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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

May 20, 2020

One year ago today: May 20, 2019, a walk in Tennessee.
Five years ago today: May 20, 2015, only 7% can program.
Nine years ago today: May 20, 2011, she was
Random years ago today: May 20, 2014, MicroSoft wants Internet ID.

           My annual visit to the local historical museum is halted unless things back up. I walked in today, knowing exactly what displays I wanted to see and was confronted by an employee. I tried to breeze past saying I did not require any assistance. Nope. They now demand you “sign in”, stating your name, the purpose of your visit, and how long you intend to remain on the premises. I got the impression answering any of those questions would just lead to more. I asked if I could just go in and look on my own and the lady kept repeating she would be with me in a moment. So, I turned around and walked out, as she hollered that I didn’t have to leave and that they "still needed" my information. I was wearing a mask.
           I’ve selected three more “impossible” bass songs but I still have to invent the ways to play them. During the process, I watched a few Miley Cyrus recent videos, my word, what has that broad been eating? Lay off the carbs lady, and get a thigh-master like last week already. Still no confirmation on the robot club meeting for late this afternoon. It would not be the first time I was the only one in attendance. I have to compete with social media and do so on a platform that requires thinking.

           A second consecutive wonderful spring day had me out in the shed. Here is the tarpaper that will make the shed as windless and still as inside the house. Old Florida houses are drafty, folks. The wall worked on here is now stood in place. Watch for preliminary wiring and waterproofing Florida style, where it rains every other day. I always wondered why they make the printed stripes on tarpaper opposite to what you need to find the studs once they get covered.
           Two hours was just enough time to take off and plan the wiring system back there. The ceiling is not for tall people so I’ve located the light sockets out of any travel paths. The radio was again Tampa or nothing, so I turned it off. Now they are saying the virus is out of control because the government (Trump they mean) “failed” to take measures for the first six weeks. They have gagged all mention of the Texas 8 and are airing this article about government needing to do the right thing. Right for whom? The left had best be careful before claiming they care about the people. There’s an election coming.
           And for the record, those who mention Prohibition back in the early 1900s should be aware of how limited the federal government is supposed to remain. The feds did not enact prohibition, they only said the states could decide. Got that Pelosi, Sanders, and such. There are supposed to be fifty different states, so if you don’t like one, you can move to another.

Picture of the day.
Dead wind turbine.
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           The liberal progressive media has buried the Obamagate scandal—at least as far as they are concerned. As a group, they all announced in unison that somebody told them Obama was innocent and that the documents showing he used the government to investigate Trump “prove the opposite is true”. They still cannot accept that Americans will never tolerate another of their ilk in the White House. Trump has given a voice to millions of taxpayers who were politically ignored by the anti-Trumpers of every stripe. The gang who exported jobs and then told the unemployed they were racists when they wanted to end immigration. Those days are gone. Trump may begin holding rallies, the single most feared event of the liberals and the Democrat party they took over as their vehicle to globalization.
           Most reasonable Americans recognize the media manipulation of the virus scare as an attempt to take down Trump. I think and hope he will resume, if only because I love the way his packed stadiums infuriate his opponents, oh how they squirm. I love how he blasts the media for their fake narratives. The Democrats are again making fools of themselves pointing out that many of Trump’s key people are billionaires. The American people don’t care, they understand that people who know how to run things right are always very, very wealthy. It’s the American way.
           The Washington Post commie rag says Trump’s campaign has “grounded” but can’t seem to find a picture without thousands of his loyal supporters in view. Americans are willing to accept a few thousand virus deaths if that’s what it takes to stop the slow death of America to the likes of the Clintons. Trump has announced the completion of 170 miles of border wall despite the most shameless foot-dragging liberal bureaucratic resistance. And that is 170 reasons people will vote for him again, which is around 169 more reasons that to vote for anybody else. Take a seat, folks, this could be fun to watch.

Last Laugh