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Monday, December 21, 2020

December 21, 2020

One year ago today: December 21, 2019, both females.
Five years ago today: December 21, 2015, a true story?
Nine years ago today: December 21, 2011, on-line lessons, my eye.
Random years ago today: December 21, 2008, because it was big-screen.

           Persistence sometimes pays even if it is a pain in the butt. By making a habit of walking the same route every time since I lost that stapler spring in the grass, I found it this morning. Signaling a good day, that set me to work until I got the window frame repaired, and temporarily placed in the wall. Why the rush? Grab a coffee, I’ll explain. Meanwhile, here is the progress on the window frame. This formerly rotted joint is now petrified and to the right side you can see the filler product still and filling up the cavity. This was so much work, I question my decision, but it is done.
           I decided not to glue this joint, since I don’t know the properties of the wood petrifier or the filler compound. Instead, I used vices to press a mending plate into the frame while it was still soft. This took a tremendous amount of pressure involving turning powerful vices with a snipe. I had thought to route a spot to make the plate flush, but now I’ll leave it. There is no difference in performance, and the presence of the plate is rather spiffy, sort of look folks, I can repair windows.

           There is a strange silence over public radio. Something has happened they don’t want to talk about. It must be Trump, since they have nothing else to go on about, and the blackout means bad news for them, good news for the country. Has anybody heard anything? I’ll mention if I do. What is the rush with the window? I may have a line on a vehicle for half the price I was looking to spend. Stay tuned, I have to confirm, though I’m certain my sources are reliable. Put it this way, such a vehicle right now would be a blessing.
           The office being in front again means I can see the bird feeders directly. Recently, they are not visiting my supply, but they must be well-fed anyway. The yard is alive with chirping, there are at least two families of northern cardinals. They have a distinctive sound when they’ve located food. But I hear them only. They live the trees Agt. R and I cut down. They are also good at hiding in the new branches that sprout from the stump. I’ll keep a watch, you know I like birds.

Picture of the day.
Brazilian bank robber tunnel.
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           By late afternoon, the window is still clamped and drying. I could not find any putty in a reasonable size, so I paid $7 for a tube of material claiming to do the same job. Wrong. It applies like caulk but lacks the characteristics of putty. Shown here, it does not apply smooth even with a very steady hand. My hands are steady, I play bass. I suppose if you do it every day you get good at it, but that was not part of the deal. I tried smoothing it and you see the results. This is after four or five tries with a regulation stainless steel putty knife. See how if forms a ridge rather than peel away like putty?
           As it got dark, I finally left the glazing like this and put the window into the wall. This is for security, as I think the vehicle just mentioned is for real. Who remembers the neighbor in Tennessee with the title problems. The guy who bought the mini-van, waited a month to register it, discovered he needed another signature, went back to the business, discovered they were bankrupt and moved back to Belgium.

           Tennessee is one of those states with repressive vehicle title laws. That is, the title is abused for many things besides its proper role of proving ownership. He was stuck with it for years, waiting out the statutory non-contested title, which he finally received. Right before Xmas in a pandemic. Lots of people want it, nobody has the money. No, wait, correction. I have the money. But not as much as he wants. This not the best make and model, but it was impressively clean and full of options, including seating for nine people. I’ve never had nine people in my car, although in my 20s, I used to ferry around my band.
           That was an interesting situation, because every kid except me was given a free car when they turned 16. Maybe a beater, but still a car. I walked until I was 21, then bought a new car (last time I ever made that mistake). Anyway, by age 24, I encountered a situation that persists to this day. The other guys, with their free car, failed to set up the infrastructure that allowed them to reliably have gas, insurance, and repair. End result? The only way we could often get there for sure was in my car. And to this day, I cannot tell you what gas costs and I don’t care.

           This is the setting. The neighbor needs money now. Some five parties have test driven the vehicle, which lists for $6,000 on Carfax. It is a 2008, but has not been used much in the fast five years. Thus, it is mechanically more like a 2013, which is precisely the target seven-years gap I’ve learned works best for me. I threw in an offer for what cash I have on hand in Tennessee at the moment, and am waiting for confirmation from the Reb. She will also have to check the balance, as the account was drained a bit with vet bills last month.
           Keep the fingers crossed, if I get that van, hello Smithsonian. How many years has it been since I have not got there? Well over 50. Which reminds me, how old do I look and act? I’m long past the “who is that old guy in the reflection” stage, but judging by the women who chatted with me today, I’m happy. I need a name for a situation. I’ve always been popular with waitresses and servers, but since I have never dated any, this is not in competition with other men. What happens more than by chance, I’ll come in and find a quiet spot in a room where other men are hitting on the lady.

           You’ve already guessed how they will come over and talk to me, because some say I brag about it all the time. Really? Ain’t braggin’ if it happened. I write this off to the fact that I never, never, come on to women. Ever. (I simply make it easy for them to say yes.) Makes me easy to chat with, see. But that’s not where I need the new term. It is for the situation where the other men see this, and finally get up and leave. Happened twice today. I stopped in at the Fubar to check on my PA, and at Krazie’ s to apologize for missing their party.
           So, what’s bloggable about that? Krazie’s hired a band for the party and apparently they were that bad. The gals hauled out their phones to show me and yessir, it was beyond bad. These guys were pushing 50 but playing like total jerks. The spastic drummer who wants to play nothing but fills, the shredding guitarist, and the singer who thinks he’s showing them how it’s done. It was quite pitiful. I’ve played that place either two or three times, but I’ve done Karaoke there a lot. I got their message, but have a confession. I’m so bad at guitar, I’m not rushing in just because they need somebody. I don’t want to be the next act they show to somebody, know what I mean?

           Two news items. Nikon is shutting down in Japan and moving to Thailand. That does not surprise me, as they are in my opinion, part of the big camera cartel. The ones who refuse to produce a simple, easy product, with features listed long ago in this blog. Instead, each major manufacturer has at least one built-in defect or shortcoming. Examples are Sony’s proprietory formats, and Nikon’s frail battery compartments that won’t survive a single drop.
           Amazingly, these digital cameras are falling for the same mistake as Kodak, who had a fifteen year lead in digital imaging. Instead, they opted to protect their precious chain of analog photo kiosks—the very reason I quit taking Kokak photos. They say a week, but unless you take a full roll of film each time, it could be months before you—and their staff—get to see your shots.
           I saw this while looking at the new French curved sensors. My interest was astronomy photos, where a curved screen could match the curved lens to reduce aberration. Now I find these devices are not compatible with old lenses. The perfect millennial product. I believe the product is called CurveOnce, but can’t locate a website.

Last Laugh