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Friday, December 11, 2020

December 11, 2020

One year ago today: December 11, 2019, secure & dry, my eye.
Five years ago today: December 11, 2015, Glady’s cafe, free refills.
Nine years ago today: December 11, 2011, about $70 million.
Random years ago today: December 11, 2014, the conviction is optional.

           Does that car have a camber adjustment? Yes, but so hidden an experienced mechanic and I could not find it with a flashlight and up a hoist. It may be a metal plate under the joint, rather than behind it—and I would have found it this morning if the ground had not been so wet. Good morning, and it is a good one. Well, maybe not for people like the Biden’s, it seems the Deep State had only suppressed the story until after the election was over. Problem, Joe.. It ain’t over. The fat lady is still singing and she’s getting louder.
           So is Pelosi, if you’ve seen her lately. An incoherent mess with the shakes so bad she can’t do her own trademark count to three. She’s changed her story so many times she can’t keep up, Now she’s dropped her demands for bail out money hidden in the stimulus bill.

           To me that signals worry that the the election fraud forces are gaining traction and her bankrupt party needs brownie points. Fast. Correct me if, but isn’t there some way if everything goes wrong and no presidential candidate is chose, that Pelosi could become acting President. What an atrocity that would be. Few would stand for it. Congrats to the Queen Mother, another grandchild. We learned about her in grade school, so she’s been around a while. I don’t know the difference between succession and heir to the throne, but apparently it is mapped out to the 120th place. The only list I could find lists just 100.            So, given the population of England, but ignoring the fact the list changes when there are births, deaths, or anyone marries a Cathollic, let me calculate my position. I am distantly related to I won’t say in Austria, but that puts me 221,618th in line to the British Monarchy. So watch your step, you colonials.

           How about that Austrian politician who showed that using the standard test for carona virus, a glass of cola tested positive? The new unemployment stats show that Americans are back at work, which is false. There are ten million fewer jobs than a year ago. But the unemployment stats don’t count people who have “stopped looking for work”. I say again, that is one concept I don’t get. Since taxation, regulation and inflation have made working a losing proposition, how do people just stop working? I’ve heard many explanations, but they don’t make any sense. When I started out, I had nothing and would gladly have quit looking for work if it were in any way possible.

Picture of the day.

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           Sad news later is that the Supreme Court refused to even hear the Texas case. Of course, the media mob will declare that Trump “lost” the case, when in fact it never was tried. They’ve poisoned the minds of their audience so expect the crap to continue. What people don’t understand is how others can believe in a rigged election system in four states that carries so much momentum nobody seems able to stop it. And plainly, if the Supreme Court are cowards to even look, it is time to find somebody who will. Nobody sincerely believes Joe Biden won, but there are some who insincerely think so.
           This was my opportunity to indulge in journalism, as I quickly twisted the news into a Trump victory for finally exposing the cowardice of the SCOTUS. If they won’t hear cases like this, then what good are they? How’s that for turning the mob mentality back on it’s adherents?In keeping with US journalism practice, I hailed this Trump victory as a cover story to Elliott that I will temporarily reduce the size of my alpaca herd until the situation is clarified. Alpacas eat grass, right? When I think of Democrats, I think of dyed-in-the-wool traitors, so that’s where you get these alpacas. I wonder, do they, l ike have, black alpacas in the family? I'll explain the alpacas in a moment.

           Locally, we have more sad news. Sammy, the wee white dog, has troubles. Seven months younger than the late Sparkie, Sammy’s personality began to change as soon as Sparkied was gone. He still looks for him. This afternoon I received information that Sammy is off to the vet after some apparent digestive problems. Much as I say this can’t be happening, this could leave a huge hollow in our lives. And, there is a weird coincidence.
           On October 25th, when I received the phone call that Sparkie was gone at the vets, I was having coffee with JZ. His phone rang and it was Alaine calling that her little Snookie was gone for the same reason at almost exactly the same time. Hold on, he did not say Snookie, she has t Havanese, but still an eerie concurrence.

           Here’s a treat for statisticians I like to throw around this time of year. Except this time they are estimates because the “new improved” Google rounds off the numbers before totalling. It’s more proof they hire only uneducated morons, but here is the nearest I can average the numbers of this blogs most popular views over time. It is painful to imagine the throught processes of people who, it seems, go out of their way to make numbers look pretty instead of accurate. I guess “4.4k” is close enough for an imbecile.

The most popular (most visited) posts on this blog:
Saturday, September 14, 2013. 4,360 views
Tuesday, October 1, 2013. 2,006 views
Saturday, November 28, 2009. 2,611 views
Friday, October 1, 2013. 3,014 views

           The Paki Waki jaheels are on the rise again. Robocalls up to twice a day, the same old scams from Orlando. Your vehicle warranty and your credit card interest rate. Yep, the police will arrest you if you don’t pay a ticket, but they stand back and let these scam artists steal people’s money for decades on end. Don’t defund the police, defund stupidtiy. And if that wrecks some police departments, you still come out ahead. The laugh of the day was when AOC insulted Goya Foods, their sales went up so much Goya appointed her employee of the month.
           The ramped up radio-telescope in the Australian desert has finally mapped millions of galaxies that we kind of knew were there. This is in the southern hemisphere, which is much less studied. The reports say they age in the order of ten billion light years, it’s one of those incredible science discoveries that I don’t see much value in.

           Or how about that mall Santa that refused the kid who wanted a nerf gun These libtards will stop at nothing to impose their sick views on others. If the Santa had been a Trump fan, they would have published his name and home address. And I was sad to see the Musk rocket failure. It almost made it. He’s our best chance of being on the Moon by 2025 and Mars after that.
           What’s with the alpacas? Hey, don’t laugh, these are $1500 a head, which includes the mullet. Elliott has bet me the ranch twice that Trump can’t win, I say Trump already has because the other side cheated. So in keeping, I’m soliciting ideas from Elliott on what to raise on this ranch. I ruled out beef, turkeys, mink, and modified corn starch, but not ostriches, dudes, and these alpacas. I dunno, they look friendly to me. Elliott says they could be llamas, but I know a Tibetian priest when I see one. They don’t have mullets.

           I wanted a refresher on calculating the GP, or geographical position. This is the spot on the Earth’s surface that is directly under any object in the sky at that moment. You might have to think about that. Some say the Internet is great because it gives everybody a forum. But there are some people who should not make videos. I have only a partial list, but people who talk with their teeth clenched together are on it. And if you can’t draw, quit posting videos that require drawing, or at least have the courtesy to draw them in advance.
           Just now, I wasted twenty minutes watching a video where the guy could not draw a circle, only to have his dry erase marker run out at the last minute, the part you needed to see. The dork’s name was Will Lesh, what a nincompoop. If that’s the best you can do, Will, no wonder you can’t shoot a video either. Don’t waste you time with that slow-witted moron. Old Will gets rave reviews, showing his site is popular with that lot. Maybe I got him on an off day, but he should have deleted that video and gone down to Dollar Tree for a new marker.

Last Laugh

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