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Monday, September 28, 2020

September 28, 2020

One year ago today: September 28, 2019, AT&T wasps?
Five years ago today: September 28, 2015, my greatest hope.
Nine years ago today: September 28, 2011, bingo pays better.
Random years ago today: September 28, 2008, symptoms.

           This could be a nothing day unless I make something up. Okay, how about the new Wal*Mart plastic bags? They’ve got the right idea, make one sturdy bag that’s good enough and both the store and the environment come out ahead. With them, you don’t have to double bag your small trash cans. Having said that, they are quite sturdy compared to the former crap. Good morning, may I say that we have entered a new phase of bad coffee worldwide. I’m very sensitive to what is good and this year’s crops have that “weak” taste that, when it occurs, is universal. I’m up at 5:30AM, a holdover from my working days, but give me a break, that was like 25 years ago already. Let me check something. Yep, last May 23, 25 years since I worked for anybody else because I needed the money.
           Budget averages, for the record, as we approach my fiscal year-end. I’ve spent a monthly average of $389.98 on building materials, but I have two wonderful new sheds and a lean-to. My monthly income went up $100 same as everybody who got an incentive check. My worst overage was car repairs, $818, which is to be expected—still a vast savings over the monthly payments on a newer unit. In regular items, I was $302 over budget this year to date, reflecting inflation and a switch to more organic foods. What’s this item, dog food? I’m spending $30 a month on dog food? And when I do go out these days, be it a movie, the pub, or a field trip, the cost has risen to $27.50 each time, all broadly classified as entertainment. I need to get back in a band to make that number positive again.

           What’s this exciting picture? It’s that fancy bathroom door set. This time the inside knob fell off. This is the repair and that’s the big news of the morning. Shown in clear-drying epoxy and if you look closely enough, there is a clamp holding both doorknobs for a solid fix. I’ve learned to clamp even epoxy for an hour minimum. The heat wave continues, giving me the excuse to go shopping at Wal*Mart. Top of my list was some ant powder but guess what? They’ve replaced half the garden center with Xmas ornaments. What little insecticides were left were not organic or carried labels saying do not use on vegetable crops. I opted for some Sevin powder which said nothing about garden use (thanks, millennial label guys) but I know it is rated for food crops if not applied within 14 days of harvest.
           That brought us to late morning and more heat, so noticing the Thrift was open again, I poked in. All new staff, they listen to gospel on the overhead. What’s this? A box of drawer pulls big enough for use as door handles, and only 25 cents each. I bought 16, return later for pics. I see there are some professional scrounges who have discovered my route. I saw them with a 1/2-ton this morning and they pick everything clean. They don’t make anything from all the hardware like I do, they sell it by the pound at the recycle.
           Later, it turns out the pieces are sturdy door pulls, but 6” wide rather than the standard 8”. This is fine, I don’t have big paws. By late afternoon, I was out there for a couple hours. The Sevin is meant to dust the leaves, but I have to dust the soil. I’m looking more at that spinner in the washing machine. Where is that box of heavy duty flip switches every time I go looking for it?

           So the leftists are now jumping on Trump’s corporate tax returns. Typical small-mindedness that he paid little or no tax—but that is the big lie. That is not his personal income tax, but the corporation. And it is in any corporation’s best interest to, within the law, pay as little tax as possible. They all do it. But here is the clincher, and this tells you how low-IQ the anti-Trumpers are. Even if a corporation pays tax, they simply pass that tax on to the consumer as part of the product cost. If the corporation pays a dollar tax on something they sell to you, that means you pay at least a dollar more for the product—plus any sales and VAT taxes. People should hope corporations don’t pay tax.
           What’s this nonsense, a moderated social network? It’s called Telepath and it will either flop through mediocrity, or thrive because there are more people that possess mediocrity than anything else. The platform claims to ban various unkind practices from doxxing to porn and violence, but the method is shaky. Rather than block known offenders, the correct approach, they do it by requiring a real name and phone number. Establishing everybody’s identity is the first step in censorship, politics, and manipulation. There are other solutions so I cannot endorse that policy.

           One might note that doxxing is largely dependent on finding information on databases, the core of identity theft. This is the reason you can’t start hiding your identity today. But those who listened to this blog years ago can easily stage-manage their on-line presence. Bottom line: requiring identity is not the Internet, so I dub it the “AntiNet”. I do believe, mind you, that people who need to “have something” on everybody before they feel secure should always have their own separate places to gather. I’ve chummed around with people I’ve known for decades without every knowing their last names or where they are from. Or caring. And that’s the way it should be if you ask me.
           es, I have a workable solution. It’s my old rating system. It’s an overlay that you can log onto before visiting any site on the condition you rate that site before leaving it. Over a short time, a log is built up about each site or individual that the user can now filter for undesirables. This allows the Internet to anonymously police itself by allowing the user to select or deselect choices such as “left-leaning”, “click-bait”, “spam”, “fake free trial” and so on.

           America is fraught with such schemes and contradictions, but the libtards take center stage. It is okay to loot in person, but not vote in person. The President can’t ban Chinese spyware, but Facebook and Google can gag Americans with different points of view. Leftists want to band guns but they take potshots at the helicopters used by the elected President. And this Biden corruption, the spectacle has just begun. It turns out hundreds of civil servants, watchdogs, FBI & CIA operatives, and a host of Democrat oversight committees all knew what was going on. Trump is wisely holding up prosecution until after the coming election so there can be no talk of political motivations. Remember, the Democrats still think they are so far ahead they don’t need to campaign.
           It was Trump that said the one thing he learned most about becoming President is how deep the corruption has become. The government a power unto itself, staffed with liberal operatives. If he gets in with a solid majority, which is now becoming evident, his best historical course would be to begin a systematic purge of every liberal on the payroll. The reason? They don’t like America, therefore they lied about defending the Constitution to get a job. When they are gone, a new breed of corruption will spring up, but that usually gives the good side a fifty year head start. Nobody is rolling their eyes at the conspiracy theorists any more.

           So now we see the real reason for all the hoaxes and impeachments, and the motives of the MSM. They knew if Trump was not stopped, they knew the lid was going to come off on all their doings. How anybody could still trust the Bidens, the Democrats, the MSM, and the radicals any more is beyond me. But as the old saying goes, stupidity is not a crime. We don't have the jail space.

Picture of the day.
Wooden model.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I made corn on the cob from ears that were on sale. They taste like it. What’s this furor over coupling A.I. with phrenology? It’s like facial recognition, attributing personality traits to features, in this case physiognomy, the contours of the face. We all judge these unconsciously, which to me means there is something to it. And the outcry reinforces this. The objections say the results are questionable and superficial—but is that a valid objection? Are they disproving the science or disapproving the application? It would not be the first time the liberal left gets uptight not because something works wrong, but because something works right. I don’t have the details but the A.I. physiognomy was tested on portraits painted since 1500. I would like to read the results, not the objections.
           Here’s your picture of Duck Fat. Did that make your day? The blurb on the back says it adds a unique touch to everything. The DuckFat website is a restaurant in Maine. You can find recipes on-line for potatoes, popcorn, salad dressing, and there’s an offer if you buy 37.9 pounds, they’ll send you some free bacon. Who could ask for anything more?

           The one squirrel that’s smarter than the pack is still munching my sunflower seeds, but she really has to work hard now for each kernel. I see she has trouble reaching the feeder while clinging to the window sill. Thus, I make the window sill a lot more slippery than it is now. This got me out in the shed where I finally rigged up a wire mesh to keep her off the cardinal feeder. The smaller birds are not fussy, but the cardinals fancy the round feeder with the perch, shown here.
           You’ll get better views once it is back outside. This angle shows the wire mesh, the wire tabs to hold it kind of flexible, and one of four metal screws so our lady squirrel can’t lift the mesh.
           If it works, I may get a second for the back yard for the second family. These feeders cost $15 apiece, so I want to see it work first. They have a nice copper finish, not bad for Wal*Mart merchandise. It’s not that I have anything against squirrels, I regard them more as I do bible thumpers and the socially disadvantaged. Just not here, not now. In fact, never is a good time, how about never.

           I did some speed-reading through the electronics projects postings to see what’s new, what’s changed, and spotting trends. Yes, there is a disconcerting pattern. My research favors Arduino but what I’ve seen likely applies to them all. There is a definite and ominous tendency toward anti-privacy mischief. Dozens of people-controlling concepts, in some sites as many as a third of the list is ideas that spy, monitor, track, and/or identify people surreptitiously. It’s a sad and sinister development but conveys how the liberal-based education system has indoctrinated so many into accepting such perverse activity as normal. Why, if you are not doing anything wrong, you don’t mind if we keep a record of it, type of thinking.
           What’s just as scary is that most people would reject these ideas if they were aware of the drift. These are not beneficial or life-saving devices, they do not promote efficiency or make life better for most. Their primary purpose is to collect raw data for future and indeterminate use. There is already a split between those who feel they have a right to such information and those that do not. I subscribe to the measure-countermeasure theory on these matters, it’s just at the moment, the technology for abuse has the awesome advantage. And it is symptomatic of an underlying mentality that is very disturbed. If only because in the long run, such activity invites retaliation.

Last Laugh