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Monday, March 16, 2020

March 16, 2020

One year ago today: March 16, 2019, Jarte sucks.
Five years ago today: March 16, 2015, grits & gravy.
Nine years ago today: March 16, 2011, but Jeopardy isn’t TV . . .
Random years ago today: March 16, xxxx, WIP

           The Reb is back but today she headed southwest and went northeast. I got some trip supplies, she began to restock the food supply here. While the pets and I lasted fine, the double whammy of the tornado and the virus scare was too close a margin for me. I stopped at my new bank to discover their ATM really does not accept deposits. You have to use the drop box, which I suppose is okay, just a little old fashioned. Banking, though, remains a sphere where I don’t like surprises.
           I know it is all about security these days, but no matter how it is packaged, they mean the bank’s security, not the customers. It has become customary for the Reb & I to carry multiiple cards in case some get arbitrarily disabled. It happened this trip. The Reb used a Tennesee card out west and on the third try, the card was declined. Some bureaucrat decided this was “suspicous activity”, which I believe the bank should have the right to tell the client and let the client decide. This is all part of my contention that the American banking system has gone downhill and become only a tool of control by the non-elects.

           Part of my morning was collecting supplies for the return trip to Florida. I needed a gallon of transmission fluid. How did the supply chain know? Because they were all sold out of that size. By the pint it is twice as expensive as the gallon. Fortunately, a manager at the AutoZone on Lebanon Pike knows that is nonsense and sold me four quarts at the gallon price. Did I say that right? Anyway, I got a good deal.
           On the way back I got some pictures of the damage. The one above shows a house with no roof. Sheered right off at the rafters. There were some 20 deaths centered near this part of town.

Picture of the day.
Finished attic.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The Reb had to drive out to Franklin to get the right foods. It’s all organic non-GMO and guess what? She sure don’t look like no soccer mom. Out in the porch we found a small portofolio of her fingerpainting. Yes, she fingerpaints and I do jigsaw puzzles. Or at least to the untrained eye and the uneducated mind it would seen like that is what we are doing.
           Anyway, I got together JeePee, the wonder turtle, and gave the paintings names. This one we called “Krakatoa Dawn”. That’s it for today. Too cold and too busy until past dark, so we got all the pets together in the living room and watched a DVD. Had to, in an hour on-line searching, not one decent movie was playomg within driving distance. It wasn’t all fun as I had to load up the car for an hour. I have those posts on the rear floor so everything else had to get shoe-horned in.
           Last for now, there is another business opportunity in the wings. It’s a new competitor to an existing industry. The work would be mainly keeping organized a few hours a week. Wait for more news on this.

           Agt. R is grounds-keeping back at the cabin and sends these photos to report. His phone camera is so overkill I had to edit these down. This is the Florda* tree that was to take up to 15 years to bloom. So far, I’m told, it is zero maintenance other than a weekly watering, shown here. This is the tree planted February 10 that bloomed within three weeks. Wait for close-ups when I return, I want to see this for myself.
           It’s not unnoticed that the establishment is using this orchestrated “crisis” to pull an aarping stunt. Reminder – aarping is using any excuse to “update” your file. Want to pay your utility bill? Want to get an estimate on car repairs? Want money out of your own bank account? Let’s see some ID first. Well, not just see it, but key it into the system “for your own protection”, like they give a shit about you.

There is talk of a general shut-down of the system spearheaded by the Democrats. Shortly after Trump’s braggadocious rallies touting the record gains in most every meaningful sector, this plague scare appears. Yes, yes, we know about the Chinese and WuTan, and 160 whatever other countries shutting down. It’s just that it takes a true Democrat to blame this on a leader they hate beyond description for blowing their commie agenda.

Last Laugh