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Thursday, November 19, 2020

November 19, 2020

One year ago today: November 19, 2019, what $21.59 really means.
Five years ago today: November 19, 2015, NWO agenda (New World Order).
Nine years ago today: November 19, 2011, the beginning of my gold.
Random years ago today: November 19, 1984, a day after Taj Mahal.

           The Pope liked the photo of a Brazilian model. The Vatican team says no way, as @franciscus sends 7 million viewers to search on Natalia Garibotto. She’s so ugly she entered an ugly contest and was told, “Sorry, no professionals.” Is that her arse or did they just find Trump’s 2.7 million missing votes? Facebook declined to comment. Because it was the Zuckster. And how about that article about satellite mapping every tree left on planet Earth? If they can do that, go figure.
           This photo is from a display wall at the Factory, back in Franklin. If I didn’t say, all the old stoves had been removed because too many brats were getting injured climbing on them. This country has abolished self-responsibility. When some little wimp falls down these days, it is always somebody else’s fault. These are custom made grills. Fancy, but I could not think of any use for them. Movie props? The Reb had specifically wanted me to see the stoves and now they are gone for no good reason.

           It was one of those storybook mornings. I’ve never driven this stretch in the AM before, south from Macon to Valdosta on to Lake City. The trucks were out again, so just over the Florida border, I took a side road. I’d been here in spots by motorcycle so I know the way. I started looking for a grocery store, no luck, and I’ve had the same trouble on these roads before. The stores are so hidden they cannot be spotted from the trail. I wound up driving all the way to Dade City, like 150 miles, to where I knew there was a spot. The northwest area of the state is more picturesque than most of the rest.

           Other than some land being cleared, I saw little evidence of any other industry than farming. The smaller towns look like they haven’t changed in forty years. It must be a retirement area judging by the number of out-of-place mansion type houses in small clearings out in the countryside. The scenery was great considering there was nothing else. I went though places named Bronson, Donelson, and Citrus Springs. The disappointment was Brooksville, where I only know one business, the Cracker CafĂ©. High prices but delicious waitresses.
           This time, I was still looking for a grocery and made the mistake of turning off the main road. Up yours, Brooksville, and double-up yours Garmin GPS. That’s one combination that can waste your time no matter how small the town. I got into some area of no left turns, one-ways, and no place to pull over to get your bearings. After 15 minutes, I said good-bye to Brooksville. What kind of lunatic designed that place? And the GPS? What a joke. “Proceed to highlighted route.” If I knew where that was, I wouldn’t need a GPS. Garmin is also great at giving directions to streets that have no signs.

Picture of the day.
Blogworthy hedge.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The trip was leisurely, I wish I always had time for an overnighter. I kept checking the tire on the bent rim and sure enough, it has visible wear after just a thousand miles. Now I’m looking seriously for a van or similar. I could really get something nice if I was willing to take a chance on that second stimulus check arriving any time soon. Here’s the best view I found of the crescent moon outside the Factory y’day. The railing and brickwork are part of the old factory entrance. More like Halloween than Thanksgiving, but hey, how much more thrilling was your Tuesday last?

           America is asking questions, only around a decade late. It turns out these Dominion voting machines were designed to rig elections. And the Democrats have been importing and installing them for ten years at least. The big question is where were the FBI and CIA while this was going on? That’s one painfully easy answer. Or as this Powell woman puts it, why is it up to a small team of civilian lawyers to show this election was rigged, when it should be investigated by an entire government department. Funny, they are keeping evidence hidden, but not if you consider the reputation the Democrats have for cooking up cover stories.
           I got home in mid-afternoon, had a lengthy siesta, then went out for a few. Not a thing has changed. It must have been payday at the mines again. Let’s see what’s been happening out there. Another Tesla has crashed. That’s part of your C+ reward, there was no “don’t hit the tree” command. Driverless cars, not such a great idea after all. There has to be a seismic shift in programming philosophy first. I’d say the world is more ready for computer-assisted driving, like enforcing the rules of the road on bad drivers. Fix it so you can’t tailgate, block lane changes, pass on the right, or drive in a blind spot. Fix it so you can dim the other guy’s headlights and stop him from cutting in front too soon. Sure, that would make a lot of enemies, but that’s the idea—to let bad driver’s know how hated they are.

           What’s this big deal some college types found “hidden” writing on a medieval manuscript. Somebody tell them writing materials were expensive and back then it was very common to wash old ink off and write new things on top. Love the way Kayleigh bitch-slapped the fake journalist with, “I don’t call on activists.” Hooray for Apple’s anti-tracking feature that has Facebook and Google shitting their pants. It is expected millions of users will use the option. Facebook says it is nothing more than a play for Apple to make even more money. Come on, Zuck, who’d do a thing like that?
           The Apple privacy option will upset not just the big tech goliaths, but the national surveillance system. Apple had best mind they don’t get shut down some. I’m okay with a mild amount of regulation, but the system has vastly overstepped the line. The tentacles of regulation have reached down into areas of all our lives that by any standard should be left alone. The worst of these laws center on enforcing morality on others, but don’t protect anyone from the immorality of special interest groups. Did you get a lot of IBM apologizing to a gender-bender they fired 53 years ago? The apology should come from those who vomited up their unwelcome personal issues into the workplace. (I’m also curious what a dying entity like IBM is shooting for with such tactics anyway.)

           I’ve tallied up all spare sources of money and I have enough for some kind of van—in Tennessee. The poorer gas mileage is offset by the amounts saved on the road and the option to pull over for a snooze most any time. That’s a dynamic for my age and condition. Where is that dang second stimulus check and my double whammy from the medical study people?. They are behind enough that I’m tempted to drive to Miami and get the cash myself. My 2020 fiscal books are closed and my monthly “deficit spending” has plunged to a sixth of what it was before the virus hoax. Let’s see if we have any nuggets of information to hint at how swell budget controls work if you apply them correctly.
           The most I spent on any non-travel day other than car expenses was $175.12 on May 14. My largest entertainment expense was $86.00 at the club reunion on June 11. Groceries went up $88.40 per month, but that includes pet food. Tennessee means a painful gasoline budget of $225.49 averaged out. I spend only $36.71 in restaurants per month, not counting travel meals. Because of the K-cup machines (plural, there is now one in Tennessee) my coffee budget has dropped from $96.12 per month to $12.61. My monthly communications bill has gone from $23.00 to $76.00. Only one category change for 2021 and that is classified.
           In all the year was comparable to others except for a bump “of over $100 per month” in investment income. The $800 loss taken on the currency exchange adventure is not a budget figure. Total income continues to improve and I have not started my solo music career yet. I’ve been successfully budgeting since I was 27, I can’t imagine how I lived before that. Like that Gibbon guy put it, the winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.

Last Laugh