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Monday, July 6, 2020

July 6, 2020

One year ago today: July 6, 2019, 8 shades of green.
Five years ago today: July 6, 2015, Canada: Free Parking $5.00.
Nine years ago today: July 6, 2011, valet bums.
Random years ago today: July 6, 2007, compassion for the stupid.

           I disobeyed one of my own rules and just lost $120. The rule was never by the last of anything in Florida. That beautiful matching set of medicine cabinets is no more. The last one installed, well, after a week I knew there was something wrong with it, but what? This morning at 5:36AM I found out. The front mirror, the only piece that one cannot live without, came crashing down I was lucky it didn’t break one of my expensive basins. The bright side is I now have some extra shelves. They came with only three and there should be four. The glass lasted until 60 days after the return period. (This pic is difficult to see, it is the pieces of broken mirror lying on the counter.)
           Early Forex trading has netted a half-percent by morning coffee. I found a way to display the currency listings big enough to read, though the software is still trading only pounds and kiwis. The airwaves are on about the rebound in the stock market which is probably a huge missed opportunity, get used to it. The electioneering heats up with dire warnings of what’s to become of America if the Democrats get in. They will immediately grant 30 million illegals citizenship, a power-grab that means they will then be permanently in charge until there’s a revolt. It doesn’t help that they’ve plainly gotten to the weakest members of the Republican party, a series of wimps who are flipping sides. Quite frankly, their agenda is beginning to scare the voting public to an unprecedented degree. Interesting times.

           Blog rules, and I’ve got something new for me. Getting out of the car, a sharp new kind of pain in my left knee. I have to record it. Not an injury, nothing like that, this is a new and different event for me. No reason for it, just a searing pain on the inside joint of the knee. Since it is a burning sensation, I take this to maybe be the onset of something I’ve only heard of before, rheumatism. Don’t worry, I’ll let you know. Much more of this and I might have to retire for real.
           What’s this, the radical left has already invented a follow-on virus. Another swine flu. Shut down the economy! Blow this out of proportion, fight Mother Nature, blame it on Trump. Funny how every model for the carona virus put out by the left has proven false. The only real people who need protecting are the old and the already infirm, but saying that could be hate speech, so I won’t even mention it

           The virus is throwing the old budget off. Unlike most households, this is having a positive effect for me. My entertainment budget is 36% of same time last year and similar with gasoline. Entertainment and groceries still account for half my budget and I would not plan on skimping with either of those. Vehicle repairs other than major items has crept up to $89 per month, influenced by small parts since the hillbilly collision of March. I’m seeking $4,700 for that, as I must replace the whole car if possible. This is ten times their offer, but we’ve been here before. They usually cave when I can prove the money sunk into the vehicle. Even if I replace it, I’ll likely keep this station wagon as a backup.
           By noon, Forex trading has netted 1.185% this week. In other news, the Supreme Court (probably following the advice I gave to Trump) has not only upheld the ban on robocalls, they’ve widened it to include political calls. So, we now know it takes the highest court in the land around 40 years to grow a spine over any given issue. I still get texts and calls from local sources who I’d like to sue for the $1,500 under the 1991 Consumer Protection Act, but my gorilla glass cuts off the last four digits. The ban was contested under the guise of freedom of speech, which shows you how twisted advertising has become. Note the ban only affects calls to cell phones, not landlines. It is the exceptions that make American law into a joke most of the time.

Picture of the day.
Amsterdam tourist trap.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Some clever soul has come up with Farmbot. It’s a 3D printable device that moves along the sides of a 32 square foot soil box. Coincidentally the same size as the unit I built, this invention scans, waters, weeds, and tends the garden for you. Planned modules include a ripeness indicator, weed-zapper, and possibly an insect laser. They say it can feed a family of four. This isn’t the best photo but it is the most informative. In the backtround you see a box with printed rails along the major sides. At bottom is the mini-weather station and cross-piece that moves along the rails, watering, weeding, and tending so you don’t have to. I’m interested.
           It seems the Hippie and I went to a symphony on this day back in 2006. I didn’t know it, he was working on a new girlfriend. For a guy that made a career playing the same 30 songs he sure never did that well with the women. I don’t blame him, mind you, I can attest to difficulty of finding a decent or even third or quarter decent woman over 25—but I’ve been saying that since I was that age myself. I’ve listened to the counter-arguments by women, that men only want the young skinny ones. But that is the equivalent of saying they don’t want the old fat ones. I reject that flawed argument on the basis that it makes that female presumption that all women are naturally good mothers and companions given the right circumstances. It’s raining, so let me opine.
           I propose a thought experiment. Put 50 average women in a room, and of course men all want the pretty ones. If otherwise the women are all the same, what do you expect? And that is a better representation of the problem. Now, take one of those women who is over 30, and change her from average into a career women, with her own house and car, a good income, maybe some talents, interests, and even a smidgen of ambition. The whole formula changes. You know why you’ll never see the results? Because a woman like that would get picked off so fast you’d never find in that room. Besides, she’d be smarter than to walk into a room full of 49 other women, nomsayn?

           Now I’ll look at it from the other side. A room full of 50 average men. You don’t have to do a thought experiment on this one. Just walk into most any American drinking establishment. What criteria do women appear to want? The men will say they just want the tall ones, or handsome ones, or the rich ones. But closer inspection has often told me that only accounts for about 10% of the weaker types, the other women have higher expectations. And this is where they fail—most average men cannot meet any expectations at all.
           My experience is different, in that I am not tall, handsome, or rich. But it is evident I have nothing in common with most men in any room. I can not only read and write, I often do in public, just much less now that I have Internet service at home. I cannot recall in the last twenty years having met even one woman who impressed me. Let me pause to think. Nope, not one. But I regularly have them approach me to talk, you know about this. The difference is I can meet most expectations as long as they are reasonable. And most men could give a speech on how unreasonable women are. I’m not longer in the market since the Reb is back in the picture. We may not be an item, I’m not saying, but I cannot hypothesize what it would take for another woman to interest me now. Even Taylor would have to work on me a while—because I have a general idea what would have to first take place.

           I’m still opining, so let me do a wee review. My biggest error when younger concerning women is I thought they learned from experience. I mean, I didn’t have to go out with many sub-par women to learn to avoid even talking to them. I rapidly learned to avoid gold-diggers, skanks, and women whose only goal in life was getting married with kids. My mistake was thinking women correspondingly learned what to avoid in men. It was a popular misconception in my day that divorced women had smartened up and were now hot to trot. Wrong, they make the same mistakes over and over. And by the time you finally meet them, they can’t properly deal with men who have positive qualities. I speak with authority.

           A while ago I mentioned the company that was developing a mini-satellite launch system. There are various companies, I wrote about the one called CubeSat and designed a $100 fully functional satellite. Well, a similar rocket launched from New Zealand last weekend. And it disappeared. Poof! Have you been in Virginia lately, or even driven past Richmond? If so, you could be on the suspect list. Some guy wielding a cell phone grabbed $195,000 and the cops are out for blood. That means a geofence roundup using Google’s Sensorvault, a repository of every cell call you ever made and where to and from. And don’t think just because they are looking for a bank robber when they kick in your door, they are going to ignore that six foot weed plant in your back yard and the private photo collection your hard drive. But, since most people have nothing to hide, what the hell?
           In an unrelated matter, Rekognition, Amazon’s facial recognition software has been ridiculed as racial biased. Is that so? There is also an outcry from politicians as 32 members of Congress and 60 other politicians were identified as criminals. Ha, I have two questions. Which members of Congress, and does this constitute any proof the software was malfunctioning? I’ll say it again, the real reason behind the ban is not because the software doesn’t work, but because it does. I’d like to see the faces of the Congressmen, if you get my meaning.

Last Laugh