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Sunday, March 15, 2020

March 15, 2020

One year ago today: March 15, 2019, rejection works both ways.
Five years ago today: March 15, 2015, early “milleniums” dig.
Nine years ago today: March 15, 2011, the cost to “feel rich”.
Random years ago today: March 15, 2008, I looked at Javascript.

           Hmmm, take a look at this picture. What do you see? I see Frump City, my colleague out west said it was middle-aged soccer moms. It’s neither. These are 19 to 22 year old college girls. Enough cellulite, he said, to keep a plastic surgeon in business through the next business quarter. Y’know, I tend to agree, in that something has certainly changed since I set foot on campus at the age of 17. Or, maybe I'm just saying all this to kick my readership up during the virus hoax.
           I have convincing reasons to blame chemicals in the food supply. But in my day this bevy of broads would not get a second look, they’d have to wind up passing out at frat parties to even get molested by the Tide pod crowd.

           On the other hand, some things make more sense. Like why they raised the age of consent to 18. Because if women who look like this expect to meet guys like me (you know, guys who can read and write and often do) you’d have to raise the age of consent to 24 before they’d stand a chance in my circles.
           Bodies like these make me long for the return of the one-piece bathing suit, but not for fashion reasons. I hate cellulite, if nature was allowed to take its course, it would have bred itself out in by the Bronze Age. What I I see here is the full spectrum of cellulite, from the cottage cheese to the marbled. There, I said it.

           It looks like domestic flights are getting through Sea-Tac. You know, that used to be quite a nice airport until they started acting like everybody else. Part of the media hype is that the problem is getting greater because Trump is doing enough. Containing a virus is a pipe deam. All it takes is one jerk to sneeze at a crowded bar and the bug becomes unstoppable. I was talking to JZ who paid for a flu shot. You’d think a former med student would know better than to waste money like that. It shows a lack of understanding what a virus is.
           He says he got a shot last year and his flu was not as bad as it could have been. Sure, the shot abates some of the symptoms, but not the disease. And if it is all about feeling better, spend less money on a whiskey shot. You cannot kill a virus because it is not alive. But that’s not what we are here about. You cannot count the times I warned JZ not to shop with his credit card near Dadeland Mall. Nonsense he said, he’s lived nearby his whole life and never had a problem. I also told him to actually open and read his monthly statements.

           They got him for $1,600 in gasoline over a two month stretch. And he hasn’t checked this month’s statement yet. The truly big difference between us is we aged at the same rate, but I was prepared for it. If your personal slowdown begins at, say, age 55, you probably will not notice it until you are 60 and not admit it until 65. My pal is making every predictable mistake in the book
           He is also dead set against me buying that Town & Country. I have not even decided yet. Around five years ago he bought a second hand one that was a piece of junk. That’s the one where to repair the power steering, they would have to pull the motor. Myself, I would sit down and calculate if it was worth it. He drove it until it crated and had to junk it. Strange, because the mechanic he bought if from told him to bring it in and he’d fix it.

Picture of the day.
Irish fish & chips.
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           The boys and I headed out to Mt. Juliet. The Wal*Mart is being hit my panic shoppers. All paper goods and canned food are gone. Back home, I could care less, but this was a revelation that there was only a five day emergency supply over here. Fortunately, I found open grocery stores the fifth day. This is why I generate more cans for recycling. First the power outtage, then the caronavirus scare and people go nuts. Back in Florida, power failures are a way of life and so are rodents. That is why I stack canned goods.
           On the return leg, I tried to deposit money in my new account, but the option never appears on the screen. You got balance, deposit, and transfer icons. That is milly coding at its finest. A bank account that lets you withdraw money but not deposit it. I know, where do they even find these people? The good news is the Reb is headed this way at 36,000 feet and 581 mph. In a 737. I thought those were grounded.

           Also out west, we have a report from Ray-B. He’s the guy who got divorced and ran away to become a musician on the cruise ships. Over the years, he’s provided some scary insights into what really goes on, alas, it is not log material. Suffice to say groupies have their rock stars and divorced women on cruise ships have their captains. He writes to say there are no passengers on his ship, which originally sailed from Florida through the canal. To a one they are flying home early.
           The media is saying 60 people have died from the caronavirus, but collectively are not mentioning any details. Were those people from overseas? Had they been innoculated? Was there any connection between those who died, and if so, of what nature? Did they specificially die from the virus, or from complications, or maye just died when they happened to get infected. It seems of all the measures that could be taken, the chosen one is to close down businesses and stop political rallies. It becomes ever more apparent that the liberals in this country may be creating a recession as their only hope of unseating Trump.

           Something has changed on the Internet within the past year that is just not in keeping with simple cause and effect. It was bad enough when certain operators began closing down and shutting out posts that were unpopulat with the liberal movement. I don’t follow the precise actions because I shun social media, but I read that Twitter, youTube, and Google have become self-appointed determiners of what constitutes “hate speech”. Mind you, in a way I cannot blame them when DC insiders start holding them responsible for what is posted. The concept is deformed, it is like holding a carpenter answerable for what somebody wrote on a wall that he built.

           By midnight, the Reb is back on the last known flight out of Sea-Tac. She reports the terminal was almost empty. Airlines have been gouging people who have to fly for thousands of extra dollars. We made tea and reviewed the situation. If my medical is rescheduled or canceled, I’m sticking around here a couple more days. We took time to review my work with the harmonies, but neither of us is schooled in this. She cannot hear my harmonies, it sounds to her like I’m just singing an octave lower. Can’t be since I can’t hit such notes.
           It turns out her experience with harmonies is centered on pedal tones. Those remind me of monks chanting. My style parallels the melody line and I don’t really have a choice with it. I can’t just ooh and aah in the background, there’s the Abba influence again. I find that livelier and the Reb is not the only one who can’t hear my harmonies. That is the effect I’m seeking. This is not to be confused with a different bass technique I dubbed “paralleling” That’s where I fake a guitar riff, it originated as one of my methods used against guitar show-offs.

           That’s another story. Right now, I intend to keep singing those thirds until they blend. And use paralleling for the instrumental passages. Since I’m faking the lead solo line, I’ve jammed with guitarists who chorded throught the break and afterward thought they had done a great solo. I’m combining these two methods as best I can. If this act flies, I never intend to put up with any more guitar player bull in my remaining life.
           I just want to make it clear how the harmony styles are different. Pedal harmony is where there is a sustained choir-like note or two in the background. Harmony thids is singing along with the melody, using what is called a mediant or third interval usually above the lead vocals. For solo presentation, I consider thirds to be the best choice.

Last Laugh