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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

December 10, 2019

One year ago today: December 10, 2018, Wilmington, 2,554 miles.
Five years ago today: December 10, 2014, every e-mail is on file.
Nine years ago today: December 10, 2010, drawing guffaws.
Random years ago today: December 10, 2003, early ‘bank policy’ event.

           I drop over to see Agt. R to discover he’s half-way through ripping the old drywall off the house next door. Some squatters got in there and stunk it up so bad they have to put new surfacings. You may remember that company that was gung-ho to repo his house? They sold it another holder, it called assigning the loan. Well, they sent only a notice of this change and I fired off a quick note that if they require any correspondence or paperwork from this end, the fee is $11.25 per document minimum. Seems they don’t listen so good. Neither do people when I tell them to never play a DVD with Sony software. Particularly that annoying one that tries to autoplay. You should be using Cyberlink DVD, the oldest version you can find.
           This amount was carefully chosen so as to not match anything on their fee schedule. That means when they try to get the money back by slipping it in as another charge on the monthly statement, it stands out like a sore thumb. There’s no blaming them if they are miffed, since they lost a bundle on this deal. It was in the bag, they were driving over to put a lock on the door when I show up and reset the meter. If only I could do the same for myself, but I never get into that much trouble.

           I was almost in the doghouse for this picture. If you strain, you can see two little doggies in the distance with no leashes. That’s the rub, they were free-range dogs for a half hour. The photo doesn’t show the park was checked to be empty, and more importantly, that the dogs are at the end of a long pier. Only one way in or out and I was just off to the right side to grab the collars if they even tried. Normally, they behave around me, so I let them enjoy the brisk weather. This picture was taken to appear as if they are out in the wilderness without control and I succeeded almost too well. That’s the lake at Percy Pierce dam, in Hermitage, TN.
           I took the call while I was shopping and saw the prices at the meat rack. Hmmm, I think I’m glad I don’t eat beef any more. Ten bucks each for the prime pieces. No photo, my arms were full. I said prime, not good. American beef is addictive poison full of pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics, steroids, and lots of artificial goodies that are unlisted or euphemized. Don’t eat it. You’ll grow man-boobs and die 15 years early. They’ve got nerve calling it beef. Same goes for Canada. But, we have the food inspectors, I hear somebody pipe up. The inspection departments were created for the benefit of the producers, not the consumers.

           This is interesting. Forbes has posted their big revelation that Avast has been selling customer data. It was 2012 when I quit using Avast because I had noticed the unusually large amount of code that downloaded during install. Forbes could always hire me and save themselves a ton of money over waiting for their slugs to catch up to this blog.
           As usual, my new CoolPad and I have broken Google Commandment #1. Logging on to my own account with my own password without telling Google I’ve bought a new computer, or checked into a motel, or told them I took a poo-poo some place they don’t have on file. Google is synonymous with insufferable bastards, now there is talk they will unionize. And get replaced by robots. It’s not a simple matter of changing accounts, this blog has over 5,200 entries, was established on-line around 2006, and nobody remembers the original password.

Picture of the day.
Chinese 'private' school.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Today’s break was a weird movie called “Jindabyne”. These guys go fishing and find a murdered black lady. It’s almost dark and the one guy has twisted his ankle. So they tie her to a log so she won’t float downstream and wait until they can get back to civilization. The fun starts with the talk, three men, a dark lady with rope marks on her ankles. Mostly, this one guy’s wife just will not let up. It was well past my point of endurance. She’s on about “how it felt”. The guys are shunned and their property is vandalized.
           It reminded me of that movie where the guy who discovers the body is hounded so badly by the police inspector that he loses his wife, car, house, job and finally confesses. Moments later they catch the real criminal. I don’t recall the title but the inspector was Morgan Freeman. That’s the afternoon, hope yours was a bit livelier. Some guy donated eight pairs of brand new jeans at the Thrift. I was shopping for work clothes, but they were all 48/26. Seems to me I’d know anybody around down who was that peculiar size. Imagine, 48” waist and 26” inseam. That could explain why you never see the guy.

           Later as it warmed up, I got a little gumption on the go. I removed floor panels left loose for the plumbing and took stock of what needs happening. There is a pipe that I left to extend service to the east side of the kitchen, but it turns out to be a half-inch, not good enough. I’ve got to splice in with a three quarter piece, but they only have to be capped off until I decide what I want by way of cabinets. It’s that toilet, pardon me, that closet that is going to take a day.
           Then I crawled under the joists. I got further than I thought I did before leaving in October. Another two full days and I should have the whole floor done, hallway and bathroom. At that point, the rest can wait. I saw these two super nice faucets that could be made out of ordinary copper piping, adding to that rustic charm and solving the problem of the fixtures not made in the correct height to match the sinks. That situation is millennial engineering at its finest. Ah, here it is. These look highly polished, but the idea is a solution to my problem with the bowl sinks—and one I would not have thought of on my own.

           And just when you think people could not get any stupider, did you hear about the douche who hired a hitman over an Internet domain? The owner would not sell, so they put a gun to his head. But then again, what is to be expected from a gorf with a name like Rossi Lothario Adams II? I got ten bucks says he is from the category of single-parent family that causes 90% of American crime. Not a rounded figure, that’s 90% according to (no link) All that’s lacking is a damn good whacking—then a follow up whacking on the mother. If having children on welfare is not parental irresponsibility then I don’t know what is.
           This mornings azz-clown award goes to The Mercury News, who have a pop-up that disables the back button. Read my lips, I will never subscribe to any newspaper that uses this sordid tactic. There is a reason people use ad-blockers and private networks. A big part of that reason is scumback newspapers. The Internet needs a separate suffix for such sites. How about that security breach of 750,000 birth certificate copies. The US government has obvious not learned their lessons about on-line dangers concerning identity documents. I still keep my most important material on a hack-proof flat-file DOS database on a computer that has never been connected to the Internet.

           And isn’t it peculiar how every scientific study that shows DNA can foretell intelligence, race, criminality, and political leanings has been quickly “disproved”—but only if they showed any advantages to being white. How about the anti-Trump bunch in their desperation for find negatives? Now they are throwing tantrums about the “cost” of Trump rallies because cities have to beef up security. Or declaring that his rallies “lack intense enthusiasm”. It’s pathetic, really.
           The liberal media again reveals its bias. It was Trump that timed his rally for the day they announced articles of impeachment. Not the other way around. The whole Establishment is shaking in their boots. The Democrats have done little but convince a wide swath of Americans that the left are a bunch of half-brained mouth-breathing lunatics. Including a large number of their former supporters. They are again calling for income distribution with them doing the distributing, of course. They are about to be, I think, wiped off the political blackboard. Not Trump personally, but the situation created by Trump has exposed their hidden agendas which previously lurked behind a wall of political correctness, a now-discredited concept.

           The Democrats had become masters of misdirection. For example, you could not be openly anti-immigration without danger of being accused of hate speech. If you didn’t like something, you must be afid of it. Over time, every criticism of leftist rhetoric became shielded in this manner until they thought they had us. Then along comes Trump, who is not an insider. Their tactics backfired. To the average taxpaying citizen, the Democrat left now appears unpatriotic, anti-white, and worse, as sinister low-lifes in the political arena.
           And they are panicking. They’ve really stuck themselves with this impeachment farce. They know it but can’t shake it loose. The liberal press is announcing countrywide protests against Trump, but it’s more like tiny groups of 30 people or less. They have to resort to blocking traffic to get any media coveraget. While I’m gradually becoming pro-Trump, I have long been anti-liberal, since I am a middle-of-the-road Libertarian.

           What can I say, I’ve got 90% of the symptoms of jet lag. I have not been on an airplane since America lost the war in 2003 and the condition is now in the fifth day. There is nothing new or different, just longer. I was unable to get going today as the short hop down to Punta Gorda seems to have aggravated my ssutem. If only I could find something that slows down my appetite. And what of the drone that hit the helicopter in LA? As usual, a few irresponsible bastards will cause the implementation of laws that band everybody from something. Have you ever taken a look at the clientele at these drone conventions. Either they are a slimy-looking bunch of creeps to start with, or somehow I randomly picked only those on-line photos that show them that way.
Google is launching a new Pixel phone that blocks unknown numbers. It will work until the shifty cell phone industry sells the callers your list of known numbers. Oh, and while the phone is new, this blog has been requesting such a phone since 2002. The counter measures are probably already in place, and since the Pixel uses C+ code, it will instantly start blocking some legit calls—unless you pay an extra fee, just you watch. Mark my words.

           Here’s this theory why diets don’t work. It says the only way to lose weight is to trigger your body into digesting fat instead of food. This cannot happen until your system is completely purged of elements that set that balance. The second condition is that while fasting works, an outright fast won’t because the body will slow down and shut down until you break the fast or die. Thusforth, I’m paying closer attention to how the Reb does things. Don’t eat anything after 6:00PM and as long as possible after waking the next day. This puts your system into hunger mode mostly while you are asleep, resulting in probably a fifteen to eighteen hour fasting period each day. And she is in incredible shape.
           This is interesting. Forbes has posted their big revelation that Avast has been selling customer data. It was 2012 when I quit using Avast because I had noticed the unusually large amount of code that downloaded during install. Forbes could always hire me and save themselves a ton of money over waiting for their slugs to catch up to this blog

Last Laugh