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Saturday, March 27, 2021

March 27, 2021

One year ago today: March 27, 2020, $8 per day, hmmmm.
Five years ago today: March 27, 2016, near Alva, Florida.
Nine years ago today: March 27, 2012, on their attitude.
Random years ago today: March 27, 2009, blog punctuation.

           The end of a mini-era, tonight is the final day for the Fubar. This is the place I’ve played most often since arriving in Polk five years ago. Also the most Karaoke. It’s the logical stop point if I’m taking the Highway 60 bypass. There will be live music and food, this is the pub closing down due to the highway expansion. Although the business closes, they have six months to vacate, so I’ve already inherited boxes of electrical gear and building materials.
           This morning is dedicated to getting that headlamp on my van, the Smithsonian. I’ve modified a regular 12V bulb to fit the 25,000V housing, the idea is to avoid a citation while I locate a wrecking yard that has the parts. Yes, that is duct tape. As mentioned, this will re-purpose the wiring used to bypass the fan relay, but comes with the catch that if you forget to turn it off, it will kill the battery. And without electric, that whole van is useless, you cannot even open the doors (because I don’t have the pass key). That reminds me, I found a locksmith that can program an extra key. For $150.

           The A/C gets looked at today, starting with replacing the radiator hoses. I’ve decided to have it professionally done. One drive in July or August in Florida will convince you to spend the money. I’ve also decided, time permitting, to go see another band in Auburndale. That town is a musical anomaly, there are a dozen top performers living in the area but bands. At least not any that are household names. Like Nashville you can walk into a dive bar and find a concert group on a pallet-wood stage—but you never heard of them before or since.
           Another thing you never heard of is the US Air Force being white supremist. You see, when it comes to flying cargo planes, they are less picky than choosing combat pilots. So, when they interview new people, one of the questions they ask is if they have a private pilot’s license. Makes sense, you’d think. But Democrats don’t think. It seems that since the day Trump was elected in 2016, they’ve discovered that 100% of the recruits who could already fly an airplane are white. In Democrat-think, that is proof of racist.

           The robot club is becoming semi-active again. We are going to allow financial data on-line, though it a very narrow context. On-line banking is a damn risky business and most people have never learned the bank is not your friend. It is one of the lessons that needs learning. If you have a lifelong history of trying to save and it never worked out, there are reasons not to blame yourself. The moment you keep a surplus of money around in any area of your life, the assaults and problems begin, and they take forms unimaginable in advance. Worse, they are different for each individual and cannot be easily prepared for.
           Another surprise was that it wakes nearly two weeks to get an appointment to open a joint or trust account. Nor will the bank send statements to anything but the address on your ID, though that is quick to remedy. Banks are not a secure place to keep money, but they are safe enough for beginners and one of the first lessons you will learn is that bank errors are NEVER in your favor.
           And yes, the Evergreen [container] ship that is blocking the Suez Canal belongs to Bill Clinton. In another wake-up call to those who had nothing to hide, if you attended the protests against the stolen election, you are being placed on no-buy lists. You’ve done nothing wrong, but you can no longer buy a gun. Gee, lucky you, now you have even less than nothing to hide.

Picture of the day.
Large grapes.
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           The light would not work, yet everything checked out repeatedly. Here’s a view of Lake Okeechobee with that canefield burn on the far horizon. Finally I got in the car and drove to a parts dealership that did not look busy. I needed a second pair of eyes and it’s a comment on our times that I don’t have a single reliable person to go get help with on something like this. Dozens owe me favors, but not one can help or will drop what they are doing, or will be reliably somewhere you can contact them. So I got the guy at the parts shop to test the system and it was the last link in the chain—a bolt on the chassis that was not grounding when the hood was closed.
           Not only did this take all afternoon, but I found it much harder work than it should have been. I mean, it happens to everybody though I could have used another good ten years anyway. I won’t be running in the marathon this year. Not when I need a half hour rest after grocery shopping. I also found out there is a shortage of lower radiator hoses for my particular model of vehicle. Why is it, when clerks pull up the screen that tells them there is no lower hose, they will tell you but they have the upper one in stock, duh. Must be some mental defect because I doubt they teach that in any school.

           Later, I got the light working. It is weak and the wrong color, but it qualifies as a headlamp and now I just have to find the right brand of bulb to pass muster. By now it’s late but I drove up to see the last day at the Fubar. They had a band, and Karaoke, and the largest crowd I’ve seen there yet. Around 30 vehicles parked outside, this is not the first time they’ve seen this establishment close over the decades. But it s the last. The bulldozers move in fast, thought they’ve given this place a grace period. Good, I need building materials.
           The Karaoke guy looked kind of lonely, but I was too exhausted to really help. This guy had no computer, but had made up some 3,000 CDs and carried them around in boxes. Around sixty boxes, a tremendous amount of unnecessary work. I’ve jammed with the band a few years ago and they are okay but not tight. This is the one with the skinny lady bass player. They are and sound like a 1970s teen band plus 50 years of jamming the same tunes. Even their stage patter is way outdated. In all, it was a good send-off but I was not up to sticking around.

           I’ve always considered the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s to be the first big “foreign” war which the far left exported from the Russia they took over. In that sense, it is also the first modern political war. The more I hear about the US military embracing leftist philosophies, the more I see the direction it goes. Every time the left tries a serious take-over, they discover there are more than two enemy groups against them. Groups they had previously lumped as one, in this case the Republicans and the conservatives—I think. I don’t know because there are often real surprises. In the Spanish war, the government found they had to order two groups of aligned patriots to attack each other, allowing Franco to step in.

Last Laugh