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Monday, April 12, 2021

April 12, 2021

One year ago today: April 12, 2020, the e-reader fiasco.
Five years ago today: April 12, 2016, yet another silver rumor.
Nine years ago today: April 12, 2012, 4 months = 8 months in Florida.
Random years ago today: April 12, 2005, a ¾-way house.

           Not every pie around here turns out great. I have a general recipe on the fridge door, but the last one came out so bland I had to check the before dates on my spice rack. Bland, the hardest part about my diet is no salt, which is part of it the poor taste. Also, I ran tried another pack of that McDaniel’s coffee? I think one of the components is chalk dust. I read up on that touted Singapore solar farm, the one that’s going to last until they get Typhoon Hari-Kari, slated for the upcoming September. The system apparently has a real challenge keep barnacles and sea life from doing their thing. Hmmm, why don’t they just electrocute them?
nbsp;    &      I should be careful with such free-thinking. The same people built the Mars helicopter and guess what part won’t work? I mean, there are probably 1,000 things that could go wrong with a helicopter, but what is the one thing that requires truly certified tenth-rate lunkhead golems to pull off? Remember, the only thing these people excel in is dodging blame. What’s the one thing a helicopter should be able to do no matter what else goes wrong?
           The flight was delayed until Sunday, if ever. That was y’day and still no videos posted. You try to get info on the helicopter and all you get from NASA is crappulence about the flight crews being “nervous” and “anxious”. Poor babies, somebody change their diapers and get them a care bear. Like who gives a flying copter about the wimps at NASA and their personal psychotic instabilities.

           What’s this, businesses leaving Georgia because they passed an election ID law. Which airline is that leaving? United, is it, I don’t know, but good riddance. They object to showing ID to vote but just you try getting on one of their airplanes without it, damn hypocrites. Wal*mart is racist, you have to show ID to buy beer. These and many topics discussed this morning when I was on the phone for an hour. You bet, it was the Reb. Who else can get me to talk on a phone more than ten words? Taylor, maybe? Or if Winfrey or Behar every call here by mistake, I’ve got about fifty choice words for each of those two. I know, get in line.
           You think it’s bad here for edicts and censorship, try Canada. The Edmonton Journal, a newspaper, has succeeded in shutting down a church and barricading the doors. Why this stands out is the way Canadians scream out that they are a free country. Yet they’ve allowed the mechanism in place that turns non-elects into rule-makers to an astonishing degree compared to America. In the US, there is at least some chance a tyranny could be overthrown. There are no Donald Trumps in Canada, nor can there be.

           Freedom in Canada means the government’s freedom to arrest you and throw away the key. Ask Vernon Meyers. Ask Ernst Zundel. Since there were no laws against what they did, the government bent other laws and said close enough. And what about the rifles that were confiscated in Alberta? What, we are supposed to forget that? Sorry, I forgot to forget. Anyway, the situation is much more dire in Canada because the edicts, the armed police force, and the mechanism to turn the place into a prison camp has been standing by ready since 1967. That fact it has not been used speaks volumes for the average Canadian’s complacency and obsequiousness.
           You talk to a Canadian, it is weird. Never having known freedom, they don’t miss it. They believe they are living in the midst of a large, law-abiding community and everything is fine. They do not know they are drones for the 200 families that own the country. I heard they are even going to shut down “The Rebel”, the only voice of dissent that exists. They’ve done it before, I recall when the government media cancelled “This Hour Has Seven Days”.

Picture of the day.
Café le Procope.
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           The talk is it was a tornado. It seems to have the most damage at the ball park west of town, then again over near Frostproof. I got up on the shed roof and this was no ordinary storm. Usually any loose pieces can be rounded up and fastened back in place. This time the pieces were shredded and thrown over the neighbor’s yard. It’s fastened back down but that was a wasted half-day.
           I put some pylons in place to mark out the new shed, I’m still not committed to building it. The less so because I priced out the lumber today. An ordinary piece of tongue and groove plywood underlay is not $80. Up from $36. If I know the lumber industry, those prices are never coming down. Funny, innit, how I always wanted a thousand-dollar workshed. A little COVID lockdown of the lumber mills, and presto.

           I think I’m going to raid the attic for the el-cheapo 2X6”s I was using to crawl around the rafters. Other than the odd repair, they are overkill and I now have enough scrap from the pallet place to make duckboards along the entire crawl space. I may find whole new uses for recycled lumber. I mean, would you spend $400 just on studs for a shed that should total cost less than that?

           Have you heard of UID2? You will. It’s a proposed tracking scheme that aims at replacing cookies. You see, you pesky users are increasingly defeating cookies and avoiding sites that use them. And for that, the eFAG people (particularly Google) hate you. As big tech sees it, your ability to chose and configure your own browser is a punishable sin. It’s been years since I’ve found a cookie my bin. A staunch user of blockers like cookienator, I never allow cookies and sites that use them. Cookies cannot identify you, but they can monitor your behavior. This is why Google and so many sites pressure you for a phone number—that’s their identifier.

           UID2 goes further. You will notice lately the upsurge in sites that require a membership to see innocuous things like the weather report? That’s UID2 at work. Closely examine the information they want for that membership. Advertisers have totally abused the cookies, which work in your browser including the one in your smart phone. But they want personal identification and a way to track what other devices you use. That means they will increasingly go after your e-mail address. Most people don’t know that e-mail is not on your browser, but a separate protocol that links your computer to the ISP server. Which is why you should delete your e-mail after you read it—the mail resides on their computer, not yours. After 30 days it is their property.

           This so-called “real world” identity makes it impossible to browse anonymously. That’s a hazard for the very large group whose web activity could be used against them. Big tech will again claim the usage is voluntary, but institute a new framework that demands your e-mail to access content. The goal is the IoT, which is being sold as a convenience but is actually a way to link everything from your TV, fridge, and self-driving car into one massive tracking and monitoring system. When your bed records your pulse, heartbeat, and respiration, it is recording everything else as well. You have zero control over what information is being linked.
           The community needs a new word to describe the advocates of this system, a term that goes beyond the nothing-to-hide flock. These are the ones who are so compromised by the system that they desperately want everybody else in the same situation. They have no privacy or anonymity due their own stupid decisions and would now force everyone into the same boat. Their thinking, if you could call it that is, as Churchill put it, that the alligator will eat them last.

           You know what I don’t like. Not the software, but the people who use Grammarly (or need to). It’s so obvious they are out of their league. And it spills over into their speech patterns, like listening to the substitute teacher pretending she knows the math. I tried to read a report on the latest bogus claim that Facebook is knowingly letting politicians fake ratings and fake news. They mean “Republican politicians” and anything else that does suit their narrative.
           I see my e-mail provider has gone millennial. There used to be a 25MB limit on videos per message. They’ve changed it to per session. The workaround is to log off and back on, but it is so typical of millennials that their only enduring tactic is to inconvenience people until they give in. It’s the on-line equivalent of begging. But, it’s the only way those guys get any, so they ain’t gonna quit.

           Have you seen their latest? Gothic script is racist. Same with Chinese fonts. Ever wonder why there are no widespread reports of millennials suffocating? How do the breath with their heads up their arses? Maybe they are calling the deaths COVID-related, but then again, judging by the fashions and haircuts, it is entirely possible their brains don’t have the same oxygen requirements as fully evolved human life.

Last Laugh

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