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Sunday, March 16, 2025

March 16, 2025

One year ago today: March 16, 2024, same song list, too.
Five years ago today: March 16, 2020, after the tornado.
Nine years ago today: March 16, 2016, perfect motorcycle weather.
Random years ago today: March 16, 2015, the fear of average.

           A new reason for not releasing the Epstein files is making the rounds. It goes that if they release them, the system could collapse. Everyone from corporate CEOs to the unelected PM of Canada are implicated. The word is the stock market would implode and the existing social order could be permanently upset. The average America is wondering what the holdup is. Good morning, I told my self I would only have three pancakes. But you can’t make just three. Let’s say the raccoon eats well this weekend. Putin has tacitly said he will deal with Trump only. The reality is, like most men, he won’t put up with queers.
           After three nights of correct positioning of the deer camera in the silo, I have no pics of any critters. Yet the evidence has to be swept up every few days. And what is with all the cars roaring around this morning. It’s 8:00AM and nobody wants to hear the song of your people. It’s not my age, I can sleep through anything, but that I’ve seen Florida from the stage looking down. Trust me, that 1950s hot-rod greaser car is not going to get them any. They’ve been sold a bad pickle by their frenz on network streaming.
           Here are two of the new joists in place. This is 40% of that task done and it was tiring work. However the hard part is done, these were the joists that were causing the drawers and windows to stick. Later, one of the drawers came loose. No money stash, just a lot of mouse droppings. Tex dropped off four pallets, but they were spindly. I guess to the untrained eye, most pallets look alike.

           And I’m curious why this blog is suddenly getting twice the hits again. Maybe I’ve become a mini-pseudo-influencer? The way to deal with this is build another box today. I’ll keep you posted. Here’s a recent youTube [link deleted due to advertising] war documentary that typifies the worst of Allied propaganda. The sad part it, this bull-crap is a recent production, showing how long the media can push propaganda. Almost every statement in this video is bogus. They’d have you believe a pontoon bridge was better than the Ludendorff crossing.
           Not wanting to be first to make noise next door, I watching this video. Nobody outmaneuvered the Germans, they swamped them. There is no proof the bunkers or cannons were “nazi” and it was normal at that stage of the war for the Germans to move around by foot.
           To wrap up the morning, it seems the Biden-era mandates are still being pushed. This time they may try to force-vaccinate Amish children. Apparently the bureaucrats have not learned their lesson. Something like this could be the tipping point. You do not fuck with the Amish.

           Another thing I have never understood is these Central American countries. It seems to me every one of them should be obsesses with building a canal. If nothing else, have the peasants donate a couple weeks every years to moving dirt. Even digging a mile or two a year they’d have got somewhere by now. Forget the expensive “studies” by the multi-nationals, just do it yourselves and you’ll all be millionaires. The challenge is the mountain ranges, not the swamps to the east. For that matter, build a tunnel instead of a canal. It’s as if these countries are content with staying third world.
           The day is getting on in silence, I shall begin at noon. Last day I picked up a trinket at the dollar store, a baseball sized org of mirrors, a toy disco ball if you would. I’d noticed the birds were attracted by objects that twinkled in the sun and this is a winner. What’s happened is it appeals to the female birds so I wised up and put a separate feeder for them. It contributed much to morning feeding peace and quiet.
           It’s been a couple hours, so I’ll start the day by building a couple boxes, one for my multimeters, I own around eight cheap ones (they work as well as the best), and one for my large collection of old hard drives which are not inventoried. Who knows what is on them, but we’ll find out—every since day one I kept all created files in a single separate directory. I may lack programs to run them but I’ve never been a fan of obscure software. So something will open most of them. I remember the good old days when you could open almost anything using a spreadsheet, including passworded ASCII files.

           Once I got started, I decided to run some tests. Noting the lumber is not consistent, let’s fund out what else can go wrong. A number of things, mostly to do with wood misbehaving after it is cut or fastened. Worst is wood that cups but is too thin to squeeze into shape. I chose all the most misshapen boards and made a box. What a hassle. The good news is these are naturally the correct size for storing old hard drives. Even the longest staples won’t hold a glued piece if it wants to bend. Screws will, but hardware is expensive. True, I could probably have learned all this from somebody who took shop, but where are they when you need them.
           Here is the box for my collection of hard drives, some of them since the early 90s. Those could be fun to examine. I felt the incoming storm, so I got under the house and did my best to level the joists. Installing them was strenuous, another two-man job.

Picture of the day.
Eggs with wild ramps.
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           Here is a floor-eye view of the challenge. This shows the worst rafter being shoe-horned into place. It’s a documentary photo of Agt. M, the orange line represents live, you can read the bubble. The two red arrow show how much the new beam is bowed upward by the old foundation. The bubble level is resting on the old joist in the foreground, you can see the wood is in bad shape. The new joist, the upper arrow is behind and ward from the wall of the house to the far right off the picture. That wall had to be raised enough to bring these two planks into alighment.
           This was accomplished by working the single 30-ton jack from position to position. So far this task has taken around 75 separate steps. Next photo is a view of the amount of work, hard to see but the hand sledge is laying on one of the fence posts I first put under the floor last seek.

           This morning, that old joist across the top was lying solid on this post. Now I can slide the hammer under, if you can see the gap. That is, I raised the joists nearly two inches. Again, I chose not to trust glue, in case it adhered only to a layer of wood, and I put in carriage bolts to cinch the joists in place. Do not let me fool you into thinking any of this was a lot of fun. It climbed past 80°F but a brisk wind from the approaching storm kept me from melting.
           Rather than repair the sole plates, I’ve decided to put new pylons under the worst spots. Y’know, it has been over a week of steady work and I must have learned to respect my limits. I needed rests but that’s expected This is better than ten years ago and twenty years back even lifting a hammer was out of the question.

           The thunder has remained well over the western horizon, who knows, maybe it will bypass my little cabin. I may get away with only purchasing a couple sheets of plywood. Does not have to be tongue & groove, since I’m fastening it with easily removable deck screws. I cannot rule out ever having to get under there again, unlikely as that is now.
           That movie, “The New World” is on my schedule. I’ve only ever seen the first half-hour, but I’m aware of the historical background and what I’ve seen is fairly accurate. I’m surprised the feminists allowed an actual 14 year old to play the part of Pocahontas, who was 11 or 12 when she met Smith, who was 27.

           News from El Salvador is 250 gang members have arrived there from the USA. Good, that means the deportation people did not obey the crazy Judge. Some flashy videos are making the rounds about the prisoner’s arrival. It seems rehearsed. Even the most corrupt of MSM polls put the Democrat approval ratings at below 30%. That’s probably below the critical mass needed for survival and must represent only the die-hard fanatics who hate Trump beyond any grasp of what’s happening.

           Finances. This floor repair has kept me so busy that I’ve not been spending any money. That’s bad, since I worked darn hard for an active retirement. Just not under-the-flooring type of active. I also got a notice from my old union that my pension has been upped a whopping $13.97 per month. Goodie, now I can afford that summer cottage. Actually, the union has been a good gatekeeper of the pension funds. This increase follows others, and the cost of living only applies to Gold Members, such as myself. Anybody who joined the company since 2006 doesn’t get them, a sign of the times.
           Caltier is still moving sluggishly and all their new offerings are restricted to accredited people. No reply from Lofty about instructions to set up their new type of account.

Last Laugh