart, in the snake department. It says here turtles and reptiles can manufacture Vitamin D using a 12-hour light/dark awake/sleep cycle. Hmmm, the Reb’s company seems to be checking if this is also the case with humans. The package says ordinary incandescent bulbs, like the one’s JeePee has been using for fifty years, don’t supply the right frequencies, so buy from Wal*Mart. Could be it's one of those millennial inventions by a nobody that is now upsetting a $5 billion dollar a year industry AND he want's to share with the world before they block him. It is yours for three easy payments.
This got me back [home] in time to make up a massive breakfast of pancakes for everyone, using up all the flour that I know was in the shelf last time I was here. The Reb is away until this afternoon. Admit it, when she’s away we do loll around eating pancakes and drinking coffee. I have purchased an array of careful chosen brands with no gotten high-test corn syrup, folks, this was not a low calorie meal.
When up that way, I pay my phone bills but today we got millennialized. You pull up, park, get up to the door and it is locked. There is a sign saying the building if for lease, but it is facing the thoroughfare, not the entrance or parking lot. Josh & Tyler’s job is to post listings, not monitor and maintain them,. The millennials through the boomers have never learned the valuable lesson that being an asshole only works until everybody else's to become one as well.
Lem called and he is fixing a stereo this afternoon, so says bring the GigRac over because he’ll have all the diagnostic equipment set up. That would be something to have my PA system back. One you’ve used a 600 watt unit, even at low volumes, you can evermore hear the difference with weaker gear. The Reb says she’ll be home a bit this afternoon, so there’s my time slot. This is important enough to me that I’ll keep you posted. Meanwhile, the big dog is going in the tub. If you can get him off the memory foam in the van. I can’t lift him these days.
Old Stockholm.
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Daily and even minute-to-minute exposures to politics is inescapable for a while. The radical left pulled all of their cheating methods and still came up short. They are fuming mad but also know two-thirds of America is watching them this time. They are still trying to get control of Congress by counting ever more votes in a tiny district in Colorado, the place Kari Lake is winning. I don't understand the mechanics of the system, but apparently their plan is to control enough of the house to block any laws Trump tries to enact. That means they are down but have every intention of clinging on till 2028.
Meanwhile the population is treated to a delightful meltdown. Woe to the vanquished, but then, it was the Democrats who turned matters from a difference of opinion into open lawfare. As their layers of corruption get peeled back, it is now evident they manufactured 15 million votes in 2020. And the political media arm is working overtime. If you Google the 2020 election, will see the numbers have disappeared and been replaced by percentages. So Biden’s win is no longer claimed as 81 million, instead it reads 51.3%.
Now we switch to good news. We have the Gigrac back in working condition, but this was an unbelievable feat by Lee. This was no easy task and involved taking the entire assembly apart and testing each of the eight channels. They came on, but would not work. Lee systematically tested each component to narrow the problem down to something I’ve never seen before. A one-ohm resistor. There were two of them located between the power supply and the AC rectifier. Several weeks ago I downloaded the schematic. It uses British standard notation, so I did not know 1R0 was a one-ohm resistor. We spent an hour with the schematic projected up full scale on the dining room wall.
He has rigged up a series of testing devices using ordinary light bulbs. One that worked in this case was a 300 watt bulb that glowed when capacitors were charging. And this amp has four big cans, one set positive and one negative. I was lost after the first half hour. Part of the chore is putting these things back together. It turns out while the pieces were modular, they still had to remain connected to power up. This meant rigging up harnesses to match the Brit “half metric” plug ends or using carpentry clamps to hold unwieldy pieces at angle to get at the circuit boards. In all, after five hours of unprice-able Boomer effort, the front panel lit up and I was back in business.
The library is closed and I can’t pay my phone bill until Monday out in Mt. Juliet, so you will have to wait for photos. Lee is also repairing a beauty of a Marantz stereo system that has eighteen rare vacuum tubes and I believe I know where he can get a full matching Made-In-USA set in the original boxes. He also repaired a set of LED “neon lights” and donated one for my work table in Florida. Later, the Reb was back for an hour, then off to the studio again. I walked Chooks until the rain came and figured out I need a reward for this day. I dropped in to Shooters and young Shawn is back, now a brunette. But a man never forgets a shape like that. She is a looker. and then some.