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Monday, May 20, 2019

May 20, 2019

One year ago today: May 20, 2018, clambering coincidence.
Five years ago today: May 20, 2014, the other flip-flop.
Nine years ago today: May 20, 2010, kicking around ideas.
Random years ago today: May 20, 2017, useless rock tumbler.

           This morning, right after the foggy dew, it was patrol time out at the Hermitage farm place. They’re making money, evidenced by the wonderful upkeep of the fences and fields. We go there by a wrong turn looking for Wal*mart. Not a troop to miss an opportunity, we took an extra long stroll along the byways, where both doggies left donations to the American political system. The founding fathers tried to make the central government weak compared to the states, but forgot to make it strong against special interest takeover. No, not Russian election interference. We know who took over this country, but nobody is talking, not after what happened in Dallas.
           Yep, I forgot my coffeemaker, so eventually we found
Wal*mart. I have a wonderful day planned. We nap, then siesta, then nap some more. Later in the day, after more naps, we’ll take that evening stroll before bedtime. Sounds like a plan to me. Last morning, something large lied down in the front yard. The picture with my fingertips below indicates where there should be a two-foot-high stand of flowers. Instead, everything there is squashed down to the ground. Something maybe slept there and if it was a deer, it was a large deer. See photo below.

           The Reb left on a flight to Calgary, the only connecting airport. She finds it a dreary place on the prairies. I was there a while forty years ago and consider it a little more interesting. Since then, e-mails, texts, and a phone call, which I can account for. The pets, last time, could not get over that instinct that she might not return. We’ve all seen this, particular in dogs. This time, they know she’ll be back, so it was fun and games since she left. We ate eggs, cheese, played baseball, and made 100% certain we were as comfortable as can be. It’s a guy thing. Hmmm, we’re actually having too much fun, so keep an eye out.
           On the morning walk, we ran into this dork walking a German shepherd on a 50 foot leash. Dude, you cannot control a dog like that. I had my dogs locked close when that shepherd was across the rode in attack mode in an instant. Only then does the dork start reeling him in. If he keeps up with that stunt, somebody will shoot that dog. On the way back, we stopped to watch a family of eight ducks crossing the road. I’ll see if I can capture you any stills.

           Last for this morning, the media is ablaze with some big deal that Google is pulling Android from the Chinese manufactuer reputed to be infecting its products with spyware and all kinds of nasties, as foretold. Anyway, I would like to point out that this whole Android thing does not have one iota of impact around here and I do not see any evidence that it is bothering anyone. Of course, just the other day, I did mention my proclivity for avoiding losers. Could be, if I’m seeking morons, I’m looking in the wrong places. Yep, could be.
           Anyway, the use of electronics for mass survellience was allowed such a head start by the American “open society” that thinking China, or anybody, is going to meekly give up is DC-grade daydreaming. But, I can tell you the answer because I’ve already described it. Take only the good capabilities of C+ code, change the commands to ordinary readable English, and your are done. Nobody is going to buy a product with code that reads, “pull the trigger while I’m sleeping”. Although I can name a few people who should and I don’t even know any senators.

Picture of the day.
Now that’s brickwork.
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           Here’s a panel of some Tennessee meadow flowers. All quite tiny, as this is a forested area and they compete for sunlight in the clearings. I couldn’t tell you the name of any of these, so for all I know they are local weeds. That’s all I know about Tennessee flowers and Tennessee women. Ah, now I remember, there’s a section missing here because the electric winked out. I was making snarky comments on the caliber of the women around here. Of course, I’m free to look. Even when I’m 150, divorced to heck and gone, maybe neutered by sun rays from the climate change, then I’ll stop looking.

           Today’s siesta move was “Big Fat Liar”, one of those Disney-grade stories about teens with access to incredible amounts of money. All it does is remind me that the first date I went out on in the classical sense is when I was 28. I took a gal I met downtown to dinner at the Summit Tower near the airport. Cost me $81. Got nothing. Now, I only take women out after the fact. Sure, maybe I miss opportunities other guys would relish, but frankly, they can have that sort of women. Take ‘em. Yours.

           Mainly what I don’t like about such portrayals of teen dating is how misleading it can be. It sets up unreasonable expectations and down the line, messes some women up pretty badly. They want to date, but they also want equality, except for the free meal, but not the relationship, and away you go. My fifteen years at the phone place exposed me to dozens of radical examples of every type, and down to this very day I won’t go near even mildly psychotic women.
           Hollywood and Disney contribute to the delusion that dating is lighthearted sampling. As a personal example, the classic date. Hop in the car, drive to dinner, take her back to your place. Fine, if you are a teen with a car, money for dinner, and a private place to return to. The fact is, I was 28 before I had those things in combination, so there you go. So before that you can forget any concept that I had any women who were “just friends”. It doesn’t work like that, and also explains why I never compete with other men on any monetary level. Men who buy it get what they deserve. You can say it all equals out, except for one nagging opposite: you never see me chasing after their women.

           The dogs and I went for a walk, and I see they’ve figured out how to open the back fence again. This calls for stronger measures. But wait until the weather is bearable. On this pic, you can see the similarity with Memphis and Miami on a day like this. I was outside just long enough to give the pets a potty break. If you look closely, at least in this area we were pc, or partly cloudy.

           There’s another topic on which I draw distinctions, and that is favors. I rarely do any type of favor with the expectation of a payback. But where performance is pledged, I definitely expect it, particularly if the promise is made to induce a favor today. I don’t mind helping out, but you won’t see me dishing anything up for people who just want a freebie. The strongest type of favor I recognize are those that border on a contract. I don’t include promises and should not use that term. Promises are so rarely kept. But if you tell me on such and such a day, you’ll pay me back money, that’s a commitment. This came up because I know a guy who has owed me $50 since 1969, and another who owes me $55 since 1996.
           It was far too late in life before I learned never to enter into any agreement where you would suffer if the other party does not perform. What’s this all about? A guy who owed me a grand for quite some time just sent me a check out of the blue. Finally, but I’ll never help the guy out again. This is not the same money RofR’s bro is sending. That’s my own cash on that one.

Last Laugh