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Friday, May 21, 2021

May 21, 2021

One year ago today: May 21, 2020, my advice to alien women.
Five years ago today: May 21, 2016, mine, when the check clears.
Nine years ago today: May 21, 2012, Andrea Johnson still sucks.
Random years ago today: May 21, 2017, $34.99 spent polishing rocks.

           Florida is a wasteland for women to hang with. Getting laid is the easiest thing in the world for guys like me, but you know, I used to laugh at “old guys” who didn’t chase women. Because I thought the women were out there and they just didn’t have what it takes. On the other hand, I was 90% right about the big picture. Most of them did not have the prerequisites, but the other 10% I was dead wrong. The women are not out there. Still, I’d like to head downtown tonight and kick up my heels.
           Here’s my front yard clutter, it’s actually designed to be this way. You can find bird feeders, log piles, and brush. This was due to recently before the chain saw got here. Logs and limbs were lying in the yard too heavy for me to even budge. They are now sliced up and the yard is being reclaimed as I find the energy. Another project is the chairs shown here. They were for decoration but so many people have sat on them the wood has be replaced with something far more durable.

           Checking my calendar there are no jam sessions or live bands in driving distance, but there may be Karaoke over in Bartow. That new server and her boyfriend are doing well, which could be because they are the only place with anything like live entertainment within 20 miles. I was invited to a craft brewery, but I can’t really tolerate that pseudo-rap chanting they pipe in. Plus the tables are “2 meters” apart and it is not a place to meet anyone. The atmosphere is your group and their group so no mingling. The people you see there you just don’t see anywhere else in the city, which is not that big a place. Maybe they all have “passive income” and only put on their stretchy-pants (yoga pants) to go zombie once a week.

           This is a peculiar behavior, as I see it as having gone full circle in my lifetime. The generation before me has solid connections with what I see today. The early boomers questioned nothing important, they viewed the system as their master. You grew up, you got married, you spent the rest of your life as a debt slave. When you got old and infirm, the medical system bled back all the assets you thought you would pass on. I was never with that crowd, my generation changed the world. Now I see a return to benign acceptance of anything the media ladles out, the more bland the better. The women are beefy and the only advocates for change are leftists who want to drag everybody down to their level.
           That’s why I need to live to 2024, to watch the Democrat bloodbath. Since Mars isn’t happening, I must witness at least one more welcome event in my time. While I’m near the topic, I would not want to be a guy trying to find a gal out there. It’s an era of equal opportunity dating. I’ve said how every woman over 21 you meet has social, mental, or financial problems, usually all three. But these poor hipsters and millennials, they also have to deal with the Godzilla fashions and the Popeye-look. A little day-glo hair and pierced parts between the sincerely ugly tattoos. I’ll pass.

           What’s this China is setting up a call-line to report BitCoin miners? Sounds like an American style knee-jerk reaction. My suggestion is they just go find the guy with the $100,000 electricity bill. The MSM, stuck for any real evidence of their contrived “insurrection” is now clutching at the invisible. The fifth month is approaching since their wild claims about DC without a shred of proof, their desperation needle is in the zone. They are now claiming an attack by unseen beams, you know, the particular kind that don’t show up in photographs or radar screens, even.
           The NAS (National Academy of Sciences) issued a Fauci-like statement of “at least” two “possible” attacks on “an unknown number of troops” and a woman walking her dog in Virginia. The Academy doctor named Beatrice says this is backed up by “A tremendous number of physicians and scientists and entities and scientific studies and government reports, in many nations, over many decades . . . I swear, I’m not making this up. Four “ands” in one sentence means grammar is no longer a requisite in medical school.            Here are the symptoms. Irritability, headaches, fatigue, dizziness, memory loss, and impaired concentration. OMG, they’ve attacked the DMV! Not only that, I’ve been suspicious about the Canadian Parliament for years now, and don’t get me started on Rachel Maddow.

Picture of the day.
European sleeper train.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           This is the spear plants that are getting pulled up. Note how they died and look bad. They were chosen to be the best specimens and according to the Almanac, they were transplanted right. But second year they all got this die-off look. Out they go. The Reb had me on the phone an hour, we have to schedule a fact-to-face soon. There is only so much you can or should say on a phone in the USA as all calls are recorded. Now that the phone system, PayPal, and the tax system have been politically weaponized, it makes sense to talk business in person even if you totally have nothing to hide.
           Another five-hour nap but this time it was restful, so I took another lengthy look at on-line publishing. The Reb & I first talked about this in 1988, but each time the real costs were totaled it was ten times the sucker quote. Self-publishing was one of the worst unbundled pricing schemes before the Internet arrived. Sure, they’ll publish, but if you want a cover on the book and a listing in the catalog, now you’re talking extras.

           We’ve followed up several places that claim to do the dirty work for you. Because we know the process, it was easy [for us] to avoid the bad operators. It is down to a short list as I remind you we are only looking. I’m aware this blog often mentions everything from projects to emotions as if they are done deals—and they are not. Don’t bet your first-born on anything said here as this is a reflection of real life meant for entertainment. Like trips to Tennessee, lottery tickets, and stimulus checks, it means nothing until after the fact.
           Hard facts are rare on-line. I’ve found some and run the numbers. You may bet repeats as this is an on-going matter. Another idiosyncrasy of the gig economy is the over-concern of biz-ops to stress how quickly investors will make their money back. Almost a quarter of many webinars belabor this point, tipping us off they expect most newcomers to use a credit card. Otherwise, so what if it takes six months to turn a profit, is what I’m sayin’. If so, this gives us some automatic advantages.

           Rather than listen to hair-lipped narrators go on about the few lucky startups that made big bucks from day one, I’ve amalgamated the reviews to see what really gives. It means I’m not counting on making money right away, I’m budgeting for five times as long and as expensively on each. It leaves a few people around here wide-eyed where I can’t see why anybody would approach a new venture any other way. If you need to make money back right away, you will be confined to the operations which focus on that and I say those are always far too risky. I concentrated on infrastructure and while I went without until later in life, I’ve been reaping the benefits a long time now.
           What’s the incentive all of a sudden? It’s inflation. Now is not the time to start “saving up” to get something underway. It’s far too late for that. Up to now it’s expensive food, gas, and lumber. Soon, all startup costs will soar and I know people who are actually not spending money hoping prices will drop and thinking they will have more when something really expensive happens. Stick around, my personal hope is we find a publishing business plan with attributes I’ve been citing the last few days.
           For that matter, I looked extra at publishing and some on-line sources stick with a figure of $450. I consider that preposterously low. I believe I quoted more like $1,000 for on-line. That is still vastly cheaper than printbooks. I mentioned a margin of five times meaning I’d need to come up with five grand. If it turns out to be publishing, I think I can. Stick around for the ride—we will be making a decision by the weekend.

           This is a panel of progress on the computer wall today, for documentary purposes. But it is the top story around here. Viewing the panels zig-zag, you can see the extensive amount of cutout work for all the outlets. This is a skill I’ve never mastered. Today, I marked the positions of the cuts instead of measuring, and three of them were still wrong. Each triple duplex outlet has a purpose for it’s position. There is the insulation packed around the iron bathtub. That’s heavy R-13 attic insulation, designed to keep the water steaming hot. The darker insulation on the upper side is regular sound-proofing, which I’ve found works but is not worth the extra money or time. It does not block stead noise, like a radio playing.
           Next shown is the tarpaper. The bathroom was heaviest attacked by termites which require a source of water. The entire piping system is now sealed and tested bone dry, and the two bathroom walls that face bedrooms are not protected by this vapor barrier. The last photo is the drywall installed. Yes, the cutouts are too large and some can be seen recut. It’s par for me. The light switches are near the door, there are three separate circuits on this wall so a popped breaker won’t black out the room. One set is not working, you can see it dangling out of the box. Otherwise, this wall is ready for mud and tape.

           Both sets of door frames are crooked. These are the doors that began working right when the floor was leveled. The frames had become permanently warped. I am going to simply cut custom strips to bring them flush with the drywall and leave them in place. This wall will serve as a combination computer office, music studio, and small work area. All but six of the outlets are already spoken for. And on Sunday, I’m looking forward to a soaking hot bath like never before in this cabin.
           Last for now, the US is seeking to mandate all BitCoin transfers over $10,000 must be reported. I was unaware they were exempt. Anyway, it will just cause the bad guys to move on to something else. It’s just like the US to address the symptoms instead of cure the disease, which in this case is the unfair (I did not say unequal) distribution of wealth. The US is no longer the place you can get ahead by working hard, you have to get lucky or pull a fast one. The fact is, most Americans would likely get rich if the government just left them alone. But that’s as likely as Biden stepping down voluntarily.

Last Laugh