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Sunday, April 11, 2021

April 11, 2021

One year ago today: April 11, 2020, dangerous data, an FB anniversary.
Five years ago today: April 11, 2016, working with Audacity.
Nine years ago today: April 11, 2012, diesel & dust.
Random years ago today: April 11, 2010, she was nice at first.

           Hmmm, police showing up at the houses of people who criticize AOC, claiming they threatened her life. So, to shield myself from a Twitter account that I don’t have, let me say I am in complete agreement with AOC. Mostly because, for a political woman, she is actually doable. I’ve never seen her without the sunken-eyed coke hooker makeup, but it’s nothing a dozen cervezas couldn’t deal with. You I mean, not me. I don’t do these women who look like, well, let’s just say when I lived in South America I could not always afford a hotel in the best parts of town.
           She’s over 30 and I no longer wonder how she got elected after looking at what she ran against. Some machine democrat, I believe is the term for her opponent. There may be a problem now that she is in DC, where her lack of education and experience have her flapping her jaws way out of her league. But if she ever starts selling popcorn to her twelve million on-line followers, she’ll for sure become a force to contend with.

           So got that? I have now glorified Ayock to the highest degree possible on her qualifications. Please don’t pound on my door, but mainly because it would make me famous. This blog is fertile ground for all kinds of crackpot interpretation. And the really good stuff, which was my active years, isn’t even published yet. What? Active? You know what I mean. Ayock hates everything American so it is not without irony that her name [Cortez] means “polite”. Before you go, I do have an opinion how an airhead like Ayock has followers.
           She’s part of that faceless, voiceless first generation of Common Core indoctrinees who have no minds of their own and no guts to do a thing about it. In other words, a millennial. (It's not entirely their fault, they were the guinea pigs.) If you want to see how it works, find one of those videos that shows how if you put a bunch of clocks or metronomes on a wobbly table, before long they all start ticking the same. There’s your answer. It happens without intelligence. Speaking of no intelligence, quit flying United. They just announced half their pilot classes are no longer to the most qualified, but to race and gender.

           Where’s my electric chain saw? I’ve got work to do. I cleared the deadfall off my yard and they need to be sliced to fit in the burning bucket. I don’t loose things like that, but misplace them and I remember putting the chain guard back in place, but it’s not in the storage shed. By noon, she clouded over and the rain began. Pardon me, sprinkles. There’s still a chance of putting in a full morning. I found several commercial models of bird misting devices, but none that have a timer. Will lawn sprinkler stuff work? As usual, finding it will be tricky without signing your privacy away. I’m grabbing an extra coffee while the location of that saw pops back into my head.
           I keep thinking I built a box for it, but I didn’t have the facilities for a tool that size until this month. The mystery deepens. Any side bets on where it turns up? Meanwhile, I’m watching that terribly in accurate movie, “Tora Tora Tora”. Where the Japanese conveniently scrapped the ancient WWI fleet of mothballed battleships at Pearl Harbor, saving the US the expense. A few thousand dead? Give ‘em a ribbon, call ‘em heroes, on to the next Democrat war. Anyway, I don’t think I took the chain saw to Tennessee.

           Not that I could have worked, noon brought a terrific rainstorm with wind gusts that took my shed hinges off and stripped the plastic off the work canopy. Around $200 damage, but nothing permanent. Rivers of water across my property right out into the street, so I’m okay. Matilda is high and dry under the house. I’m surprised there was not more warning on this, it was worse than some hurricane weather at moments. Now I know I need that new shed because the others were not designed to be totally weatherproof. Both older sheds have leaky roofs.
           I’m inside for the duration. Unless the power gives out, I’ve got a two week supply of coffee, hot chocolate, and twenty letters to write. I measured the A/C units and one of them will fit in the white shed if I position it so only the vanes are outside, which I’ve done before. My original plan was to use a dry area to sharpen saw blades in this kind of weather. The new shed would be fully equipped with DVD, sound, and I now know how to make my own hurricane straps.

Picture of the day.

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           How is the leftoid PBS able to stay in business? If there is any taxpayer money going to them, I object. They are not balanced and do not represent anything but the idiot left. I just watched a documentary on the “storming of the capitol” that only casually mentioned the reason was the stolen election, an issue that has never been properly investigated. All we got was 15 leftist media outlets and a few dozen outspoken Democrats telling us there was “no evidence” and to go home. Those people never understand that comes a point where that just does not work any more. The video was an incredible collection of largely unrelated scenes showing a small group hotheads running up some stairs and breaking a few windows. My video of the storm contains 800 times the weight in accuracy, here, judge for yourself.
           It’s actually funny in a way they had to wait until everything quieted down and comb over the events to string them together. Telephoto stills of the large protest crowds to suggest all the people in the view are part of the same small faction. Democrat patsies who predict everything sifted through to find the few that fit the narrative of the videos. Funny, but sad. Titled “Trump’s American Carnage”, five people died, mostly from pre-existing medical causes. But that video must have cost a fortune to present it as a serious affair.

           When I hear insurrection, I want to know how many guns they had, were they organized, who were the military leaders, you know, the stuff associated with violent takeovers. Not a protest that got out of hand. Of course the people were angry. The leadership refused to look at evidence they had all seen and heard. The video kept drumbeating that for Trump, it is over. We shall see. For the left to succeed, they must get the guns away from the patriotic class. Texas will likely be the flashpoint.
           Tell you what’s got me quizzical. The Deep State does not like to operate in the open but Trump gave them no choice. We’ve known that a while, but what’s new is how they are cramming everything from the past four years into such a small space. We are used to them up to one carefully stage-managed project or policy at a time, with maximum resources poured into distracting people from what’s going on. Now they have the border, gun control, green deals, lockdowns, crazy Pelosi, and the insurrection hoax all going at once. What gives?

           Ah, they are running out of time and/or money. The new bad guys have become Zuck & Dorsey, and are they sore about that. Trump has got millions (19 at last I heard) to make the primaries a threat. TMOR this is a med-term election where underperforming politicians could face being ousted by a member of their own party. This time, Trump knows them by name.
           So that’s my stance until further notice. The Democrats see the writing on the wall and they are posturing themselves to say they were stopped from saving America by the Republican Trumpist Nazi Right-Wing Facist Racist Homophobes. But they have to get it done fast, so fast that it seems the only thing they still have under control is the White House, and barely. They knew they stole the election, so they were expecting a fight. When Trump said to be peaceful, they had to manufacture one.

           Let’s check the feeds. Mostly Jimmy Ruska again. Another zillion data breach leaks. But I remind all the losers, you set yourselves up. These are private companies that did nothing illegal. Setting you hipsters and millennials up and playing you for suckers was a masterstroke, you blithering idiots still flock to anything they tell you is new and improved. And you think nobody saw you try to crawl backwards away from it hoping you’d be the one that got away. Google ran its ads and auctions in its own favor? So what, you let them do it.
           Israel has finally admitted an air strike, prior to this the jets have been coming out of UFOs from bases located in the Mountains of Hogwart. There are major developments in the weaponry, which is my area. The immediate threat is, at heart, the good old dumb SCUD rockets from the 1980s. American, British, and French universities have been busy since then training Iranian engineers how to make new and improved guidance systems. A circuit board, a Garmin GPS, and a soldering iron, poof, you now have a guided missile.

           Equally eerie is the Israeli silence over A.I. developments. No way a military short on manpower has been inactive in this department. Plus too many people know about Stuxnet and that scientist who was gunned down by a remotely operated vehicle. Um, if you wonder about Stuxnet, here’s an interesting Standford video that explains it plus is an excellent description of the what and how surrounding computer malware. 18 minutes.
           And another wave of press releases about what I call the “automation dividend”. This is the theory that the jobs replaced by robots will produce a quota of wealth to be distributed to the former workers. Some say it is $10 to $15,000 per year per worker. Thus, you could find a new occupation that paid that much less and the balance would magically appear in your bank account on payday. Yeah, right. Just like the English who shared the fruits of their Industrial Revolution with their countrymen.

Last Laugh

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