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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September 30, 2020

One year ago today: September 30, 2019, to the largest minority.
Five years ago today: September 30, 2015, those audiences, those crowds.
Nine years ago today: September 30, 2011, talking jargon.
Random years ago today: September 30, 2010, investing $93 in bingo.

           A Home Depot card is my headline? Has my lifetime of seeking quiet adventure come to this? Hang on, I can fill in the blanks. Remember by February 2017, I had such difficulty buying that stubby 30-ton bottle jack? The one that leveled the floors here? I finally resorted to buying a $100 gift card when no place would order the jack for me unless I “became a member”. The jack was around $74, so to my delightI discover the card and that the other $26 was still good. I bought hardware for more shelves and to lock the shed back door. In all, that made the trip into therapy profitable and productive.
           A series of tests at the clinic this morning confirms what I’ve had for years—trouble playing bass, I either use painful posture or miss too many notes. They’ve finally zeroed in on the pain area and it is exactly where that bumper hit me. It is distinct in that the pain goes across the muscles, not along them as expected. Yes, my shoulder was injured before, but it is not my shoulder giving the main problem. It is my bass arm.

           It’s all over but the crying, says the mainstream mob. Hold on, isn’t that what they said last time? Sure, the debate was a farce, but look at the Democrats go wild making baseless accusations, particularly about medicaid. There go Pocahontas and the Hildebeeste, two apt nicknames if there ever were, on about some plot to overturn Obamacare. Somebody tell them that is not true, that it is not a plot. It is a deliberate open plan to get rid of a corrupt and expensive mistake. TMOR, the similar-sounding Medicare and Medicaid are two different programs.
           Medicare is insurance, Medicaid is welfare. Medicare is for all citizens over 65 and long-term. Medicaid is short-term (in theory) to help really poor people get insurance (not medical treatment) but does cover certain medical services deemed necessary. I don’t care for it because it favors certain categories of poor. If you are pregnant and can’t name the father, step to the front of the line. If you are a single man down on your luck, they won’t lend you a shovel to dig your own grave. If you can work a shovel, go get a job, you lazy bum.

           Obamacare is akin to Medicaid and the welfare state. The most-hated provision of Obamacare is that it charges healthy people to pay for sick people. And in America, there are already too many “sick” people, if you get my meaning. What incentive have such people change their ibad habits when the other guys gets stuck with the bill? When Medicaid is enforced, doctors lean away from primary care rather than deal with the paperwork and low payments. Redistribution schemes never work and Obama was illegally redirecting treasury dollars to cover up the billions in losses. Pelosi is trying that again with the incentive checks.
           These few paragraphs don’t cover the whole issue, but I personally don’t think I should be required to pay for chain-smokers who get lung cancer, fat people who get diabetes, bungee jumpers who break their legs, single women who don’t practice birth control, or drug addicts who overdose. I’m not saying they should not be helped, I’m saying I should not be forced to pay for any “medical” condition where the real cure is proactive self-control, not retroactive treatment.

           Another thing, Joe Biden is not a socialist because he said so. That’s right, because he-himself said so. Many a time, so that is that. No arguing allowed. Ann Coulter says there is another voting group that needs to be considered. These are the people who don’t follow the issues, but if times are bad they will vote against whoever is in power regardless of who is running against them. The Democrats are counting on it. It is this significant group won’t won’t be awaret was the Democrats who wrecked the economy and will vote for anybody who runs against whoever is in power at election time.
           I say they are wrong, that the issues are so alarming that very few people in the country could have escaped at least hearing about them. At street level, everybody knows it was the Democrats who caused the trouble. It will take years to recover, but let that be a lesson to anyone who votes liberal.

Picture of the day.
Somewhere in Congo.
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           I know I am not going to avoid all the politics today. It’s at you from every angle. These two are going to slug it out, with Biden using the very effective tactic of blaming everything on the other guy. By the size of the rallies, it isn’t working, but people often vote funny around such matters. Here’s today’s mystery object. It looks like a pair of pliers, but the teeth are curved and smooth. It has that eentsy turn screw, but it is likely broken as shown because it is in all the way. A hundred tiny things have gone wrong lately, so I did not even ask the price even as a souvenir.
           We have a regular cold spell and I’m busy chasing things around instead of doing cool weather chores. The word I got that the incentive checks were on the way was a false alarm. The other side won’t sign the bill unless they get enough money to pay all their debts as well. Only, in America we call them “deficits”. Therefore, I must conserve until year’s end, having to operate and maintain a car, I’m way over budget even with the $1,000 per year repair budget.

           Propaganda Wars? Big issues, small examples, the hallmark of the leftist press. Flip-flop. I don’t say either view is wrong, but I don’t like the spinning. The big issue is immigration, most Americans say we’ve had enough. The small is the story is some illegal who wants to be “reunited with his wife”. He knows exactly how that can happen, by tomorrow if he’s serious. America may put on a great show over immigration, but that’s all it is. When Trump proposed limits at 15,000 that is because the American public wants the limit, not because he is racist. The media labels anyone who wants controls as a bigot, which is just avoiding the issue.
           The big networks are at it overtime editing selected clips of the debates to make it appear Biden won. Why? Isn’t it just a debate? That people should learn from their mistakes is taken way out of context. I’ll learn from my own mistakes, not yours, thank you, Nancy—and I’m doing so at a rate you can only imagine. Has she been hitting the Jack Daniels again? New York City is fining people without masks. Young adults are called upon to take more precautions, I mean, just look how well that worked concerning sex. And Trump’s “proud boy” lexicon is about to enter the American vocabulary. Welcome to this afternoon, world.

           There is some association between my shoulder therapy and the rest of the day. Checking the records, the most afternoons I’ve taken off have been after a morning session. The time between returning here and experiencing the lethargy is getting shorter every time. This means I need a vacation. Have you heard of lentil porridge? I just did, it is a recipe with oats and cinnamon, simmered in milk. Lentils are like most beans and peas that come in a package, to me they are all more trouble than they are worth. The Reb has all kinds of this stuff. Thusforth, I should learn one recipe at least. Maybe I’m just into things you have to cook overnight.
           Both microwaves and the toaster oven are shot. An examination of the innards shows fried circuitry. Before I run out for replacements, should we not look into these touted “air fryer” the appliance people are plugging. As ever, I don’t know even one person who has one. If the cooking times and other performance are comparable, I’d prefer one unit in my tiny kitchen. Well, not tiny, but limited counter space. I’ve read two reviews that say the resulting taste is different but comparable to deep-fying. If you want off the deep end, there are $450 combination oven-microwave-air fryer combos.
           My plan is to watch a video on some celebrity chef using an air fryer, then take an extended nap. My pain level at therapy this morning was zero. That merits a victory nap. I need to be rested for the third problem. They come in threes, and I’ve only had the scooter battery and water pump. What will it be? I did notice another squeaking noise under the hood. Yes, I know some people say I drive an old car that always needs fixing. I say I drive an old car because I can fix it. That’s why I can pay cash when they have to use a credit card. They say that is for convenience, I say it is because they don’t have enough cash. So who is happier in the long run?
           Spotting the coffee shop has reopened, I went for a mug and a crossword puzzle. They still have all the seating restrictions. I see Google is again getting a comeuppance. This time, it is the outfits that don’t like how Google takes their information for free and then rebroadcasts it. That’s something I have an opinion on, so drop back tomorrow.
           I mentioned my method of naming these posts by the posting date, I can confirm I am able to go back to old posts in a reasonable time again. This is no thanks to Google. I accomplish this by doing a search on the date, which is also the title. You may have noticed how the date appears twice at the top of each post. The small grey date is Google, the other is typed in every day by yours truly. But such thinking ahead 5,700 posts is sometime necessary to defeat the sheer forms of stupidity found at Google. I would not be surprised to find out they hire teams over there to go looking for stupid things to stick their noses into. Their corporate logo should be, “If it ain’t broken, fix it until it is.”

Last Laugh

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