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Thursday, May 27, 2021

May 27, 2021

One year ago today: May 27, 2020, fact by repetition.
Five years ago today: May 27, 2016, gruesome corruption.
Nine years ago today: May 27, 2012, a third-rate performance.
Random years ago today: May 27, 2008, the first thing I did.

           Up at dawn and the van A/C still doesn’t work. The new compressor lasted around a half-hour. There is something wrong with the lines, nobody will listen to me. Anyway, I can’t get it looked at until after the Memorial Day weekend. I don’t do Hallmark holidays. I’m at the moment I’m laughing at the Democrat to voted to defund the police who got carjacked in broad daylight. By juveniles (ages 6 to 12). Serves him right. The Democrat party is embarrassing itself out of existence. If CNN ratings get any worse, I’ll be tempted to start my own news network. Fact is, the Democrats are embarrassing themselves into extinction. They will not be missed. Before you go any further, yes, it’s a food picture. I had catfish for breakfast. I can explain, but I won’t.
           Did you catch that vote in Oregon to secede from the radicals in their culturally eroded cities? If they join Idaho as planned, Idaho would be nearing the size of Texas. This would be game-changer, because since the Civil War (which as not a civil war) every political party in power has increasingly put laws in place to basically prevent gerrymandering at the state level. The way I see it, the movement is another proof of what this blog has always held—that parasites need a host. The parasites must prevent the host not only from dying, but from moving out of range.

           My solution is and remains, make things equal but separate. You cannot force people to live together without favoring one side over the other. Leave these blue leftist areas to their own resources. They don’t have any, I’m aware of that. Cut off their free rides and watch how quickly they turn into Detroit. And Idaho would get some oceanfront beach. I grabbed a second coffee and listened to more TV, wondering if this Hunter Biden thing is about to flare up again. I have no interest in the details, but a great interest in wondering which of these issues will be the one that sinks the ship.
           The Arizona audit shows 11% of the votes were adjudicated, which means not just the phony Democrat recount of the same ballots by the same counters, but to determine if the voter was eligible, and extends in this audit to whether the ballot itself is authentic. What’s significant is the Arizona people responsible for elections declared the rate to be 3%. They lied, and I suspect the silence from the Maricopa auditors is purposely designed to bring such things to the surface. I heard the alliterative term “Circle-back Psaki” first time today. The problems being found fall into these categories of bad ballots.
a) cast by foreigners or non-state residents
b) illegally scanned multiple times
c) counterfeit ballots printed on Chinese paper
d) supposed mail-in ballots with no paper creases
e) formatted to show only Democrat candidates
           The outside temp hit summer extremes today as I hit the library in Winter Haven to keep cool. I often read articles like word origins, which found me in the used book store. This redhead walked in wearing yoga pants and what a jaw-dropper. Guys, they’re still making them like they used to, although for those of you who also wear yoga pants, this was way out of your league. If I was thirty years younger I’d have moved, since that is precisely my type. Alas, she walked over to the children’s section and began looking for religious literature. Still, what an eyeful, which reminds me to get that carotid ultrasound soon.

Picture of the day.
Latest super-hi-tech NASA-Pentagon
billon-dollar photo of UFO.
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           More time on the modules, as the outside temp is 96°F, which creates a dank humid heat even in the shade. I stayed on the north side of the building, under the tree shade. This “course” includes hours of pep talk, which is good but people who will succeed generally know all that stuff. I’m finally getting to descriptions of how sales and stats are interpreted. Just you watch, soon they’ll call these “metrics”. Ha, it is spreadsheets, confirming my belief that millions of users still don’t know what’s behind the scenes. At the other extreme, I have repeated dropped every menu and read every command in Excel. So I recognize what’s going on—they are using conditional formatting to change cell colors as the data is entered. Primitive, but obviously a novelty to their target audience.
           What catches my ear is their view of audiobooks. They are right, but they don’t go as far as I have already. A big reason I like this format is because, when the topic is light enough, you can do other things while listening. I personally have never underestimated this, whereas they have yet to mention it. But they will, and I notice these people have only a vague background in statistics, so their analytics are also minimal. Another extreme, I have a thorough grounding in bell curves and Baye’s Theorem. If these guys are on to anything, we will soon perfect it over here.

           It’s funny, but these characters, who advise other not to narrate their own books, regularly muck up on their own. They try to talk techie which does nothing but raise eyebrows around here. They have created spreadsheet flat files and seem to honestly think this is new. What’s also funny is that Southwest flight attendant who got her teeth punched out of trying to play mask cop. These insignificant nobodies love their only brief brush with authority, forgetting it was a moment in their miserable nothing lives.
           Besides, they are not flight attendants, they are stewardesses and should be subject to the original rules thereof. Must be a nurse, and get fired the moment they get old, pregnant, fat, shacked up, or any variation thereof. Is that sexist? Nope, just another way of saying these mask people and other small fry need to be set back in their place. And one of their passengers found an effective way to do it. Real stewardesses don’t tell people what to wear on their faces. It is just not their place in life and doing so is picking a fight. They should refuse to do it on safety grounds, but oh, how they love that little taste of power!

           Ha, just saw the sanitized version by some lunk called Charlie Kirk. He turns it into a passenger violence issue. Says attacks are unprecedented. No, Chuck, what’s unprecedented is the way airline people are shoving their leftist politics on passengers. Real Americans don't tell other people what to do. He lies, saying it was a seatbelt issue and does not even mention the mask. This, Chuckie, is why low-lifes like you always remain a party hack unless you find a Trump to attack.
           To enforce a point, I’ve had several sources contact me over the past months over the increased impudence of the service class. Socially, these people are the lowest caste in the American system. Janitors, waiters, call center, these are jobs for dropouts and way down on the list of respectability—which is not to say the majority of people in the world should be so lucky as to have such a job in America.
           But these occupations carry zero or negative status. That’s why I warned what would happen if you gave these flunkies anything but quiet “do your job” respect. Hand these sort the slightest authority, even if it is asking people to wear masks, and within minutes they will be telling people to wear masks. And they will escalate this power-tripping until they get a fist in the face. Arresting their victims will not help so I advise you to side with the majority on this one.

           Did I just use “alliterative” in a sentence? Who’s a good boy?

Last Laugh