One year ago today: March 17, 2024, 20-hour drive.
Five years ago today: March 17, 2020, asleep at the wheel.
Nine years ago today: March 17, 2016, simply not anyone’s job.
Random years ago today: March 17, 2012, a generic day.
Either the storm slipped past or I slept through it. In today’s addendum, I have pasted the song list of the new guy, let’s call him Steve. It’s a good list, like it was 25 years ago. It kind of reflects amateur status as half of these tunes were chosen without regard for their suitability to small band arrangement or what the other band members have to play. Too much of it is slow, unhappy music. I’ve played 25 of these tunes at some point and everybody deserves a chance. Especially if he can sing all this stuff.
This is interesting. Sweden and Norway, the two most ardent supporters of cashless society, are advising people to keep cash. The reason? Impending war with Russia. The banking system is so vulnerable they are now requiring businesses to accept cash again. (Around 90% of the Nordic transactions are eKrona.)
Here’s the birdie disco-ball against a backdrop of my [still] unpainted back wall. That’s all I got for you as my self-regulatory retirement cycle cut in and I fell back asleep until afternoon. I awoke in the middle of a low-pressure drop with no storm. It hit somewhere, the feed says 32 dead but not even the loose windows panes shook here. And that is all I got for you. I still feel the tightness across my shoulder blades, the ones Big Loretta pried loose, but that are also worried by low-pressure and cool weather. Will I even get underway today?
Silver hovers near $34 when by the historical 16:1 ratio it should be at least $180. Granny raccoon had pancakes and leftover mashed, I think she is going deaf as well. If I’m working quietly, she now forages close without detecting me until the last moment. She eats every acorn seed in the yard every day. I’ll set the deer camera as I know her routine. First I need to finish that floor as after a week, I’m running short of supplies. You can stockpile more in Florida, but that’s trusting they pack it in containers that will last in this heat and humidity. Even that regular size container of table salt give you only half, the rest is a clump long before you use it up.
St. Patrick’s Day, ha, more so in America. Ireland has really gone for a dump. The world cannot fathom whatever happened to the IRA, who were able to take on the British Army. Nothing but bad news out of that country every day. If they don’t do something, it is the end of thousand-year Ireland in two generations, without a fight. I’m gearing up to reduce those pallets from y’day and stack the lumber. I caution not to get too busy, as that is counterproductive. It causes problems with things go wrong and you have to stop everything to adjust. The skids on the pallets are nicer than the slats, we must find a use for them.
Should you see the word CECOT more often, this is the jail system in El Salvador (literally “the Savior”) where the US is sending terrorists. It is located in Tecoluca, which we’ve flown over in the 90s. It is not called a jail, but a terrorist confinement center, so there is no misunderstanding. A host of Democrat politicians and Obama-appointed judges are demanding the prisoners be returned to the USA. This does nothing for their already tanking reputations.
The complex is 45 miles in the middle of nowhere and designed for 40,000 prisoners. They are not allowed any contact with the outside. Each cell holds between 60 and 70 inmates and there are not enough cots for all to sleep at once—a huge dose of their own medicine. There are no training or workshops, the prison gym and game area is for the guards. The prisoners are not allowed outside and spend hours sitting in rows listening to lectures and that they will never be permitted to return to their communities. The local libtards have complained that around 261 prisoners have been killed by other prisoners, but that hardly has any traction.
Inside there are racks of metal shelves with no mattresses, the lights are on 24/7, and there is an armed guard outside behind a metal screen watching each cell. All cellular signals are jammed a mile from the prison, which is surrounded by two belts of security checkpoints. The size of around seven football stadiums, the wire is 15,000 volts. Once inside a sector, the prisoners never leave. Everything from medical visits to their trials are held inside the complex. Of course, liberals squawk about human rights, but only of the inmates, not their victims.
The pallets from y’day have today become these 64 shingles. This is the fate of wood too dried and cracked for anything else around here. This is not very many shingles, but the really bad sections had to be chop-sawed out. If I had a laser printer, I’d burn “Home Sweet Home” on these scraps. I have excellent tools to break the pallets apart.
Back to El Salvador. The local crackdown continues. A force of 2,500 armed police surround a neighbor whole, going door-to-door until every one suspected of crime or supporting criminals is arrested. In El Salvador, you can be arrested on suspicion and this is unlikely to change soon. Everyone entering the prison is subjected to search and a body scan. The outer wall is tank-proof and the guards shoot to kill. Any rebellion, fighting, or insubordination gets 15 days in solitary. Gang leaders are kept together in separate blocks across a walkway from opposing gang leaders. They are on closed circuit TV round the clock. CNN has taken to calling it the biggest prison “in America”.
The prison recently is being used to house prisoners awaiting trial. This is the media talking point, that some of them have never been “proven” to be terrorists, and as we’ve seen the media will just deny any proof. My point of view is it has always been practice to hold prisoners before trial if there is a flight risk or a chance of more crime. And the Democrats have always championed the opposite, allowing the criminals to operate while their judges delay the trial. In New York City, they release violent criminals back on the streets same day. Trump is putting the shoe on the other foot and of course they don’t like it one bit.
[Author's note: all of the prisoners shown in the news so far are destined to die in prison. While El Salvador law has a maximum sentence is (or was) 15 years, that is per crime. Some of these prisoners have sentences of over 1,000 years. There have been no natural deaths in the prison yet, but that's likely because the inmates are largely in the 18 to 36 age bracket. The maximum sentence for minors used to be 7 years. When the gangs discovered this, they began recruiting children to do their murdering. Of course, there is an outcry that innocent men have been rounded up, but under their law, suspicion is a crime. Apparently there is also a women's prison but we've heard nothing of that.]
Lagoa das Sete Cidades.
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It was with some interest I viewed the hand-held welding gun. I’m leery of the claims but some of the displayed welding joints are something I could learn. And I have $100 unspent dollars. I did not work on this chore back in 2016.The floor has to be lifted up and put back each work session so it is not worth it for less than several hours. Here is the AirLocker, one of my most productive of tools.
I took apart the pallets mainly for the 2x3s, which were once milled to very sharp corners. That is the next picture you see below. The pieces are just being cut and fitted. If this object looks familiar, you may have been reading this blog a long time. It is upside down but yet, that is the same design as the seat at the entrance of the Sunflower Café in East Nashville. Hmmm, I thought I had some excellent photos of that bench.
As a demo of how far standards have fallen, a Canadian woman has been diagnosed with “climate change”. We are having another Florida cool spell, so be careful of a climate outbreak. The far left is desperate for a distraction. I’m not, and where is my $5,000 DOGE rebate? And why are we bombing Yemen while there are still undeported aliens about. If you see that new and nasty meme about Bondi and the Epstein files, I know the smart aleck that composed that. The Texan says he has plenty of experience installing bumper hitches and I will soon need a new stove. I want something fancy, which means ceramic tops.
Later, I’ve been nudged to clarify the photo. It is a bench or planter made entirely of 2x3s. The photo is upside down for the construction process. This is the 12 pallet skids plus a couple of end pieces I cut to fit. I will glue and clamp the entire object so there are no metal pieces. It stands 16” off the floor and it is a design I copied. I have no plans on how to finish the wood.
Also, I found my old laminate router and hope to test it with a jig for installing hinges. I had it rigged to make rabbet cuts but found it easier to make those cuts on a carefully adjusted table saw. As I gain experience with the boxes, I’m finding a number of new rules to follow. One is that slapping together a makeshift box is 75% as time consuming as making something fancier. That’s another tidbit they leave out of the instruction manual.
Remember Jack the drummer? He finally got his license back. I sent him a list of tunes to work on. I have the impression he is not the greatest drummer by his own admission. But simply keeping a steady beat is all I need to work with. We have not heard from Ray-B in two months, I may insist we meet up for coffee to see how he is coming along. And I again have a free place to stay in Miami and it is 33 miles closer than JZ’s place. And JZ has dropped out of the picture for a few months already. It’s that woman, she’s bleeding him dry, I’m sure that’s the situation over there but I’m not going anywhere near it.
As for those useless DEI hires in the space station, if it was not so expensive I’d say leave them there. And quit calling them astronauts. They are nothing of the kind. A year is space and we have yet to hear of them making a single meaningful discovery. Our tax dollars paying for another woketard stunt. Rescue them and sent them the bill.
Here is the new guy’s song list (verbatim):
Come Monday-Jimmy Buffet
Hotel California - Eagles
Thank You - Chris Cornell
Secret agent man - Johnny rivers
Sweet home Alabama - skynyrd
Sister golden hair surprise -America
Knocking in heavens door - Dylan/Guns
Simple man-Skynyrd
Operator - Jim Croce
Ain’t no sunshine - Bill withers
For what it’s worth - Buffalo Springfield
Wagon Wheel - Darius Rucker
Here without You - 3 Doors Down
Let her cry - hootie
Nothing compares to you - Chris Cornell
Interstate Love song - STP
Runaround Sue -Dion
Take it easy-eagles
Yesterday- Elvis Pressley version
Folsom Prison Blues - Johnny Cash
You don’t know how it feels - Tom Petty
Dancing in the dark - Bruce Springsteen
Tequila sunrise - Eagles
Bad Leroy Brown - jim Croce
Suspicious minds - Elvis
Learning to fly - Tom Petty
Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
I walk the line - Johnny cash
Courtesy of The Reed white and blue - Toby Kieth
Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash
Jack & Diane - Melencamp
Be yourself - Chris Cornell
Take me home country roads - Denver
Hurt - Johnny Cash
Only God knows why - Kid Rock
Breakdown - Tom Pretty
Wicked Game - Chris Isak
Lying eyes - eagles
Toes - Zack brown band