One year ago today: September 8, 2019, therapeutic claims.
Five years ago today: September 8, 2015, Europe Awake!
Nine years ago today: September 8, 2011, nope, can’t use ‘im.
Random years ago today: September 8, 2007, tastes more like food.
How can I get my work done with all this political fanfare? I try to blot it out but except for the terrible daytime jazz on Boss Hogg (1360 AM) the remarks keep getting through. Today, I reclaim my kitchen, I’ve had a filing cabinet in the way for two years. We’ll see that in the shed by later, plus it has lots of extra space for other stuff. Okay, I give up, let’s look at the politics. Ah-ha, I told you Trump is holding back on arresting the Democrat top brass. It turns out they also directed their civil service moles (the Deep State) to investigate newscasters like Hannity and Carlson. Man, how stupid can they get?
The thrust here is that nothing appears to be happening [about this terrific crime]. I say there is a master plan and the investigation is still going on. Trump’s got a list and he’s checking it twice. Just like the leftists have cataloged and categorized every civil service job in the land, I suspect Trump is finally going through the Republican party and finding out who’s rotten. My advice was he should have done that long ago, and he is finally starting to name names. Like that ratfink Conner Lamb, who claims to be Republican but has voted Pelosi every time. Trump needs to root these dorks out. No need to confront the Democrats, just replace the incumbent turncoats. The Democrats are sufficiently sewering themselves. And that joke of a Camel-ass woman they chose is so hated she fell off the bottom of the charts. But, don't relax. The number of idiots in America is constant.
This picture shows the avocado sprout, with a closeup. The cage is mostly for looks . This is the Haas or Mexican avocado, the smaller species with the dark wrinkled skin. And best for mixing and mashing. This has just been transplanted, let’s hope it survives. It will be three years before it gets planted permanently. Maybe I can export to China, they seem awful quiet over there but it seems they’ve been importing a lot of food. Where are they getting the money now that Trump has cut them off for cheating on trade deals? Their military is unsustainable without their favored nation status and the influx of American money.
[Author’s note: something funny is going on in China. Sixty years ago millions were starving over there. Their manufacturing economy skyrocketed but we heard nothing of any breakthroughs in food production. They were still living on food vouchers in the 1990s. Eating large is a Chinese status symbol. Kind of a strange outcome for a race who claim to be the world’s oldest civilization.
There’s a similar situation in India, a democracy on paper, but a poverty rate and caste system that are indistinguishable. China and India are training astronauts while still harvesting crops by hand. And once more, every piece of technology I can see is traced back to America. Admittedly, copying is the cheapest way, but copies are always flawed. In this case, they stage-manage rocket launches but have no middle class. Four thousand years ago, these were called monuments to the Pharaohs.]
Back to megastars like Hannity. He’s not held back from pointing fingers and if he’s been targeted, he’ll plaster the perps on every count. Maybe this is just the tip of the iceberg. The press, controlled by one single sinister organization is, reports Hannity, lying in unison, same words, same talking points. It’s great to watch them twist and turn as the dragnet closes in. Trump should not let things go a second time, he’s not only learned their game, he’s smarter than they are. Of course the left calls him unpresidential. They spent decades applying political correctness and Trump plowed that under in a wink. The Democrats are visibly morphing from fear into panic. If they don’t get in by hook or by crook, Trump could release the Kraken.
How about that Dave Portnoy? He doesn’t understand why anybody would have a job when they can just buy stocks and watch them go up. He’s the blogger with BarStoolSports. Well Dave, most people didn’t get a head start like the bundle from your parents. They had to borrow money to go to school and when they graduated, they didn’t have an uncle in the business. He doesn’t understand poor, that COVID kills more jobs than people. Same with these music icons bitching about how tough it was to climb to the top. Who’s that Brit lady who moans about how poor she was, yet she had the money to lease an abandoned church for 21 years and renovate it into a recording studio. The “Sweet Dreams are made of Cheese” lady. Lennox, or maybe I have it all wrong, but I’m making a valid point.
I toiled until 11:30AM and still don’t have the space cleared out for the medicine cabinet. It is being rustproofed and painted before going in the shed. Except for some bubbled and scratched paint with a touch of surface rust, I got a really good deal on this locking cabinet.
The good news is my physical therapy allows me to raise my arm through the pain zone to 80% vertical, although I have to keep my elbow cricked. Previously, it as 50% max. I stopped at Wal*Mart to check shotgun prices. Everything else is pretty much sold out, as is all the ammunition above .22 caliber. There is no real threat where I live because most people already have a gun and all know who belongs where. TMOR the threat of American gun ownership is not what you see portrayed in the media.
The Constitution allows citizens to own guns specifically to ensure a totalitarian government can never exist in this country. Gun violence is a consequence of that law and it is accepted that criminals and drug dealers kill each other. Unfortunately, innocents sometimes die, but until big media begins to tell the truth about who is committing the majority of the crimes, it is considered a small price to pay. Thus, if Biden gets in and tries to confiscate guns, there will be trouble. Mostly in the big cities where immigrants tend to congregate. I live only 39 miles from a snake pit of liberals. It’s called Tampa.
Special effects.
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How about this shot of the spray paint accumulated since I got here. There’s also auto oil, pesticide, and fertilizer. This is the result of having no central storage. That made it easier to go downtown and buy a new spray can than bother trying find one that had been stashed. It will be moved more to one side but the old red Chinese Chau scooter is visible where it has sat now for what, nearly three years. This is not really a shed, but an overhead to provide shade. It is immensely handy for moving things as a place to keep stuff out of the rain which loves to interrupt.
How about that essay claimed to have been written by a robot, saying they come in peace. Using GPT-3. It’s impressive but not yet the real thing. Think of it less as artificial intelligence and more as artificial knowledge. The fine print admits it was a human-edited amalgamation of eight essays generated by the software. If that ain’t pattern-matching, what is? What I foresee is not that robots will become intelligent, but like smart phone technology, such a huge segment of dumb-asses fall for it that it alters their perception to what the phone can do becomes the new smart. After that, it’s hopeless to communicate with such people.
After a bit, I decided another two or three large shelves are going in along with what’s shown above. The plan remains the same, to get things out of the house that don’t need to be stored indoors, with the secondary purpose of putting a stop to having to repair things inside the house. That’s the prime motive for a shed, but if the shed fills up with storage, you need shelves. Shelves may be the salvation of parts of the western world, don’t you think? Well, me neither, but it sounds epic. Compared to the days of slow progress on this renovation, that’s pure excitement. Between now and Saturday morning, we are occupied with Operation Kitchenback.
What? Yeah, that’s my code for clearing out anything stored in the kitchen area that does not get used regularly. Parts of it have become a catchall for storage. Some of it has not moved in years such as video gear stacked above the old water heater. Don’t wait for miracles, it could take a day just to rig up the shelves. Plus, I have therapy this morning and those people want to operate on my bass arm. You know, for a musician, I’m so susceptible to earworms and I’ve had the intro to “That’s My Story” stuck in my brain since late y’day. Could be worse, as in something from Hendrix, whose style I always found to be nothing special.
By dark I have the file cabinet in place and that means the kitchen area is right up next. I still won’t have space to store everything outside but for now just having the room will prompt me to catch up on that last floor area that needs leveling. I have the gear, now I need the motivation. It’s a chore, the kitchen counter, hot and cold water, and the drain needs moving. Eventually a new window is slated for the east wall. One thing about home ownership, there is always something. We’re miles ahead of where things started so I’m okay with taking so much time off.
I watched Arnold’s probably worst movie, “The Sixth Day”. I’d seen the ending of it before, a common occurrence for me as the clubs often have an overhead movie while I’m setting up my gear. It’s not his best effort and he’s prettier than the leading ladies. Next was “Rosewood” about a Florida town burned up in 1923. The movie is inaccurate in that it portrays pristine little towns where all the children are so well-behaved that even their dogs don’t bark. It pretends to be neutral but it’s all about black is good and white is evil. I say the underlying factor for most violent acts in that situation is protection of property. And that is more instinct than any real racial discrimination.
Later, I’m finished the movie “Rosewood”, a total leftoid fantasy of what white prejudice is all about. The white mob is portrayed as drunks pulling into town on flatbed pickups in KKK hoods one-sidedly blind with hatred. Neither side really wants integration but some people insist on crossing the line both ways. Reparations is a bad idea, since it does not address the fact that some cultures consistently fail to use the money to build an infrastructure. This is a touchy subject, especially with left-wing suppression of consistent testing that shows real racial differences in ability and IQ. Modern IQ tests are deadly effective, they have all biases completely removed, including the Flynn effect. A hundred years of testing shows there are real cultural, moral, and intellectual racial differences revealed, but not caused, by IQ testing.
The tests are so accurate that to change the tests to accommodate racial differences makes the individual questions ridiculous. Interestingly, the left were original proponents of IQ testing because they felt it could be changed as in improved. All they needed to do was educate people with low IQs up to snuff and the problems went away. It was when this floundered that by 1960, the left was blasting the tests as inaccurate. The true problem is that they are accurate. The tests are administered to individuals, but the result are compared to mass populations. The criticisms follow that same pattern.
In fact, the tests of today can be used in reverse to predict things the left finds very uncomfortable. If you had only one fact, that is the average IQ of a group of people, it is the single largest determinant of not only their jobs, their income, and their productivity, but also their race. It is called predictive validity. If it were not factual, people with lower IQs would be continually excelling, continually beating the curve. And we know this is not the case. You can look up the facts yourself, the studies were done by Sam Harris and Charles Murray and are as valid today as when they were conducted.
So while nobody is suggesting that Rosewood wasn’t’ a massacre, the ridiculous theme that the entire problem was caused by blind white racial hatred is more Hollywood than Rosewood. For many, the differences in IQ between groups is a hard pill to swallow. I maintain that all biases and stereotypes have some deep foundations while most researchers stop when they’ve dug up enough to justify their pre-conceived notions. One of them is that races are really nothing but large groups of inbred families. I’ll hold off on that one, since it makes a little too much sense for the moment.